Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1707: Twelve million is very cheap!

Yang Cheng regrets that if it were not because of Aunt Qiu, he would never have thought of the Permian, let alone the reason for the continued downturn in oil prices. If I remembered it earlier, there would be a lot of profit here, and nothing else. Shorting crude oil futures is enough for him to earn the cash he needs in the next few years.

Around 2010, the first shale oil revolution in the United States broke out, causing international oil prices to plummet, and before the pain of oil prices was over, many people predicted that the second shale revolution was already in the making. The base of the second shale revolution was the Permian Basin.

At that time, the words of these experts were concealed by the wailing in the market, and did not cause too many waves. At that time, Yang Cheng was still in the hesitation period of losing his lover, and the whole person was confused. To pay attention to crude oil, it is estimated that only when the whole world is out of gas and all the cars are dead, can he pay a little attention, and then walk to the bar to get drunk.

And the class he was in in the previous life directly blocked his information source. He was busy every day. What he was concerned about was nothing more than the parents' shortcomings, what vegetables were cheaper, what eggs were up in price, what pork was sold for gold, etc. Crude oil? Do you have half a dime relationship with the ordinary people? At most I look at the news, but I don't pay attention to it.

Regret! As long as he can learn more about the reasons for the sharp drop in oil prices in his previous life, he will not miss such a good opportunity to make money. It hurts when he thinks about it. The benefits of billions of dollars will be missed by him. This is all his own money. !

Yang Cheng wailed inwardly, wishing to slap herself.

Seeing that he was caught in Gu, and his face turned green and red, Yang Sen asked, "What's wrong? His face is so ugly?"

Yang Cheng cried and said, "Nothing, I just feel like I have lost billions!"

"What billions?" Yang Sen felt that his son was stupid, so what did he say?

"Dad, should we take over the land of Lao Tan?"

Speaking astonishingly and endlessly, after Yang Cheng said a word inexplicably, suddenly made an amazing decision.

Liu Yun's eyes were even more complicated, half moved and half worried. Needless to say, he thought his son agreed to take up the mess for himself, and it was precisely because of this that she was worried. What if he fails? Didn't he hurt his son?

The key is that Lao Tan has already failed on this piece of land, should he gamble to fail again?

"What? Are you crazy?" Yang Sen feels even more hate that iron can't become steel. As his son has developed better and better in his career in the past two years, he hasn't felt that way anymore, replaced by successors. Someone's pride.

But how long has it passed before you get slapped in the face?

Yang Cheng is of course not impulsive. If he doesn’t understand anything, he will bet on a plot with a 90% failure rate. Before taking over, he must hire an oil service provider to conduct a comprehensive survey of the target plot. Lao Tan is because he has no money. No survey, he has money!

In addition, the oil he extracted was taken over by Delta Air Lines, a major oil eater, and there was no need to worry about it being sold. Moreover, as I said before, the cost of shale oil extraction is extremely low, and selling at the current oil price is completely profitable. .

At present, while Saudi Arabia, polar bears and other countries are actively reducing oil production, the Permian Basin has continued to increase production. No one knows where the confrontation between the Permian Basin and Saudi Arabia and the polar bears will bring the depressed international oil prices. Very worried, but the enthusiasm of oil producers in the Permian Basin does not seem to have diminished.

The three major U.S. oil giants unanimously aimed at the Permian Basin, and they are in full swing. This is the most important basis. With the urine of the three giants, will they make a loss trade? Do not make jokes!

Yang Cheng asked, "Dad, don't get excited, calm down and think about the recent moves of oil giants including ExxonMobil?"

Janssen frowned and said, “The 2017 plan just released by Essen Mobil stated that 25% of its investment will be used for the exploration and development of unconventional oil and gas mainly in the Permian Basin, and that the total production in the Permian Basin will be in the future. Will account for 25% of the company’s total output."

Yang Cheng opened his hand, and the meaning was obvious, "Look, not only Exxon Mobil, but also Chevron. Although they have not announced to the public, they expect the Permian oil fields to return to profitability, including Marathon Oil. The giants moved the battlefield to the Permian at the same time. Doesn’t that mean anything?"

Janssen’s frowning brows still failed to loosen. “I don’t deny the prospects of Permian oil fields. Experts on Wall Street predict that the Permian shale oil reserves may reach 75 billion barrels, and the Permian basin may become the world’s largest. The second largest oil field.

Although this prediction has been considered exaggerated by many people, more and more events have shown that this prediction may come true.

Therefore, whether it is the three big giants or small oil exploration and development companies, you can take a gamble, including us!

But why should we gamble on a land that has failed? The area of ​​the Permian Basin is so large that Lao Tan is not alone in holding a piece of land. "

What Yang Sen said makes sense, but Yang Cheng has his own ideas, "Dad, first of all, if we don’t have land ownership, we don’t have the right to conduct exploration. Instead of spending billions of dollars to gamble, we might as well spend millions. Even if Lao Tan’s land is bought, even if we lose the gambling, our loss is not big.

