Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1776: Iron Man wants to change career

(Because I have to accompany my mother on the holidays, I can only post the manuscripts, the number of manuscripts in my life has not been 10, but I still want to wish all mothers a happy holiday????ヽ(°▽°)ノ??)

"Should I go over and ask?"

Yang Cheng was stunned, "Ask what?"

"Ask how they plan to deal with Gallo Winery~" Sol said excitedly.

Yang Cheng gave him a white look, this guy is definitely on the top of alcohol, "If you don't go or not, what does it have to do with us?"

"It's good to listen to inside information and make some pocket money in the stock market~"

The original attitude of being firm and unwilling to go, was shaken by Sol's words. There was no way. He was used to being poor and wanted to pick up the money.

Manually, he would not admit that he was gossiping anyway.

Okay, Yang Cheng admits it. Gossip is just gossip. Can't people be a little curious? It doesn't matter whether money is or not, it is more important to satisfy curiosity.

This guy Sol has always been running water, holding a wine glass and chatting with people, he became a ‘buddy’.

Chong Yang Cheng beckoned, "Introduce you a new friend, Robusands, CEO of Constellation Group."

Yang Cheng didn't want to talk to him, so he still used you to introduce him?

He politely shook hands with the other party, and Sol couldn't wait to ask, "Robbo, tell us the truth, are you going to help Roy deal with Gallo Winery?"

Robb pushed down his glasses awkwardly and denied, "To deal with Gallo Winery? No, this is a family affair, and we are outsiders who are not good to participate."

Saul had an expression of ‘all know’, "It’s okay, there are no outsiders here, if you have something to say, are you going to support another Gallo in order to fight against your old opponent?"

Robb couldn't laugh or cry, "Really not. Our minds are all on an acquisition. How can we be in the mood to intervene in other people's family affairs?

I came today purely to help my friends support the field. "

Yang Cheng's eyes lit up, "You and Roy have known each other a long time ago?"

Robb did not deny this time, "Of course, the wine shop under the Constellation Group sells Gallo Cheese Company products."

This incident is very interesting. Although Robesandz strongly denied that he was helping Roy Gallo, his words were not rigorous. He said that he knew Roy. Given his short understanding of Roy, how could he let go? Over this **** that can help his father avenge?

Therefore, Yang Cheng guessed that Robesands didn't tell the truth, too, who would have a fight with someone who had just met for less than 10 minutes.

Yang Cheng, whose curiosity was completely hooked, didn't rush to ask, but instead asked, "Mr. Sands just said that he was talking about an acquisition recently? Without involving commercial secrets, I wonder if I can disclose one or two? You also know that I have a fund company."

Robb’s expression relaxed. He thought that Yang Cheng was looking for insider information to profit from it. This is nothing unacceptable to him. On the contrary, it is powerful for the company’s stock price. If a large amount of money enters the market, it will definitely support the stock price. For the Constellation Group, which is now in the shadow of Comrade Jianguo, it is definitely Yang Zhi Ganlu.

Therefore, Robb not only did not hide it, but also said generously, "I know your company, 4D Space, and the fund company that is on the rise on Wall Street recently. Is your chief trader called Allen? He is a genius~"

Yang Cheng accepted the compliment for Allen, "I think he will be happy to eat two more burgers after hearing your praise~"

Allen’s obsession with Hamburg is no secret on Wall Street now. Anyone who has heard of him must know his strange habit.

Robb smiled and said, "Recently we are negotiating with the Hunius family to buy the five major brands from them. The negotiation is nearing completion and it is estimated that the transaction will be completed before the end of the year."

Yang Cheng raised his glass and said, "Congratulations, I know the Junius family, California's golden powder Sado is their brand, right?"

Robb clinked glasses with Yang Orange, "Thank you, Sado is also on the list of this transaction. The entire transaction amount is close to 300 million US dollars."

He is giving favors to Yang Orange. In his opinion, Yang Orange will make a lot of money from this good news. Of course, the Constellation Group he belongs to will definitely make more.

Yang Orange nodded when he heard the words, and explained the strategic intentions of the Constellation Group. "It seems that the Constellation Group is going to strengthen its layout in the wine field."

His words are absolutely hidden deep meaning. Just now, the other party denied that he had teamed up with Roy to deal with Gallo Winery. Turning his head revealed the strategy of increasing the layout of the wine field. The contradictions before and after are enough to make Yang Cheng figure out some things.

However, Robesands did not hear the extension of Yang Cheng's words, but nodded affirmatively, "Yes, this is to strengthen our position in the fine wine team.

For example, the “wine appetizer” brand involved in this acquisition, which was founded in 1998, is an innovative California blend with low output and high quality. It is highly praised by consumers and continues to receive more than 90 points from the "Wine Observer" magazine. , And has been listed in the magazine’s top 100 wines for many times. The retail price has been maintained at around US$35, making it a fine wine that ordinary people can afford.

