Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1720: Finally found someone

"Yang Cheng, this stinky kid has made the girl's belly bigger!" Yang Sen said angrily.

Liu Yun was in a different tone, "Really? Today is not April Fool's Day. If you dare to joke, I will never end with you~"

Yang Sen said dubiously, "Really! Can I make a joke about this kind of thing? If you don't believe me, ask yourself~"

"Ask by yourself~"

Immediately afterwards, Yang Cheng heard her mother's concerned voice, "Son, which girl is so blessed? This is the first child of our Yang family. Oh, bring people back to mom to see~"

Hearing the excitement of his mother, Yang Cheng no longer felt depressed in an instant. Sure enough, how a kind mother was defeated!

"That mother~ I can't take it back temporarily~"

"What's the matter? The girl doesn't agree? It's okay, I can understand. In this way, you give me the girl's address and I will talk to her~"

Yang Sen's voice came out again, "It's his little assistant called Susu, so please don't mess with it. Now people can't find it. Have the bodyguards been called out without seeing the family?"

Liu Yun is also concerned and confused, "Yes, yes, what are you waiting for? Don't go to work today, go out and find someone for me, don't come back if you can't find someone~"

Yang Sen feels bitter, why should his son's fault make him take the blame~

However, he didn't dare to explode his hair in front of Liu Yun with the courage of his three. In the end, wasn't he going to the streets honestly to find someone? Since the results are all destined, why bother with the process!

Finally, together with the old John, the servants of the family were dispatched, holding Susu pictures all over the world looking for people.

The person who was sent by Yang Cheng to investigate the bank account before has also returned. Unfortunately, no good news has been brought. After investigation, Susu’s last purchase was in the clinic. After that, the bank card has no transaction records. Of course, this does not mean Susu. She has never consumed, and she always carries cash with her. This is for the convenience of Yang Cheng, and occasionally tipping Yang Cheng. If she consumes in cash, it is impossible to find out.

Yang Cheng waited anxiously at home. The bodyguard came back with a phone call after a while, but there was no good news, but my mother suddenly remembered and told him not to tell Luo Yue about this first, otherwise the marriage would not have to be concluded, and he has not yet entered. As for the family, there are illegitimate children outside, but no woman can accept it.

Now Yang Cheng is not in the mood to think about this, the most important thing is to find talents first.

He is already considering whether to post a missing person notice on the headline, but the noise caused by this is too big. It is estimated that it will not be long before the whole world knows that he has an illegitimate child. It is wrong and not accurate. After all, he is not married yet. .

Manhattan is big and big, and small and small, but dozens of people want to find someone in Manhattan, which is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. If there are specific clues, the difficulty is that there are few clues.

Hansen reluctantly suggested, "Boss, should I ask F~B~I for help? They have the power to mobilize public surveillance~"

Yang Cheng said directly, "Let our hackers invade directly. I will be responsible if something goes wrong. Time is of the essence."

Hansen knew what to do when he heard this, "Understood~"

Sure enough, the use of illegal means was a bit more efficient. According to surveillance records, Susu walked all the way east after going out for a full hour, stood on the side of the road and stopped a taxi. Then, the hacker adjusted it according to the license plate number. Out of the taxi's trajectory, records showed that Susu took a taxi to 2nd Avenue and 59th Street, and then boarded a cable car to Roosevelt Island.

Next, it is difficult to find useful information from video surveillance.

Yang Cheng stood up after hearing the words, "Go, go to Roosevelt Island~"

For a time, everyone received the news and moved closer to Roosevelt Island. Compared with Manhattan, dozens of people searched Roosevelt Island, and the difficulty was not even a little bit lower.

Susu has no relatives on Roosevelt Island, and the only person she might know has moved long ago, so where can she go?

Yang Cheng forced herself into Susu’s thinking. When a girl suddenly learned that she was pregnant, she would definitely panic. Especially when she knew that she could not be famous, the whole person was lost and hesitated, not knowing what to do. Is good.

At this time, I must really want to find a quiet place to relax, so the two parks in the north and south of Roosevelt Island are the best places to go.

Yang Cheng made a decision and immediately ordered the bodyguard who first arrived at Roosevelt Island to go straight to the two parks in the north and south to find him. After he found the person, he should report as soon as possible and not to bother if he was safe.

Luckily, when he boarded the cable car, he received a report from the bodyguard, "Boss, I found Miss Lin. She is sitting on a bench in the lighthouse park to the north. At present, there is no danger to life."

Yang Cheng exhaled heavily, and at the same time a feeling of distress appeared. Now it is late autumn, and the autumn night in New York is very cold. It is strange to sit outside all night and not get sick.

But finally he found someone. Yang Cheng called his parents and told them to go back and rest first if they found him, and if they needed to take them home, depending on the situation.

Dad is okay, Liu Yun is not at ease, Qian Jingwan asked to take good care of people, not to lose his temper, otherwise he should look Yang Cheng is speechless, how could he lose his temper with Susu , Isn't that kind of person?

When he came to the park waiting for him, the bodyguards had firmly controlled the neighborhood. Originally, several tourists were taking pictures, but they were all invited to go "politely". This huge park instantly became deserted. This is also Yang What Orange wants, at least no one will disturb them.

He leaned forward lightly, sat down beside Susu, and looked up and down carefully, except for his small face which was slightly pale, and his mental state was not bad.

"Are you here?" Susu's voice became a little dry and cracked without drinking water all night, which was in sharp contrast with the sweet and waxy voice of the past.

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Do you know I'm coming?"

Susu shook his head, "I don't know when you will be back, but I know you will find me~"

Yang Cheng was sour in her heart, she quickly looked away, couldn't bear to look at her slightly haggard face.

Looking at the calm sea level, he sighed, "You stupid girl, isn't it just a pregnancy? What a joyous event, it seems like you have a terminal illness, but it scares me~"

Susu lowered her head and said softly, "I'm sorry, I'm just~ I'm just too confused, I don't know what to do, I just want to be alone and come here without knowing what to do."

Yang Cheng reached out and took Susu's shoulders, gently rubbing her to warm her, "It's okay, you don't have to apologize~"

Susu leaned her head on Yang Cheng's shoulder, sobbing silently, "Will you let me knock the baby out~"

Yang Cheng was startled and categorically denied, "How is it possible that I am such a bastard? Isn't it a child? It's not that I can't afford it, I have to give birth! You also gave me this **** idea, don't think Some of these don’t, you don’t know how happy my mother is when I heard that you are pregnant~"

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