Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1771: Drink "Thor"

Yang Cheng only came out of Ivan's apartment in the middle of the night. Of course, only he himself, no matter how strong the eldest princess is, didn't he give Zhang Ba Snake Spear in vain?

After getting in the car and taking a sigh of relief, Yang Cheng asked Hansen, "What time is it?"

Hansen glanced at his watch, "Just after one o'clock, are you going home?"

Yang Cheng thought for a while, he is a little energetic now, not feeling very sleepy, but wants to drink, so he said, "Don't go home first, wait for me to make a call~"

If you want to find someone to drink at this time, you can't go wrong calling Thor. This **** Marvel fan is definitely the king of time management, and Master Luo is no opponent.

"Hey buddy, why call me when you are free?" Sol almost answered in seconds.

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "You answered the phone too quickly, right?"

"You are lucky, I just hung up~"

"No wonder, where are you? I want to find someone to drink~"

"Hey! You found the right person, come to me, I have all kinds of wine~"

Yang Cheng calculated the time, "Wait, it will be there in 15 minutes, yes, get me something to eat, I'm hungry~"

"No problem~"

His calculations were very accurate, and he knocked on the door in just 15 minutes.

Sol, in a pajamas, opened the door and blinked, "very on time~"

"Of course~"

Yang Cheng smelled the aroma in the air and nodded in satisfaction, "Fried chicken wings~"

Saul was stunned, "Can you smell it?"

Yang Cheng pushed Sol into it, "Of course, don't underestimate me, go in, I'm starving~"

Saul gave a smirk, "I know, it takes more physical effort to do big things~"

As soon as I entered the restaurant, I found that two blonde girls were mixing wine at the bar. Seeing Yang Cheng came in, they didn't forget to cast an artificial wink.

Yang Cheng was stunned, "Didn't you bother you?"

Sol stopped Yang Cheng by the shoulder, "Of course not~"

Waved to the two blonde girls, "Well, there is nothing for you here. Find a room for yourself, don't delay our drinking~"

That tone is no different from stray dogs. In fact, in his eyes, these gold worship girls are indeed no different from stray dogs.

"Sit down, buddy, what to drink?"

The table is already full of snacks, in addition to fried chicken wings, there is also his specialty salmon salad.

Yang Cheng picked up a piece of chicken wing and threw it into his mouth. Three seconds later, two clean bones were spit out into the trash can. This technique was no use.

I felt there was something in my stomach, and then I felt alive, "I'm starving to death. Whatever drink, brandy?"

Saul shrugged, "As you wish~"

Turned over and went to the back of the bar to find a bottle of Remy Martin, poured out two glasses, one of which was placed on the table and slid in front of Yang Cheng.

"Let's talk, what are you looking for?"

Yang Cheng was stunned, took a sip from the wine glass, and smiled, "It's okay, I just want to drink with you~"

Saul looked strange, "Really? Why don't I believe it?"

"It's okay~" Yang Cheng said helplessly.

Sol hesitated, "Okay, then I have something to tell you~"

"Say~" Yang Cheng picked up another chicken wing and stuffed it into her mouth. This time faster than before, it turned into two bones in two seconds.

Sol took a sip of his wine, "This time we can be considered a big victory, what are you going to order?"

Yang Cheng knew that Saul was referring to Comrade Jianguo's coming to power.

Yang Cheng stretched out her hand, "Push some of her people up as she thought before."



"Comeon, this is too easy~"

Yang Cheng asked, "What about you? What do you want?"

"You should guess~"

Yang Cheng's expression condensed, "You don't want Comrade Jianguo to protect American steel by increasing tariffs on imported steel?"

Saul smiled, "Look, I know you can guess it~"

Yang Orange took a deep breath and asked straightforwardly, "Is this his promise to you?"

Comrade Jianguo has made too many promises, some he can fulfill, some he can only play a rogue.

Of course, a rogue also scores a target. To Sol, he will try a rogue?

We must know that the strong influence of American steel workers is no less than that of the teachers' union.

At present, although there are only less than 150,000 steel workers left in the United States, they are no longer significant in terms of number. However, as traditional industrial workers, they have a sound union organization and rich experience in fighting, and they know how to exert their collective power to win the federation. Special care by ZF.

The American Iron and Steel Workers Federation has more than 800,000 members and has a pivotal influence on the ZZ elections and decision-making in the states of the Great Lakes region.

For a long time, with the help of votes, lobbying, and strikes, they have continuously prompted Bai Gong to restrict the import of steel products, and they have tried repeatedly.

During the tenure of Xiaofeixie and Comrade Guanhai, the United States imposed punitive tariffs on steel pipes, tires, and solar panels. In fact, there is the shadow of the American Iron and Steel Workers Association.

