Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1730: Agree to change CEO

"If you look at the programs or episodes one by one, eight of the ten most watched programs on Netflix in the United States are from third parties, and only two are original Netflix programs.

This gives other opponents a chance.

As a non-advertising video service provider, Netflix’s competitors have never been free video sites like YouTube.

A smooth viewing experience without ads and competitive high-quality drama series are the brand image that Netflix has always wanted to establish in the minds of the public.

In this regard, Amazon, Hulu, and HBOnow, which is owned by HBO, are Netflix's natural enemies.

And HBOnow was built by Richard Plepler, I think CW TV station can copy HBOnow! "Eddie said.

Yang Cheng believes this. Last year, Netflix launched 320 hours of original video content in the production of self-made dramas.

The global popularity of "House of Cards" has made Netflix spare no effort in the drama, but for now, the quality of the series produced by burning money is far inferior to HBO. In other words, there are too few boutiques! The average is not as good as HBO!

In this regard, he said, "The series produced by Netflix has never formed its own unified style of painting.

HBO has implemented this very well! "

Eddie immediately continued, "This is also the credit of Richard Plepler. HBO's ‘ItisnotTV, it’s HBO’ is definitely a classic and worthy of the high-quality series produced by the company.

The world-famous magical drama "Game of Thrones", the slightly unpopular but enough "Atlantic Empire", the popular nihilistic philosophy "True Detective", and the miniseries of the same name adapted from the Pulitzer award-winning novel "Oliver Kit" Richie.

In fact, these classic series, except for "Game of Thrones", which is relatively popular. Of course, what I mean by popular refers to the rapid progress of the plot and strong drama conflict. The literary and spiritual level of other series far exceeds that of other CNN series. , HBO can not only produce epic narratives with a grand era background, but also produce dramas with subtle and subtle personalities, but they have always implemented a purpose-exquisite and more refined!

This was perfectly indoctrinated at Richard's request. "

Yang Cheng asked with a smile, "Do you admire this person very much?"

Eddie spread his hands, "It's just that I have studied a lot recently and found that this person's abilities are really amazing. I believe that as long as we give him enough freedom, he can copy the miracle of HBO on CW TV."

Yang Cheng couldn't help but regret it. He knew that he had watched more American dramas in his previous life. At least he also knew that more popular dramas could be snatched over and produced by himself.

Eddie added, "Actually, Netflix has done very well, but they lack the aesthetic feeling that HBO brings to the audience. For example, the third season of "House of Cards" has clearly fallen into a decline."

Yang Cheng laughed, "Are you still watching House of Cards? I found the biggest problem after watching a few episodes of that show~"

Eddie is a diehard fan of "House of Cards" and asked curiously, "What?"

"It turns the ZZ hub in the United States into a stage for'a clever man playing with a bunch of fools.'"

Eddie recalled the plot and nodded, "It seems like this. I felt something was wrong when I watched the second season. Today I figured it out. When I felt very good, the screenwriter pulled the villain’s IQ to the limit. Below 80."

"Yes, this is the fourth season, right? The editor should force the plot to be linked to the general election."

Eddie was a little disappointed, "That would be boring~"

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "You should get used to it. One of the stinks of American TV shows is that when there are ratings or on-demand rates, you just let yourself go and shoot, and you can't stop the car at all.

Remember the original British drama "House of Cards"? Although it has been filmed for three seasons, there are only four short episodes per season, which are short and concise, making it a classic drama in the 90s. "

Eddie affirmed, "Of course I remember, I am so obsessed with the new version because of the original TV series, but unfortunately, Netflix ruined a classic~"

"Not really. If it is purely from an entertainment point of view, remember to be too fascinated."

"Ha~ I will, rest assured boss, I always chase dramas late at night, without delaying work~"

"Of course I believe, but since it comes to Netflix, they also have merits for us, even HBO~"

Eddie guessed Yang Cheng's meaning as soon as he pondered it. "You mean Netflix's expansion strategy?"

Yang Cheng stood up and stretched his waist. "Yes, now it has independently operated its own video network services in about 50 countries around the world. Compared with the conservative platform cooperation used by HBO in overseas expansion, Netflix chose to play alone. Fighting is not without risk, but such adventures also demonstrate Netflix's ambition to dominate the world.

The growth rate of users in the United States is getting slower and slower. It is an inevitable choice for Netlfix to open up new territory. If it is me, I will choose the same strategy. "

Eddie frowned and put forward a different view, "I feel that Netflix's blind expansion is not necessarily a good thing for an Internet company.

Although Wall Street still maintains a bullish momentum towards Netflix, Wall Street will not tolerate a company that grabs users for a long time without making much money, not to mention that the consumer habits and related policies of each country vary from place to place. www.uuká is a hasty act to go deep alone. "

Yang Cheng knows that this is due to his personal personality. He is more aggressive and offensive, while Eddie is a little conservative and not greedy for meritorious deeds. Such a combination of two people can complement each other very well, from beginning to end. Orange doesn't want to have a CEO who opens up territory for him, but Eddie, a defensive type of CEO, is more popular with him.

No wonder Eddie admires Richard Plepler so much, he is a complete type of person!

Regarding Eddie’s point of view, Yang Cheng thought for a while, "You have a point, but I have to admit that Netflix’s expansion has had a very good effect. At least globally, Netflix’s brand is much harder than HBO. Up.

It's just that Netflix did not do enough rigorously when entering the market of other countries.

One of their advantages is to release all episodes on the network platform at once.

However, this advantage was completely consumed in Country Z. Because of the Zheng policy, it is difficult for American TV series to be synchronized in Country Z. After half a year of censorship, and the cut of big scissors, regardless of the number of episodes, There is no doubt that Netflix's advantages will no longer exist if it is introduced to the market at once.

The current profit model of TV dramas in Country Z is still a free advertising model. Who is willing to pay for Netflix? Even if the annual fee is not much, the most important thing is the problem of piracy. Hollywood has been trying to solve it for more than ten years, but the results have been very small. Netflix estimates that there is no way, so failure is an inevitable result.

However, it is also true that Netflix’s market share in other foreign markets other than the country Z market is increasing. So if you should expand and how to expand, maybe you have to talk to Richard Plepler. It's decided~"

Eddie froze for a while and exclaimed, "Boss you agree?"

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