Several other brands are also rare boutiques, which are conducive to improving the overall positioning of our group. "

Constellation Group has been committed to integrating its wine business for the past two years. Last year, the wave of bucking the trend skyrocketed, not because Constellation Group spent more than 300 million US dollars to complete the acquisition of a California Pinot Noir wine brand, which stimulated the flat stock price at that time. .

Yang Cheng pretended to be casual and asked suddenly, "When will Roy's red wine be on the market?"

"It will be officially launched on the market next month..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Robb suddenly noticed the smile in Yang Cheng's eyes, and smiled bitterly, "You do what I say~"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "No, I'm just asking a normal question, thank you for your frankness Robb, I will go to your winery to join in after the listing."

When Saul saw this, he hugged Robb, "Look, it's all about it. Why don't you tell us, I swear to God, we are just curious and never meant to participate, let alone Worried that we will be on the side of Brother Gallo."

Yang Cheng nodded in agreement, "Yes, I don't look down on this kind of person~"

Robb, of course, would not take the initiative to confess because of these two sentences. At any rate, he is also the CEO of a listed company with a market value of more than 20 billion U.S. dollars. At this point, the city has not been mixed in this cannibal world?

Pretending to be embarrassed, he declined, "Don't push me, there is really no secret. Roy is my friend. He has brewed a model for a long time and sold it in our company. This is a win-win thing. Can't you refuse?"

Seeing that Yang Cheng couldn't ask anything, she winked at Sol, "Okay Rob, sorry to interrupt, I wish you a good time~"

After the two left, Saul complained with an unhappy expression on his face, "What are you doing? We haven't asked him clearly yet."

Yang Cheng glared at this guy speechlessly, because he could be regarded as his own son because of his age, and he was as childish as a child.

"You haven't seen it yet. This is someone's secret. How could it be shaken out because of the words of the two of us? I guess Gallo Winery is going to be out of luck this time. The Constellation Group is staring at each other more closely. Years later, I always wanted to find a chance to annex the other party, but it was a pity that Gallo was too closed, and it was difficult for outsiders to intervene.

But with Roy, it's different. He is the best key to knocking on Gallo's door. If Robb doesn't know how to use it, he can just sleep well.

And Roy can avenge his father because of this. Robb is right. This is a win-win business.

In order to succeed, they will keep the secret to the end. Don't think that Robb looks like a bully and thinks he can tell us everything. Don't forget how long we have known each other? It takes less than half an hour to be full, not even a friend. In the face of interests, our identities are a fart. "

Saul admits that what Yang Cheng said is reasonable, but since childhood, there is no one thing he wants that he can't reach. The more difficult things are, the more he can inspire his ambition.

He put the empty wine glass on the waiting waiter's tray, took another glass of new wine, shook it gently, and said, "The more cautious Robb is, the more curious I will be. To be honest, I kind of want to get involved."

Yang Orange was speechless, "Participate in? How to participate?"

"We asked Roy to provide him with help. I believe that he will definitely agree to join us in terms of improving the success rate."

Yang Cheng frowned and said, "It's not us, it's you. I won't mix this kind of thing leisurely, and there is no benefit."

"How do you know there is no benefit?" Sol asked back.

Yang Cheng was about to go back subconsciously, but seeing Sol's confident look, couldn't help asking, "What's bad in your stomach?"

Saul pushed Yang Cheng jokingly, "What are you talking about, I'm a good person, and everyone who knows me says so, how could it be bad?"

Yang Cheng smiled mockingly, without speaking, but the meaning was very clear-believe you, a big ghost!

Sol took a sip. "Well, to be honest, I think it's still profitable."

Yang Cheng asked directly, "You can't talk about Gallo Winery, do you?"

Without waiting for Saul to respond, Yang Cheng said directly, "Don't dream, they are a family business, you can kill them without spitting, you can't help them~"

Saul is dissatisfied, you are too courageous, and I don't believe that you are not tempted by a wine industry group larger than Constellation Group, which is tens of billions of dollars. "

"How about being tempted? I never waste brain cells on impossible things."

After a pause, Yang Cheng warned, "And don't forget, the U.S. Steel and Alcoa in your hands are experiencing the biggest dilemma in history. Are you still in the mood for wine?"

Saul snorted when he heard the words, "Isn't I thinking about the future?"

Yang Cheng laughed, "Your way back is to abandon traditional manufacturing and move into Napa Valley and switch to selling wine?"

"is it not OK?"

"You can, but I won't join in the fun, after all, I don't need to change."

Sol muttered, "Well, I admit you are a local tyrant, but the net profit of the Constellation Group is more than 300 million yuan a year, and the Gallo Winery is definitely more than a lot, and you only look down on it!"

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