Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1761: Donna's year-end summary

The interest relationship has been the most reliable but also the most unstable since ancient times. If you think about it carefully, if you have enough interest as a bond, even two people you don’t know at all can become life-and-death friends. Disputes arise over uneven distribution, and it may not take long before they part ways.

The cracks have already appeared, how could Yang Cheng and Demien's minds not realize it?

It's just that they all know that this rift cannot completely separate the relationship between the two, and huge benefits can temporarily suppress the conflict.

Demien took a deep breath and joked in a relaxed tone as much as possible, "You don't want to be the second Gavin, do you?"

Yang Cheng heard Demien’s vigilance. No one knew better than her. Once Yang Cheng had ambition, it would be more difficult to deal with than Gavin. There is no way, whoever has the right to speak these years will be awesome. And Yang Cheng just holds the fourth largest media company in the United States in her hands, and she has enough vocal power both online and offline. This is a lethal weapon that can turn black into white, and she is very jealous.

At this time, Yang Cheng couldn’t just turn his face right away when he said anything, and said some comforting words that he didn’t sound like, “Demien, our cooperation has always been very pleasant, and I don’t have to provoke a strong for myself for this little money. Your opponent, you should know that arms is nothing more than a channel to ensure cash flow for me. If I really want to make money, I just take out a subsidiary to go public for hundreds of millions and billions of dollars every minute. The speed of making money is no slower than selling arms. Where to go."

No matter what Demien’s real thoughts are, at least she believes it, “You’re right, maybe I’m worrying too much, but I still want to remind you that if you find such a notebook, it’s best to make a copy. Give it to me, you can keep the original for yourself."

What else can Yang Cheng say, "Don't worry, I will let people find it, and I will send it to you if I find it~"

It is not too speculative. When it comes to this, both of them know that there is no need to say anything.

After Demien left, Yang Cheng took out a brown leather notebook from the drawer. The notebook was thick and the paper was a bit loose. At first glance, it was the result of frequent use.

Turn it gently, the first page is the name of a certain house boss

. . . . . .

In mid-December, the city of Big Apple was covered in silver. The first snow of this year came a little early and the temperature was exceptionally low, but the cold air could not stop it.

There is a constant temperature system in the office, Yang Cheng still shuddered unconsciously, and hurriedly drank hot coffee to warm up his body. When he came this morning, he was wearing a thick windbreaker, wrapped in a scarf, and the biting cool breeze was still His whole body was stiff from the cold, and it took two full cups of coffee to warm him up. A typical sign of getting older, he started to be afraid of the cold. It was time to get a thermos and drink wolfberry tea.

At this time, Liu Junyu knocked on the door and came in, "The appointment time is up, Ms. Donna Lande is here~"

Yang Cheng said, "Let her in, go call Eddie and Ryze to listen~"


Donna Lande specially flew to New York to report to him at the end of the year. This year was a year when New Era Films took off, and it was also a year when other Hollywood companies had a major turning point. As one of the core pillars of New Era Media, Yang Orange attaches great importance to this report, otherwise people will not fly to New York in this cold weather.

Soon, Donna Lande entered the office, Yang Cheng smiled and got up to greet him, sent a warm hug, and said with emotion, "I haven't seen you in half a year? Donna, you look younger and younger~"

Donna Lande smiled, "I should give you these words. I haven't seen you in a long time, you are still so handsome~"

Yang Cheng stretched out her hands helplessly, "OK, I made a bad head~"

Donna has such an expression, "Boss, New York is too cold, I sincerely recommend that you move to Los Angeles to live~"

Yang Cheng beckoned Liu Junyu to come in to deliver coffee, "I'm used to it. It's really cold this year. Let's go, sit there and warm up with a cup of coffee."

"Thank you~"

The two walked towards the sofa and Yang Cheng said, "I wanted you to rest for a day and come to the company tomorrow~"

Donna shook her head, "At the end of the year, there are too many things in the company. I have to fly back after I have reported. Fortunately, we have our own aircraft leasing company, so we don't have to worry about planes when traveling."

"Yes, the original purpose of the acquisition of this company was to supplement the industrial structure. It would be good to make some money. I didn't expect to provide us with such a great convenience internally, but it saved a lot of expenses."

"You made a wise investment~"

"Thank you, it's my honor to get your praise~"

After a brief chat, Eddie and Ryze walked in one after the other. These two people are now regarded as the king of the company. Because of Yang Cheng’s conscious control, the contradiction between the two has been made public within the company. Of course, more active competition is more, and there is no practice of harming each other.

