Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1669: Broker by chance

"So what do you mean?" Yang Cheng interrupted.

"I mean it is very necessary to participate in the expansion of global core hub airports, such as London Heathrow, the new airport in Beijing, etc."

Yang Cheng was sure that Bastian didn't just say these words for the sake of flattering himself. There is no way, because the flattering is too much, and people have a subconscious emergency response.

"Very well, come up with an investment plan and send it to all regions as soon as possible for implementation. I don't care about the others. The terminals in London and the capital must have our own investment." Yang Cheng said loudly, obviously. Ordered to die.

"Understood~ Also about Alitalia, what's your opinion on the boss?"

"Like Korean Air, it is enough to get the seat of the largest shareholder. In addition, it is important to note in the negotiation that Italy ZF must be withdrawn from the company and no one can stay."

"I know what to do. I will personally watch this acquisition. It's really impossible. I will fly to Italy."

"Yes, Bastian, you must remember that Delta Air Lines does not need to expand blindly to flood its strengths. The resources we need must be the essence!

Alitalia's share on the Atlantic route is not low, so I am tempted, but it is definitely not necessary. You have to understand this. Once the Italian ZF Lion opens its mouth, you just leave. "

"Good Mr. Yang~"

Bastian added, "By the way, Mr. Yang, I heard that LATAM is seeking financing recently and expects to release 20% of its shares."

Yang Cheng turned his head, "LATAM? Is it the former Chilean Airlines?"

LATAM, also known as Latin American Airlines, is now the largest airline in Latin America. It was formed by the merger of the former Chilean Airlines and several other airlines. Headquartered in Santiago, this airline has routes in 25 countries and 140 destinations around the world. Of course, the main routes are still in Latin America, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. With the development in recent years, this airline has also entered Europe, the United States, Africa and Oceania.

The strength is second to none in South America. Of course, on the airways between North and South America, the hegemony still belongs to American Airlines. Delta Airlines has always wanted to bite this big piece of fat from American Airlines, but it has been out of control. When Bastian said the news suddenly, he obviously had a plan.

"Do you want to buy it?"

"Yes, LATAM is not only the top airline in Latin America, but also an important member of the oneworld alliance. Once we buy these 20% shares and successfully enter the board of directors, we can completely ask them to quit oneworld and join the SkyTeam alliance! "

Yang Cheng frowned, "It is necessary. I remember that we have 9% of Embraer's shares in our hands. These two are deadly rivals. Moreover, ZZ in South America is unstable, economic turbulence, and long-term losses are an indisputable fact. We have Is it necessary to compete with American Airlines in South America?"

Bastian also smiled bitterly. "Mr. Yang is right. As Latin America has been affected by ZZ and social unrest, and the scale of protests has been escalating, the number of tourists visiting the area has shown a downward trend.

In addition, the economic collapse of Venezuela has led to a further slowdown in the growth of passenger and cargo demand in Latin America. It is estimated that by the end of this year, the airlines in Latin America will lose more than 400 million U.S. dollars, while the expected revenue for the same period last year was 700 million U.S. dollars.

But next year, as ZZ stabilizes and the economy picks up, airlines will definitely benefit from it.

Of course, the most important significance of the acquisition of LATAM is not economic gains, but an important blow to American Airlines. "

Yang Orange nodded, "I see, let me think about it. Is the agreement okay? At that time, we will inevitably establish a joint venture with LATAM to operate routes between the United States and Latin American countries. The attitude of these countries in Latin America will change for a while."

Airlines are not as simple as buying land and building factories. If they want to enter the airspace of a country, they must obtain an open skies agreement. Otherwise, they deserve to be unlucky for intruding and being knocked down by missiles. There is no reason.

"I don't think the problem is big, but the process will definitely be quite long, one to two years is possible."

Yang Cheng shook his head again. "I don't think there is any need to be so troublesome. Brazil accounts for 30% of the entire Latin American region. We control Embraer is equivalent to control the lifeblood of Latin American aviation."

Bastian insisted on his opinion, Yang Cheng had no choice but to say, "Take it to the board of directors to discuss it. Everyone vote. If the majority supports the acquisition, then I won't object."

"Okay, sorry Mr. Yang, I didn't mean to be against you."

"I know it is for the good of the company, and I am willing to accept any good opinions."

. . .

In the evening, the banquet was successfully held at the Shilla Hotel, and there was a serious traffic jam on the surrounding roads less than 6 o’clock. Tonight can be called a gathering of celebrities. Not only many local heavyweight chaebols in South Korea have participated, including many ZZ characters. They also played support at this time when the limelight was not so good.

