Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1768: Visit Master Bei

In the afternoon, Yang Cheng personally drove to the airport to pick up Luo Yue. The young couple hadn’t seen each other for almost two months. They missed each other very much. After a while in the car, Luo Yue blushed and said, "You are not afraid of being photographed. To?"

Yang Cheng said shamelessly, "I'll be able to shoot it right away. I'm afraid of being said to my wife if I kissed him?"

"Bah~" Luo Yue took a sip and turned to look at the scenery outside the window. "I came to New York this time to visit a master. I may not stay a few days~"

Yang Cheng frowned, "So in a hurry? I thought you came to spend Christmas with me specially~"

Luo Yue smiled comfortingly, "Don't worry, I will come over on Christmas Eve~"

Yang Cheng was helpless, "By the way, you have to spare a few days to go to DC next month to attend the inauguration dinner~"

Luo Yue knew that this was a major event, so he didn't hesitate, "I know~"

"This time you have to accompany my mother to attend the'Ladies' Luncheon Tea' event~"

"What do I need to prepare?"

"No, rest assured that it's no different from the usual afternoon tea. It's just a routine attendance, just a few words with Mrs. Jianguo and her daughter. If you don't understand, ask our mother~"

Luo Yue is still a little nervous, "Well, I hope I won't shame you~"

Yang Cheng stretched out her hand and pressed her little head, "What stupid thing, who dares to laugh at you?"

Luo Yue smiled sweetly, and Yang Cheng asked, "Who are you here to meet? He also ran a special trip~"

"Master Bei~"

"Master Pei?" Yang Cheng was stunned, then reacted, "Is Pei?"

Luo Yue nodded slightly, "Yes, he was attacked by the nursing staff at home last year, and now he is recuperating in a nursing home~"

Yang Cheng also heard the news and frowned, "Mr. Bei is over 90 this year, right? Can you still meet guests?"

Luo Yue said with emotion, "It’s 99, if it weren’t for being beaten, the body would still be tough. We worked with Mr. Lin, a partner of Mr. Pei’s firm before. Mr. Lin is a student of Mr. Pei, and he just learned that he was coming to visit New York. Teacher, I just mentioned, I didn't expect Mr. Lin to agree."

"Um~ remember to bring gifts~"

"Don't worry, I can't forget~"

Yang Cheng didn't join in the fun. He had a relationship with Mr. Bei in the past, but the old man is so old that he probably can't remember him. On the contrary, he has a good relationship with his grandfather Yang Yuanshan.

After sending Luo Yue to the nursing home, Yang Cheng waited boringly in the parking lot. Bored, he was about to ask Hansen to get him something to eat. Luo Yue called Yang Cheng up.

It turned out that when I was just chatting, I accidentally talked about Luo Yue's fiancé, who turned out to be the grandson of a good friend. The old man strongly requested to meet him, and Luo Yue would naturally not refuse.

Entering the spacious room, Yang Cheng saw Master Bei on the sofa at a glance. He walked up quickly, holding his skinny hands, "Grandpa Bei, do you remember me?"

Master Bei wears glasses, his eyes are radiant, not like a patient at all.

"Xiaocheng, the last time I saw you was more than ten years ago?" Master Bei's voice was a little hoarse, but his words were very clear and sounded effortless.

Yang Cheng nodded fiercely, "Yes, my grandfather took me to your birthday banquet~"

Master Bei's thinking rhythm is not at all like the old man, he is better than the young man, "Your father is Yang Sen? Is he okay?"

"Okay~Okay, you're pretty good? My grandfather was very angry when something happened last year, and he said that you are always kind and don't care about servants~"

Master Bei smiled, "It's all over, I didn't expect you to be a couple with this girl, okay, okay, a beautiful girl~"

Yang Cheng said, "You always take good care of your health and come to have a wedding wine next year~"

"Okay! I will definitely go~"

Hearing the assurance from the old man, the younger generations around him all showed gratified smiles. People who live to this age, live an extra day are picked up, and Master Bei never tells lies in his life, he promises certain things do as promised.

After chatting for a few more words, the nurse from the nursing home came in to remind the elderly that it was time to rest. Except for those who were left to take care of, the rest left the ward one after another.

It was unavoidable that it was another polite, and finally led Luo Yue to get out of the crowd, Yang Cheng sighed, "How can you cooperate with Pei's office?"

