Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1674: Moved by cheers

"Boss, the season tickets for this season are all sold out. Originally we thought there would be a surplus of the season ticket raised to 960 pounds, but the enthusiasm of the fans exceeded our expectations. Several upsells were in short supply. In the end, we had to retreat. Second, exclude new members and meet the needs of old members first.

By the way, since we announced Messi’s joining last season, we have added more than 2,000 new members so far, and the total number of members has reached 15,000. It is estimated that by the end of 2017, the total number of members will reach 18,000 or even 20,000. "

Yang Cheng nodded. Liverpool’s previous commercial propaganda was equal to zero. It relied on a wave of feelings. After the acquisition, Yang Cheng would naturally not let this situation continue. He himself is a media tycoon, if he can’t even do propaganda. Well, it's still a fart'Heng'.

"Continue to work hard and strive to one day, 90% of the people who come to Anfield to watch are our members."

Ian Ayre knows that Yang Cheng is joking, but may wish to position this distant goal, one day it will always be achieved, "We will definitely work hard. In addition, this season's single game ticket price has been increased to 47 pounds. Tickets for the stands are still sold out. Our decision to rebuild and add stands is correct. After the end of this season, the cost of investment and reconstruction will not be recovered, and it will be a net profit in the future."

"As it should be, Messi's joining is the biggest gimmick to attract fans to the stadium, not to mention that he has performed so well~"

"Yes, we are going to carry out a series of fan meeting activities around Messi, including signing parties. In short, we must give full play to the commercial value of Messi~"

Yang Cheng reminded him coldly, "You have to pay attention to communicating with Messi, don't let him feel resistance, and don't delay his training, ensure his competitive state can make us make more money."

"I understand the boss, everything is based on the team's victory~"

"Well, I believe you can do it well~"

Next, Ian Ayre reported on the team's peripheral income, including jerseys, scarves, autographed footballs, etc. The profits of almost all business projects have doubled several times. Again, Liverpool has made a huge profit!

. . .

Turning the sky, ushered in the sixth round of the Premier League, today Liverpool will usher in the challenge of being promoted to Maher City at home. Undoubtedly, it is another full game.

When Yang Cheng arrived at the stadium, they were just in time for the fans to check in. There were long dragons scattered around the stadium. Most of them were a family of three or four. The older ones were more than 70 years old and the younger ones were only a few years old. They all wore the Liverpool team. It is a new LVMH version of the team uniform. On the basis of the traditional red, complex dark patterns are added. The red, like red wine in the sun, looks noble.

Undoubtedly, the intervention of the LVMH Group has injected a noble gene into Liverpool's blood.

At least now wearing a Liverpool uniform will not be regarded as an ignorant boy, but as a symbol of your taste.

Yang Cheng’s special car entered from the VIP channel and quickly disappeared from the fans’ eyes. However, it was only a flashing figure that was recognized by the fans and rushed to tell: the boss is here~

It is estimated that Yang Cheng is the most popular member in the hearts of all Liverpool fans. Even if many people only love his money, at least the enthusiasm shown on the surface is something other club owners will never catch up.

"Boss, you have to be prepared tonight to welcome the cheers of the fans~" Ian Al came up to open the door for Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng also wore a Liverpool team uniform with simple washed jeans. In order to match his clothes, Su Su and Liu Junyu also changed into team uniforms. The beauties wore a different style.

"Do you still have to prepare for cheering?"

Yang Cheng made a joke and stopped suddenly, "By the way, let me send some snacks to the box. I really missed the fried fish sticks for a long time."

Ian El laughed, "It seems that you are also a half-British boss, I will let people prepare~"

. . .

At the entrance ceremony before the game, Yang Cheng regretted not listening to Ian Ayer's reminder, and the deafening shouts made his head buzzing.

What is it like when more than 60,000 people shout your name in unison?

Yang Cheng had an answer to this question, and that was comfort, a sense of refreshment that would be released after having done a whole-body slaughter.