In fact, everyone is looking at Yang Cheng's face. This can be regarded as his first large-scale banquet after he came to South Korea. It was full of scenes and people naturally wanted to give support.

The VIPs dressed in gorgeous dresses and filled with hypocritical smiles appeared on the stage. Yang Cheng inevitably had to say hello one by one. Fortunately, Li Fu~ was really shaking next to him, and most people didn't dare to step forward and get rid of the mold.

After politely greeted a university president and his wife again, Yang Cheng complained to Li Fu in a deep voice, "It was originally an internal party in our company. After being engaged in this way, it is estimated that tomorrow will be a financial news headline, tired. I'm dead~"

Li Fu~ Of course he smiled and fixed his bow tie affectionately. "You are also a world-class rich man, pay attention to your image."

"Believe it or not, I just fart, and some people praise my ass?" Yang Cheng shrugged indifferently. Li Fu, who was so angry, really wanted to hit someone, and said dumbfounded, "Your mouth!"

Yang Orange smirked, "What's wrong with my mouth? What kind of strength you have personally experienced."

Fortunately, Li Fu~ I really put on makeup today, otherwise she would be seen by others, which would be shameful, "Bah~Don’t say bad things~"

"Hello Mr. Yang, Ms. Li, I am Zhang Jun, the representative of United Sports Corporation~"

Someone came up to greet, Yang Cheng temporarily put aside the mood of laughing with Li Fu, turned his head to look over, United Sports Company? I haven't heard of it, but how did a representative of a sports company attend a gathering of aviation professionals?

"Hello, Representative Zhang, are you here with a friend?"

"No, no, I'm sorry, the invitation letter I borrowed from a friend is very presumptuous, but for the players under my name, I think it's worth it."

Yang Cheng found it interesting. It turned out to be to find opportunities for his company's players. "Who are your players?"

"Sun Xingmin now playing for Tottenham~"

Yang Cheng couldn't help but glanced at each other a few more times. This is one of the representatives of Asian players today. No wonder the other party looks very confident. "I remember that Sun Xingmin's contract with Tottenham will expire in three years, right? Representative Zhang is so. I was anxious to help him find his next home. Could it be that Sun Xingmin and Tottenham were unhappy?"

"No, no, of course not. Sun Xingmin's life in London is very good, but if he can set foot on a higher stage, why stay where he is?"

The words of this representative Zhang are very meaningful, Yang Cheng seems to understand something, "So you think Liverpool can provide him with a bigger stage?"

"Of course, Liverpool is a traditional giant. Although it was a bit lonely in the past few years, the heritage still remains. Since Mr. Yang took over the team, Liverpool has awakened its glory in the past and is on its way to glory."

"Thank you for your compliment. We still have a lot to do. We also need more capable players to join us to fulfill this great dream together."

The two were polite to each other, and Representative Zhang added, "If Liverpool can show sincerity, Sun Xingmin would not mind experiencing the charm of Liverpool."

Yang Orange asked strangely, "Can you represent the player himself, does he think so too?"

"Of course, Sun Xingmin himself likes Liverpool very much, he was also a Liverpool fan."

Yang Cheng nodded doubtfully, "If there is a chance in the future, we can cooperate, but unfortunately, the transfer period of this season is over."

"Yes, it's a pity, but I just want to introduce myself to Mr. Yang. In the future, if you need it, you can contact me directly, 24 hours a day. I still have many good Korean players. Reach in-depth cooperation."

After receiving the business card from the other party, Yang Cheng said ambiguously, "Hope to have a chance~"

After the person left, Li Fu~ really shook his head, "This person is not very good~"

Yang Cheng smiled playfully, "Yes, I think his behavior is But I bet he came to me privately today without Sun Xingmin's consent."

Li Fu~ really nodded, "I haven't met that player, but I have heard his name a lot. As a representative of the Korean sports world, he has his eyes on every move. This representative thinks too simple. "

"He just wants to make a lot of money from it. I guess he must have not made much money in the last transfer."

"It's possible. Forget it, let alone him. I heard that you had a meeting for several hours this afternoon. Did you talk about the acquisition of Asiana Airlines."

Yang Cheng was startled, and smiled bitterly, "No, I'm honest, I don't think South Korea's ZF will compromise on this issue and be monopolized by a foreign-funded company in the domestic aviation market. Thinking about it, it is a fantasy. Korean Air is already a miracle.

Furthermore, Asiana Airlines is nothing short of a taste for us. Not to mention the overlap of routes with Korean Air, and the low share of international routes. What should we do after we buy it? Merged with Korean Air? This is fine, but this will undoubtedly put the monopoly on paper, and anyone can sue us for the monopoly! "

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