Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1727: TV station was hacked

Bessedworth acquiesced that she did want to pressure Nathan Sanders through Morgenthau, but for this meeting, she was fully prepared, especially after Yang Cheng gave her ideas.

"Mr. Morgenthau, believe me, if the union can support me, they will also benefit~"

"What good?"

"I am going to increase the salary of public school teachers while increasing the support for charter schools, but the premise is to expel those teachers who don't do anything and only know how to mess around, and a separate bonus will be used to motivate excellent teachers. "

Morgenthau pondered for a moment, and then figured out Besidworth's intentions, "You are trying to divide the union~"

Bessedworth still did not deny, "This is also for the benefit of more teachers. The union has not lost, but will get more."

Morgenthau sighed, "To be honest, from my personal point of view, the education paper system you promote and the policy of supporting charter schools are completely worth trying, but you can't underestimate the influence of the union."

In other words, for her sweetness, I am afraid that she still cannot get the support of the union.

Bessie frowned slightly, "Mr. Morgenthau, what the union wants is to continue to expand its influence. Once they get more salaries and benefits for teachers, their influence will undoubtedly expand again.

In recent years, the two labor unions have put more energy on internal fighting. The ordinary teachers who work hard and complain are not good. They must do something to make up for it.

And the party who takes the lead to make changes will surely get more people's support. "

After Morgenthau was taken aback, he had to admit, "What you said makes sense, well, you convinced me, I can help you contact Nathan and give my opinion~"

Bessie was overjoyed, "Mr. Morgenthau, the history of American education will never forget your decision today~"

Morgensau smiled and shook his head, "I don't take these seriously, you know I'm going to retreat, and I want to do some good things that really benefit the people before abdicating, I have to thank you for giving me this opportunity~"

Yang Cheng said at the right time, "It's just mutual achievement, two, let's have a drink?"

Three people toast at the same time, "cheers~"

At this time, Hansen took the maritime satellite phone and hurriedly walked into the salon, and whispered a few words in Yang Cheng's ear. Yang Cheng's original relaxed smile instantly became gloomy, but he still said to the two with grace, " I'm sorry, I have something to deal with, I am unaccompanied~"

I took the satellite phone and entered a cabin casually, closed the door and said, "Mark, it's me, what's the situation now?"

"Boss~ To be honest, I am also at a loss. I suddenly received an email this morning and the other party asked us to pay a ransom of 10 million US dollars, otherwise, we will disclose the episodes that we have not yet broadcast to the entire network."

Yang Cheng frowned, "Is there anyone suspected? Did our internal personnel leak it?"

After the CW TV station was acquired by New Times Media, New Times Media has always been responsible for network maintenance. The level of protection is several levels higher than in the past. Of course, the most indispensable in this world are geniuses, especially genius hackers in the computer field. Emerge in endlessly.

But based on Yang Cheng's rational thinking, he would rather believe that this was an internal leak of revenge.

If it is really done by hackers, it will undoubtedly be a huge threat to the new era media. Once the other party can break through the firewall, there will be a second time.

Mark said, "Boss, although I don't want to admit it, this is what the hacker did, and it's probably the same person who threatened HBO, Netflix and other companies before."

This is trouble~

Not long ago, HBO’s network was also hacked, and a large amount of internal information was leaked spread like wildfire. Some netizens have even seen the unbroadcast HBO series "The Rights of Rights" on illegal websites. The content of "Game", due to the leak of many popular film and television dramas under HBO, including the series, has gradually heated up the incident, which has attracted worldwide attention.

At that time, many colleagues, including CW TV station, were still dealing with the matter with the mentality of being out of the way and even watching jokes, but they did not expect that nightmares would fall on their heads so quickly.

About half a month ago, a surprising e-mail appeared in the mailbox of many entertainment media reporters. The title read "1.5TB of HBO data leaked!". Someone who was curious opened it and found that it read "The biggest leak in the cyberspace era happened. What is its name? Oh, I forgot to say, it is HBO's "Game of Thrones"! You will be very lucky to be the first pioneers to witness and download the leak ."

After opening the link attached to the email, the web page redirects to a temporary website, which not only only has the new script of HBO "Game of Thrones", but also the content of a number of episodes that have not been broadcast. It has been verified that these contents are real. It instantly attracted the attention of a large number of people inside and outside the industry.