The reason why Lao Tan and the others failed was because they were unable to conduct comprehensive exploration of the land. "

Yang Sen opened his mouth. This reason was valid. He did not refute. Liu Yun was anxious. "Son, you have to think clearly. Although I have a good relationship with your Aunt Qiu, it has not yet reached the point of ruining her fortune."

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, "Mom, I haven't gone to the point of bankruptcy. Even if I lose, I can afford it at most tens of millions. I don't need to touch your coffins~"

The couple laughed angrily, "What did the brat say~"

. . .

On the second day, Qiu Ying was the first to wake up and found herself in an unfamiliar environment. She was subconsciously vigilant and checked her clothes for the first time. . . Intact!

With a sigh of relief, I began to look at the surrounding environment. The decoration is very American and the materials are all high-end. The room is more than 20 square meters, and there is a walk-in cloakroom and bathroom. It is enough for a guest bedroom. It's luxurious.

Qiu Ying rubbed her head that was about to explode, and suddenly remembered that she seemed to be with Liu Yun last night, and it was broken when she drank and had no impression. Is this Liu Yun's house?

After hesitating for a while, I got up and took a shower in the bathroom, and found that a new set of women’s clothes were prepared in the bathroom, the size was the same as hers. For a clean woman, drunk clothes are absolutely inaccessible. Seeing the new clothes, I can't help thinking, still my girlfriend understands myself.

I changed my clothes and went out, just as the maid was cleaning up. I was stunned when I saw her and said hello.

Qiu Ying was still worried, and tried to ask, "Is this Liu Yun's house?"

"Yes, madam, madam is still upstairs resting, do you need me to wake them up?"

Qiu Ying waved her hand again and again, and she was relieved that she knew it was her best friend, "No need~"

She wanted to go first. After all, her embarrassment was seen by the Yang family, and she didn't know how to face it. It was embarrassing.

But it was impolite to leave without saying hello.

"Madam, do you want to have breakfast?" The servant interrupted Qiu Ying's chaotic thoughts.

"No, just give me a cup of hot milk~"

"Okay lady, please wait a moment~"

. . .

After 8 o'clock, the three Yang family got up one after another, and the table was full of rich breakfasts. It seemed that many of them were just rich in variety and not large in quantity.

After Liu Yun went downstairs, she went directly to the guest bedroom and found that the door was open, and knocked with a smile, "Qiu Ying, are you awake? Can I come in?"

Qiu Ying ran out after hearing the sound, and saw Liu Yun feeling relieved, "Thank you so much last night~"

Liu Yun stepped forward and took her girlfriend's hand affectionately, "Thank you, isn't this supposed to be?"

After a pause, seeing Qiu Ying looking ruddy, she couldn't help but nodded, "I'm in good spirits, it seems that I slept well last night~"

Qiu Ying's face darkened, "Since this happened, I haven't had a good night's sleep~"

Liu Yun's eyes were sour, and she held back her crying, "Go, let's go out for breakfast first, we said while eating, I told them about you, my son may be able to help your old Tan~"

Qiu Ying's eyes changed instantly, it was a look of hope.


"Listen to what they say first?"


. . .

There was a cordial greeting at the dining table. Yang Cheng felt that Aunt Qiu and his mother seemed like, no matter how temperament, the way of speaking, the tone or even the tone of voice, it was no wonder that these two could become best friends.

Seated one by one, Yang Cheng sat opposite Qiu Ying and found that the other person had taken a few bites before putting down her chopsticks. Knowing that she might not be in the mood to eat, she took the initiative and said, "Auntie, my mother should have told you, right?"

That was what Qiu Ying was waiting for. If it weren't for the fear of delaying Yang Cheng's breakfast, she would have spoken.

"By the way, Xiao Orange, do you really have a way?"

Yang Cheng shook his head honestly, this scene almost shattered Qiu Ying's hopes.

Liu Yun glared at her son and said comfortably, "Don't worry, listen to him."

"You hurry up, don't sell it~"

Get No one can resist the power of my mother.

"What I said is true, there is really no way, unless I buy the land~"

Qiu Ying also knows that this plan is too strong and difficult to open her mouth.

But since Yang Cheng said so, she must have an idea, but Qiu Ying didn't have time to think about it.

"Aunt Qiu, how much did Uncle Tan spent on this piece of land?"

"Lao Tan united many friends and colleagues and spent a total of US$12 million~"

"so cheap?"

Qiu Ying smiled bitterly, "Is it cheap?"

Yang Cheng touched his nose, too. For Aunt Qiu and his wife, 12 million is definitely an astronomical figure.

"Uh~ sorry, I mean that compared to other land in the Permian, it is already very cheap."

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