Luo Yue took Yang Cheng's arm, "It wasn't for your headquarters building. We encountered several difficulties in the design, so we got to know Mr. Lin, a student of Pei Lao through our relationship, and he helped us solve the problem."

Yang Cheng suddenly said, "That's good to thank people~"

"Well~ Mr. Lin just said that when we finish this order, we can contact him. There is a big order that needs to be co-designed. I accepted the invitation~"

Yang Cheng said distressed, "What's the hurry, is it OK to take a few months off for my order and talk about the next order?"

Luo Yue laughed, "A few months off? The employees don't need to eat? Even if I agree with Manman, I don't agree~"

"Have you recruited many people?"

"Not many, a dozen or so. Most of them are logistic and administrative staff. There are only 4 designers plus Me and Manman."

"Well, anyway, work and rest are combined. We are not short of money. There is no need to make ourselves so tired for money~"

"I understand, let's go, take me to the airport, and I will go back to Los Angeles. A few ideas proposed by Mr. Lin have inspired me, and I must quickly implement the design draft~"

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, "I thought I didn't need to hold back tonight~"

"Hold on what?"

"What do you mean?"

"Huh~ find your little lovers~"

"Hey~ I don't have a lover, you can't slander me~"

. . .

Send Luo Yue away, and Yang Cheng went straight home for dinner. Yang Sen rarely got off work early today. He was surprised to see Yang Cheng, "You too early?"

Yang Cheng said, "I just went to the nursing home to see Master Bei~"

The couple looked at Yang Cheng at the same time, "Mr. Pei?"

"Yes, he was not abused by his servant last year, and he has stayed in the nursing home since then~"

Yang Sen sighed, "Your grandfather was angry when he talked about this, and he asked me to help sue the servant, but I was fooled by it. After all, it's a family affair, so we don't want to participate~"

"Who says no, but the old man is healthy, and he promised to attend my wedding next year~"

"Then you have to take good care of the old man. Speaking of it, we haven't seen him for a long time. Looking back, your mother and I will find time to visit the old man~"

Liu Yun also nodded, "I have to go and see~"

But instead, she asked Yang Cheng, "Why do you suddenly want to see Lao Bei?"

"It's not me, it's your daughter-in-law. Today, I flew back specially to visit Mrs. Bei. I flew back after reading it~"

"In such a hurry? Don't go home for dinner~"

"No way, you still don't know the woman's temper?"

This attack is a bit wide-ranging, Liu Yun said strangely, "Talking nonsense, am I having a bad temper?"

Yang Sen likes to watch his son eat deflated, rubbing the fire on the side, "Yes, did you say that your mother?"

Yang Cheng was speechless, "Don't let the chaos follow, let me just say that, if you have the time, think about going to DC next month~"

"Go to DC? You said the inaugural dinner?"

"Yes, the invitation letter has been sent to the house, right?"

Old John interjected, "I just arrived today, and there are 4 invitations for every dinner~"

Yang Cheng frowned, "Only four?"

Yang Sen laughed and said, "Satisfied, if these invitations are not for the name, I would like to sell them for money, at least for a fishing boat."

Liu Yun looked over beautifully, "Look at your father's interest, and even sell it for money, so I'm not afraid of being laughed at~"

Yang Sen refused to accept, "What am I afraid of? He dignified Jianguo has pulled out the menu to sell tickets. Why am I afraid of selling a few invitation letters?"

Yang Cheng laughed openly, "If you want me to say that Dad is a good idea, I think that apart from the few important dinners left for my own use, the remaining dinners for vice president Tong and Congress leaders can all be sold out~www. won't go anyway, stay and waste."

Old John followed with a smile, "I'm afraid not, every picture has a name~"

Yang Orange stared, "Each one? Isn't it? Comrade Jianguo is such a thief?"

"I'm afraid I will guard against your hands~" Liu Yunjiao smiled.

"Yes, let's participate honestly, it's a big deal, we will go alone."

Liu Yun said in distress, "Then I have to prepare a few sets of looks?"

Men are easy to say, just change a few sets of dresses, women are more troublesome, from jewelry to hairstyles to evening dresses, different occasions have to make different preparations.

"You have to prepare a few sets for Luo Yue, and she has to attend the ladies afternoon tea event with you."

Liu Yun clutched her forehead, "Fortunately, once every 4 years, if I come here once a year, I will break down~"

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