In recent years, HBO has become the global focus with the integration of a number of hit dramas. Not only does it have many audiences in Europe and America, but also has a group of loyal "drama chasers" in Asia and South America.

Since the hacker claims to have obtained 1.5TB of information and materials, if one episode of a TV series with full HD 1080P resolution is about 2GB, then that is to say at least 500 episodes, but because the information is very complex, aside useless information and some other forms Existing information, the leaked film and television content should not be so much, but there should be at least hundreds of hours of video content.

This is not enough. The hackers seem to be unsatisfied. They exploded the personal information of several HBO executives, which was published on the Internet in the form of text files, which contained dozens of online account login information. There is the work mailbox of the executive.

By the way, the hacker signed by Mr. Smith, and said in the email that he also got a lot of employee information and internal materials, but the official did not disclose what these internal materials involved, nor did it disclose how much employee information was leaked. .

After the incident, HBO has been silent in front of the media, but privately, HBO has asked Google to remove all links containing leaked materials. For this, they did not hesitate to use DCMA, which is the Digital Copyright Millennium Act.

DCMA protects the rights of copyright owners on the Internet, and stipulates that Internet service providers are obliged to prevent users from accessing suspected infringing materials or delete them from their servers. Therefore, many suspected links are no longer accessible. This will help prevent ordinary users from continuing to visit and avoid a wider range of content leakage.

However, this move can only protect their rights and interests within the United States, and HBO's influence is difficult to control the spread of events on a global scale.

In an email written to foreign media, the hacker declared that more content will be published on the Internet.

At present, hackers only released the personal information of one HBO executive, including the password of the journal subscription account, the password of the online bank account, and the account password of the personal health service.

A screenshot showing HBO's internal network management tools, employee names, email addresses, and job responsibilities was also published on the Internet. From this, it seems that hackers have indeed entered the HBO core network architecture.

Compared with Sony’s hacking and leaking incidents, HBO’s data loss is currently more than 7 times that of Sony at that time.

At that time, hackers leaked a lot of financial information about Sony, threatening to abandon the movie "Interview", threatening to launch terrorist actions once the movie was released, and Sony eventually cancelled the release of the movie.

Just a few days before the CW TV station was attacked, HBO President Richard Plepler sent an email to all employees stating that “any aggressive behavior is destructive and disturbs us all. ...Unfortunately, the problem before us is that it has happened in many places before, and now we find ourselves in it, but we don’t believe that the mailbox system has been completely compromised, and we are already taking justice. Means~"

The intention of this email is to comfort the employees. The effect is not yet But now the hacker has apparently shifted the target, aimed at the CW TV station, and started cash extortion more shamelessly, 10 million Dollar, dare to speak!

Paper cannot contain fire. In just one month after the uproar of the HBO incident, CW TV station was attacked again by hackers. At the same time Mark called Yang Cheng to report, the situation continued to heat up in the outside world.

Mark had to officially respond, "CW TV is experiencing a network incident that led to the leakage of exclusive information. After the incident, we immediately started an investigation. We are currently working closely with law enforcement officers and the parent company's cyber security department. On CW TV, the data Protection is the top priority and we attach great importance to this responsibility."

Everyone knows that this announcement is just to appease the emotions of the outside and the inside. From the beginning to the end, the details and the impact of the leaked content were not discussed.

However, there has been speculation that the data and information that CW may leak this time is far more serious than HBO.

The fact is also true. According to Mark, not only the video resources of the series that have not yet been broadcast are leaked, but also a series of variety shows and sports program plans in the next few years. This is the strategic plan of CW TV station. Once leaked, it is likely to cause The TV station is badly injured!

Mark said solemnly on the phone, "Boss, I chose to report to NYPD as soon as the incident happened, but I am afraid they can't find out anything about their ability. I think I should ask for help from F~B~I~"

Yang Cheng didn't answer the call, but instead asked, "Where are our technicians? Any findings?"

Mark smiled bitterly, "No, this hacker is very cunning, leaving very few traces, I am afraid it is difficult to trace the real IP address~"

Yang Cheng shook his fist fiercely and cursed, "~"

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