They are all smart people, and they know exactly what Yang Cheng wants. If the two of them use company resources to fight because of personal grievances, which affects the overall operation of the company, then Yang Cheng will definitely ask them to do both. Fuck off.

When the two came in, no one paid any attention to them, but they did a good job of covering up in front of Yang Cheng and Donna.

We greeted Donna respectively, and sat down in their respective positions. Donna opened the iPad and said seriously, "Several leaders are here, so I will start reporting. The summary of today's report is divided into two parts. The first part is about competitors and the whole. A summary of the general environment; the second part is naturally about ourselves."

Yang Cheng nodded and signaled, "Let's start, I'll free up all morning."

Donna took a sip of coffee, briefly organized her language, and said, "Then start with the first part.

The first thing I want to mention is Disney, which is also a name that every Hollywood member can’t avoid.

This year can be regarded as the first year of rapid development for Disney. With the excellent performance of its Lucas, Marvel, Pixar, this animation, this animation live action movie, Disney broke the North American annual, global annual and overseas Box office records of the three most important companies of the year.

In North America’s annual list, the top ten Disney occupies 6 seats, and at the same time holds the box office record of "Finding Nemo 2", a North American film history cartoon. In the global annual list, the top ten Disney also occupies 5 seats, and, With the release of "Star Wars Gaiden" in Country Z, the largest overseas market next month, Disney will complete the world's top five with unprecedented success, with the top four breaking through one billion US dollars.

Although the two major loss-making projects of "Alice 2" and "Blowing Dream Giant" were also born, from "ZooCraz" in March, "Fantasy Forest" in April, "Captain America 3" in May, and June Disney’s "Finding Nemo 2", November’s "Doctor Strange" and "Moana", and until this month’s "Star Wars Story", Disney shocked the entire Hollywood with its dominant performance.

Such performance has also shaken the attitude of Wall Street. They refocused their attention on Hollywood, which is also a good thing for us, because Disney has driven the development of the entire market. Although we are competitors, I have to admit, Robert Disney, led by Iger, has left us too far away.

And they ran faster and faster, almost to the point where I was a little timid. According to their release list, Disney will undoubtedly continue to be in the leading position. Although only eight movies are currently ordered, they are undoubtedly all It is a heavyweight IP.

In the spring file, the world-famous big IP "Beauty and the Beast" is the first to debut. In the summer file, "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" and "Pirates of the Caribbean 5" form two swords. June is Pixar's traditional schedule. It is "Cars 3", and in November, "Thor 3" will complete the last trilogy of the Avengers Big Three, and Pixar's last original work "Day of the Dead" in recent years will also be unveiled.

For the final Christmas file, everyone is looking forward to the finale of "Star Wars 8". Seven blockbuster movies are coming. If nothing else, Disney has already booked the 2017 global box office champion in advance to launch an impact on the consecutive championships. "

Donna Lande's report was like a heavy hammer hitting Yang Orange and their hearts at the beginning. After hearing Disney's amazing performance, they couldn't say a word except for looking at each other.

After Yang Cheng and the others digested it for a while, Donna took the opportunity to take a sip of coffee to moisturize her throat, and then said, "Followed by Warner, Warner has been a firm and steady strategy for these years, although there has not been a phenomenal ~ However, relying on Pianhai tactics and DC's stable performance, of course, indispensable, the good performance of low-cost horror films, Warner still firmly occupy the second place in the annual box office.

We have to admit that Disney and Warner, which hold Marvel and DC, are already alone. Now in the era of big IP, it is difficult for originality to survive. On the contrary, the more IP you have, the more stable the profits will naturally be.

Although the projects produced by DC this year have encountered word-of-mouth Waterloo, "Batman vs. Superman" and "Suicide Squad" still have relatively good box office results.

In addition, Warner’s animation "Fun Bird Gaiden" can be regarded as strengthening Warner’s confidence in continuing to engage in animation. "Oolong Agent" performed well, and "Tarzan Return" hit the street during the summer, but the excellent performance of "Call of Souls 2" proved that the horror movie is still It is Warner's golden signature. The "Captain Sally" currently being released belongs to the Olympic film. It follows a long-term release route. The box office is very stable and basically fulfilled Warner's expectations before the release.

Of course, the most important point is that Warner successfully developed the Harry Potter Gaiden "Where are Fantastic Beasts". I watched this film. The quality is excellent. The first step in the post-Harry Potter era, Warner Mai It’s very stable, no accident, this will be a golden mountain of Warner. "

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