Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1759: There is a fixed number of hits?

(Forgot to wish you all a happy Labor Day, happy holidays? On the third day of hard work overtime, asking the boss to ask for twice the overtime pay is not excessive, right? Crazy hint! Manual dog head~O(∩_∩)O~)

"Girl, do you like your boss?"

When he was caught off guard by a question from the old woman, Liu Junyu looked at each other in amazement, but only for a moment of hesitation, thinking that it might be difficult to see each other again in the future. So far, he is a stranger, and he simply let go of his mind. "I don't know, I~ my feelings for him are very complicated, and this complexity makes me very scared, with family, friendship, and a little unknown affection~"

The old woman was also confused, the latter two are easy to understand, but what is the family relationship? Is it because he has been living in the Sacred Valley for a long time, what did he miss?

He hesitated and asked, "Girl, I'm sorry, I may have heard it wrong, you are talking about family affection?"

Liu Junyu smiled bitterly, "Yes, I'm talking about family affection. In fact, besides his assistant, I'm also his cousin. Of course, the relationship is far apart~"

The old woman suddenly realized after being surprised, she sighed, and then said with a happy smile that made people empathetic at first glance, "Maybe this is a long-term love? Even if I don't say it, I know this man is very good. It is very difficult for a good man and a woman not to be tempted, and vice versa. This is a very normal thing. You don't need to feel embarrassed."

"But we are..."

The old woman knew Liu Junyu’s difficulties, even though it was a little different from what she thought at the beginning, she still said sincerely, "Do you think you have a future with him?"

Liu Junyu was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head firmly, "There can be no future, he has a fiancé, and it is impossible for the family to agree to our relationship~"

As soon as this was said, the old woman suddenly laughed. Isn't this exposed? They have already begun to imagine the future, although they know it is impossible.

"Child, just follow your heart. Whether you have a happy ending or not is not important. The important thing is to enjoy the present. After all, no one can control the future."

Liu Junyu was confused with his thoughts, "Is it really possible?"

"Follow the heart, your heart tells you what to do, then do it, don't think about the future, life will only be a few decades in the world, don't leave regrets~"

After saying this, the old woman went back to the villa because he saw her husband come back.

Liu Junyu stood there alone, not knowing what she was thinking, until the boss came out and asked her to have dinner, and then returned to the room with a complicated look.

. . . . . .

After returning to Beirut a few days later, I saw Xinde Hariri again. Yang Cheng's mentality was completely different from before. Now he can master the rhythm of the conversation with one hand, no longer need to look at Xinde's face.

Although he didn't make low-pitched plea before, "Xingde, everything is over, now you have only me to choose~"

As for Yang Cheng’s changes, Xingde could clearly perceive, “I also decided to cooperate with you. What do you mean by that now?”

"Before you chose to cooperate in the entanglement, it is inevitable that there is a compelling element, but now, you only have me to choose, Iota is already mine~"

Xingde frowned. Her people only knew that Yang Cheng had taken people to Tripoli, and then went to the small town of Busheli. It seemed that nothing special happened. Why did she suddenly get Iota? What happened in the past few days that she didn't know?

Damn curiosity is driving her crazy.

"Mr. Yang, please give me an explanation. I don't want to passively accept everything without understanding~"

Yang Cheng almost drove, you were already passive!

He said, "Gavin is dead~"

"What?" Xingde stood up in astonishment. The news was like a bolt from the blue, and it blasted above her head.

Gavin is dead? How could he die? No, people die, but why do they die so suddenly? Did Yang Cheng die in the past few days after leaving Beirut?

How to die? Yang Cheng's hand? Otherwise, how could he know so clearly?

"You? Is it you?" Xingde asked, biting her lip, she couldn't think of a deeper possibility!

Yang Cheng stared straight at Xingde, staring at her so that her heart was frizzy, and then sneered, "Is it not me? The result is that he died, Iota is mine, and you have no second place now. A choice, so, should we talk about it?

Such as the purchase price of Super Toucan! "

It’s the most refreshing thing to do with power, but it also offends people the most, but Yang Cheng doesn’t care. Gavin’s death hit him hard. This blow is not only psychological, but also spiritual.

He suddenly questioned the saying that man can conquer the sky, and he inexplicably believes that "hit has its own destiny", including his rebirth, and the innate advantages that this world brings him. Isn't it because the fate has long been arranged?

So one day, will one day be like Gavin, dead inexplicably?

Yes, in his opinion, Gavin's death is absolutely inexplicable. On the surface, Gavin's death is due to his factors. After all, without his persecution, people can live for at least one or two years, even if the end is still death.

But then again, without his intervention, what is the point of continuing to live boringly for a year or two and finally die in the cave?

Thinking about it this way, Yang Cheng still helped him a favor, at least he didn't need to be so haunted.

Therefore, Gavin's death can never be counted on his head.

Without the strange disease that sounds absurd, the current Iota is definitely a different situation, and there is no chance for Yang Cheng to intervene.

With Gavin's ability, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to jump into the trap, D~L~A has no way to take him and send someone to assassinate him? Let's find someone first, even if there is no such strange disease, as long as Gavin wants to hide, even if he digs three feet, he can't be found.

There is a saying, aside from the identity of the opponent, Yang Cheng admires Gavin's abilities very much. It is enough that he can play D~L~A like a dog, which is enough to give him the highest respect!

However, a **** disease ruined this ‘genius’. Is this a genius?

That's why Yang Cheng is a little bit decadent and frustrated. If everything is determined, he still plays a fart? Just wait at home for the variables to come.

In fact, he knows that his thinking has fallen into a dead end. As long as he is given some time, he can always come out, but now he still has difficulty calming down and thinking, so he has a somewhat unfriendly attitude towards Xingde.

Xingde sat down with his forehead and said dejectedly, "Wait, this news is too sudden, I need to think about it~"

"What do you think?"

"You! Gavin!"

Yang Cheng was silent for a while, "I can only say that Gavin's death is not all because of me~"

"What do you mean?"

"Literally ~"

Yang Cheng sighed and waved her hand, "Forget it, if you think about it, but since I'm here, then you must give me a quotation to purchase the super toucan, which is an expression of your sincerity~"

His words were too domineering, Xingde couldn't help frowning and said, "I never said that I must purchase~"

Yang Cheng interrupted bluntly and roughly, "There is nothing to discuss about this matter. Either place an order or I will talk to your opponent. I think the master of Zhen will definitely be willing to make this friend of me."

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