Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1748: Immunity Information

"Am I offending you?"

"No~" Yang Cheng thought about it seriously, and answered more seriously.

This is irritating, so why don't I offend you? Still using it so seriously? Your uncle!

That is to say, Garrett is struggling to speak now, otherwise the eighteenth generation of Yang Cheng's ancestors will have to be scolded again in turn.

Garrett was angrily grinned. With this smile, his blood sprayed onto the ground with a few invisible pieces of blood.

Yang Cheng frowned, "At this point, should you consider cooperating with us?"

Garrett vomited blood for a long time, and finally stopped coughing. Then he said, "Am I very cooperative? What do you ask and I answer, and if I can’t answer, it means I really don’t know. But this black man, yes, just Say you, nigger, did you die when a dog was abused by me in your last life? As for revenge on me like this?"

Andrew is black, and blacks hate the word beginning with ‘N’ the most. When Yang Cheng heard the word, he subconsciously stepped back, because he knew it was time for Andrew’s revenge, so stand far away to avoid being splashed with blood.

Dingdang's May 4th smashed enough. Even Andrew, a physical monster, was tired. Yang Cheng leaned forward and squatted down directly. He didn't think the half-dead person in front of him could pose a threat to him.

"Man, cooperate. At least don't irritate my brother. It is not good for you. You are also a professionally trained person. You know that in the hands of professionals, it is harder to die than not to die. To live is to suffer, why bother? "Yang Cheng very kindly reminded Garrett.

"It's all death anyway, why don't I keep a reputation for loyalty?"

Yang Cheng smacked his lips, "Man, let me analyze it for you. If you close your eyes now, I will tell the public that you have recruited everything, and also confessed the position of Gavin Glington, yours. Faithfulness only I know, what's the use of this?"

Garrett sneered, "I don't know you, but you speak better than that nigger, then I might as well tell you the truth. No one in this world knows where he is, except for Gavin Greenton himself. You said to the outside that I had confessed, but Gavin would not believe it, but hid more strictly. You will never find him in your life~"

Yang Orange frowned upon hearing this, "Do you admire him?"

"Who? Gavin? No, I don't admire him. I don't have any friendship with Gavin. If I say I only met him once from beginning to end, do you believe it?"

Yang Cheng was stunned. He felt that Garrett really had no need to lie at this time. He nodded and said, "I believe it, so let's change our mind. You call your superior over for me. He must know some secrets you don't know. ,right?"

Garrett twitched his mouth, trying to laugh, but couldn't laugh. "Yes, but he won't come. Our company has strict regulations. The contact between superiors and superiors is only by phone. Only after one year when the contact is completely interrupted It is possible to meet offline."

Yang Cheng frowned, "Then there are too many variables that can happen this year. Your superior can completely ignore your comfort, but can he give up the market you are responsible for?"

"No, but after a long period of loss, he will send someone to take over this market for me temporarily, and it won't delay business."

"No, there is a problem with your words. It is okay to send someone to take over your market temporarily, but how does this person contact your customers? Please don't tell me that these customer data are backed up by your superiors~"

Garrett opened his eyes hard, "You are right. In fact, the customer information is in the hands of my superiors. Only when his subordinates are sent to a market, will they share customer information."

Yang Cheng glanced at Garrett deeply and stood up with a blank expression. If he did what he said, this person would be completely rubbish, worthless rubbish, and useless.

What made him even more unexpected was the complex structure of Iota. He thought it was the simplest pyramid, but he did not expect that there was a centralized power hidden in the pyramid. Gavin was really a personal talent.

Yang Cheng said in front of Garrett, "It seems that the most important thing is his superior, who has to find a way to catch people out."

Hansen groaned, "Garret said that after losing contact for a period of time, his superiors will send someone to take over temporarily, so this timeline must be standard."

Turning to look at Garrett, "Am I right?"

Garrett laughed and said, "You are right, about half a month or so. Under normal circumstances, I have to call every day to report, even if there is nothing, I have to prove my safety~"

"Ahem~" He swallowed a mouthful of blood. "If I lose contact for half a month, it basically proves that something has happened to me, and he will send someone to take over, but he won't try to find me. For him It saves time to develop a new salesperson than to find me!"

Yang Cheng shook her head secretly, Nima is really ruthless~

Hansen asked again, "Where will the new salesman start working?"

"I don't know, everyone has different habits. Anyway, they won't use my old site. Since I'm missing, my office is not safe."

Yang Orange scratched his head, so this Iota is really invulnerable?

Impossible, he always believes that no matter how strong a fortress is, there are weaknesses.

The seemingly impeccable Iota, there must be a link that can be used, but he currently has too few clues, it is difficult to compare.

"Garret, let it be, if you can provide valuable information, I can promise you that you won't be tortured again until you die~"

And only Yang Cheng can brazenly negotiate with "not torturing you" as a condition.

But for people like Garrett, this condition is really effective. After all, he knows that he is a dead end. Even if Yang Cheng says he can spare his life, he will not believe it. In that case, why should he choose painful? Death instead of a comfortable death?

Garrett was lost in thought, Yang Cheng didn't urge him, and instead said to Hansen, "Although the probability of a new salesperson going to his office is very low, you must stare at it. Don't be afraid of ten thousand or just in case. ~"


Look at Garrett again, "Done?"

Garrett said distressedly, "Think about it, your conditions are very tempting to me, but I really don't know what information is useful to you."

Yang Cheng looked at him coldly. Two minutes passed before Garrett tried to sit up and said, "I remembered one thing, he used to go to Tripoli."

"Who? Your superior?"

Garrett nodded, "I don't know what he was doing in Tripoli, but he stayed there for a full month. That was the end of last year."

Yang Cheng thought about Tripoli. His impression of Tripoli was a very comfortable name-Sancheng, which was a nickname derived from its English name.

It sounds similar to the Three Cannons, and obviously this city is also a Phoenician masterpiece.

Of course, Tripoli is remembered by the world but also thanks to its "contribution" in the history of the Crusades. As a religious conquest, the Crusaders failed in general, but the conquest of Tripoli can be said to be one of the few bright spots.

At that time, the lords of Tripoli took the initiative to invite the Crusaders to send ambassadors to their and provided generous gifts. After the ambassador visited and returned to the camp, he frantically boasted of the city’s richness in front of the Christians. Gorgeous, it makes people eager to move, although their next conquest is aimed at the holy city of Jerusalem, but they always miss Tripoli.

With the establishment of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, the first crusade was completed. The European Crusaders returned to their home country. The Christianity left behind was not idle in the colonies. Taking advantage of their morale, they attacked the city and took 7 years. Tripoli has also reached the peak of the Crusade.

Such a city has the same name as the capital of Libya, but its ‘brilliant’ history is not much to mention. So what kind of attraction does it have to allow Garret’s superiors to stay there for a month?

According to Garrett's description, Yang Cheng gradually had a vague understanding of the company. A middle-level manager of this importance should have no fixed place to stay in a city for a month. He had to make him think deeply.

But he also had questions, and said to Garrett, "How do you know he has been in Tripoli for a month?"

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