Everyone is chanting his last name. This is the biggest compliment from the fans to the owner of the club. Thank him for bringing Love, Harry Kane, and Messi. Thank you for his role. The team invested a lot of money and allowed Liverpool to regain the glory of the giants in just two years. All of this was brought by Yang Cheng. These lovely fans know it well, so they have to use the most enthusiastic and sincere way to come. Welcome him.

Yang Cheng is not a sentimental person. On the contrary, in the eyes of everyone, he is an extremely rational person, but at this moment, facing the shouts of more than 60,000 people in the audience, he couldn't help but tears in his eyes, even if he bought Liverpool back then. His purpose is not pure, just to make money and financial investment, but now, he is moved by the sincere and lovely fans of Liverpool. He decided that as long as he still has the money and the energy to contribute to Liverpool, then he will definitely not Will sell the team, even 1% of the shares!

People are most likely to make impulsive things when they are moved. For example, Yang Cheng is excited to invite all the fans to have a fish-fried fish stick set menu. The money is not expensive, only a few hundred thousand pounds. The key is to blow up Liverpool’s The fish shops are all sold out, and I don't know if they can satisfy the appetite of more than 60,000 people.

The fish under the Atlantic Ocean were trembling.

It may be because the performance of the fans stimulated the players on the field. After completing the entrance ceremony, they stared at the half-time where Hull City was, wishing to swallow the opponent, even Messi, who was always restrained. At this moment, they all showed the light of victory.


I don’t know who yelled. With the whistle of the game, the Red Army showed a compelling momentum. Except for the goalkeeper, everyone pressed up. If you look down from a high altitude, Liverpool’s half-time is instantly empty, if you can. To play anti-offside, you will definitely hit one.

It is a pity that the counterattack tactics that Hull depends on for a living were too late to be played, and they were held by Liverpool in their own half.

In the opening 3 minutes, Messi got the ball on the right side he was familiar with. After three consecutive defensive players sent a scalpel pass. Harry Kane knew it well and successfully reversed offside on the penalty zone line without stopping after getting the ball. He rounded his long legs, this leg exerted a lot of force, and the place to eat was also accurate. When the ball flew up, it didn't spin at all. It hit the goal in the blink of an eye. The opponent's goalkeeper just instinctively returned. Like rust on his feet, he stuck to the ground without moving a bit.

"What's the situation? Got a goal?" Yang Cheng is still urging his subordinates to hurry up and arrange the restaurants to transfer goods from surrounding cities. If it doesn't work, buy Turkish barbecue. Anyway, you have to let the fans have meat!

Before I finished speaking, I felt a vibration from the soles of my feet, just like an earthquake, and then the audience shouted wildly. The live DJ once again challenged his vital capacity record, "goal..."

The 30-second long tone made everyone on the scene and in front of the TV scalp numb, but they were still dancing.

Susu and Liu Junyu, who don't understand what football is all about, originally entered the stadium with the mentality of killing time. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

But when the fans in the audience cheered and shouted for Yang Cheng, they felt shocked, but nothing more. Until this moment, they witnessed the whole process of scoring with their own eyes, and everyone stood up and shouted like they had finished rehearsing. They finally realized the charm of football, which is a crazy sport that can make people forget their worries and sorrows, and devote themselves to the game, followed by yelling and hysterics.

The two glanced at each other, and jumped up, completely happy.

"Messi in?"

"It's Harry, Messi's assist~"

"Ha, the two of them are in good agreement~"

As soon as the voice fell, Hull City, who had just kicked off, was intercepted. The ball was handed over to Messi's feet again. The same defender in the same position can pass it again after one pass. These British back positions seem to be fierce. However, the disadvantage of their slow turning speed is the type that Messi likes to face most. As long as a simple upper body shakes, they can shake the opponent's feet with garlic, plus the still proud dribbling speed nowadays. It's as simple as crossing the road in the morning.

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