What Comrade Jianguo will face is a group of steel workers who have lost their glory but are still obsessed with returning to the past.

To some extent, the US President Tong has been "hosted" by this group. No matter who sits on that throne, the difficulties are the same, unless he does not want to seek re-election.

And the head of this group, standing in front of Yang Cheng's eyes, was different from the cynical image of the previous meeting. At this time, Thor seemed to finally have the shadow of a big man.

Yang Cheng sighed, "Do you think I can help you?"

"Why not? The Chinese people you have and the steel workers I have, these two forces unite, there is nothing we can't do in this country~"

Yang Cheng spit out the chicken bones fiercely, "If you just raise the tariff, you can do it without me~"

"I know, but I want more~"

"such as?"

"For example, annexing Nucor Steel~"

If you look closely, you can find that Yang Cheng’s pupils contracted rapidly after Sol’s words, and she was shocked, “Are you crazy? Take up Nucor Steel? You are not afraid of the defendant’s monopoly? And U.S. Steel’s crazy acquisition and annexation belt in the past The consequences of coming have not yet been effectively resolved. Now you want to annex the second largest steel plant in the United States?"

Saul appeared calm, "Yeah, why not? Everyone thinks that what U.S. Steel should do most at this time is to clean up the burden and burden, but I think that as long as a certain degree of monopoly is achieved, U.S. Steel will survive. ~"

Yang Cheng shook his head vigorously, "No, Saul, this is not a child's play house. You can get the results you want by just accumulating. There is a limit to everything. You are not afraid of life and death to U.S. Steel?

If you insist on this, Bethlehem’s fate may be the end of U.S. Steel! "

"Bethlehem died on Wall Street~"

"But you can't ignore its own problems~"

Saul lowered his eyelids, took a sip of wine, and slammed it heavily on the table, "Jason, what must American Steel do~"

"I know, but the problem is not something you can solve through a counter-trend acquisition. Congress will not pass your merger, even if Comrade Jianguo pushes it forcibly."

"What you worry about is the public voice? That's why I am looking for you. I hope you can help me suppress public opinion~"

Yang Orange shook his head, "No~ Public opinion is not a problem at all. Except for those in the steel industry, no one cares who Nucor Steel belongs to, let alone the merger of the first and second largest steel companies. They just think, oh , You merged? It's awesome, you made money again~"

Saul couldn't help laughing, he could imagine the scene then.

After the laughter was silence, Yang Cheng sighed, "To be honest, I don't think tariff protection can bring a ray of life to the declining American steel industry."

"Why?" Saul was puzzled.

"Comrade Jianguo has been promoting the so-called American first concept. He mentioned this term in many speeches. He believes that the previous international economic system and trade agreements are not good for American manufacturing and labor. He wants to change international trade through renegotiating. The pattern puts American interests first.

However, this is just wishful thinking of the businessman. He is not yet ready to become the head of a country. His way of thinking is still limited to the egoism of the capitalist, focusing only on immediate interests. Simply put, once tariffs are raised, he even refuses directly. Imported steel into the United States, then the first thing that Comrade Jianguo had to face was the questioning of allies after another.

You should know who has the greatest impact on this zheng policy, not country Z! "

Sol had to nod, "Of course it is not country Z. Their production capacity can be fully digested. The steel exports of Canada, Mexico, Germany, South Korea, and RB will be greatly affected. It happens to be in international relations. These countries are A die-hard ally of the United States."

Yang Orange smiled, "Look, even if Comrade Jianguo doesn't care about the opposition from these countries, this is only temporary. It will at most give the US steel industry a breather, but it will not solve the fundamental problem of global steel overcapacity, nor can it be improved. The competitiveness of the US steel industry.

On the contrary, the downstream steel industry in the United States needs to bear the cost of rising domestic steel prices or transfer the cost to American consumers, which is not good for the overall economy of the United States.

Don’t forget These allies are not completely dependent on the United States. Once their exports are hit hard, they are bound to initiate countermeasures and set trade barriers on US exports, which will affect the jobs created by US exports. .

When these problems broke out, do you think that Comrade Jianguo will still stick to the promise he made to you? "

Saul's face turned dark, Yang Cheng's prediction is likely to come true, he will never overestimate Comrade Jianguo's integrity.

Suddenly I was exhausted, and Sol sat down on the table, "Then what do you think I should do?"

Yang Cheng held the chicken bones in his mouth, "Let's wait and see, if it doesn't work, you can only take one step at a time. After all, I can't save the entire steel industry."

Sol also knows that he is difficult to be strong, and Yang Cheng is not an expert in this industry.

After a sigh of relief, "What about Alcoa?"

"You should ask Matthew, he must have an idea about Alcoa, but he has no chance to realize it."

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