Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1790: Once the originator

The great thing about Pound is that it can integrate the dissemination of the content in all channels according to the unique URL of each content, and count the dissemination process, so that Buzzfeed can better understand the audience.

One of Hive's functions is to record the editing ideas of each piece of content on different platforms, that is, the company's internal content database and statistical system.

At the same time, Buzzfeed also has an editorial team of more than 200 people, covering multiple fields of ZZ, business, entertainment, and travel, so that the content avoids just staying in the link of publishing, but will reprocess the content and target different social Platform features re-integrate content to adapt to the browsing habits of users of the platform.

At one time, BuzzFeed covered more than 30 distribution channels around the world, including Facebook, and even Polar Bear’s social network VK and communication tool Telegram. 75% of the content was posted on other platforms instead of on its own website.

This is also the reason why Buzzfeed has always been a unicorn rather than a predator in the previous life. The reason why Yang Cheng was able to make this model bigger and stronger was also because he changed Buzzfeed’s operating model. It’s better to build a platform by yourself than to look at people’s faces. Much more.

The most important thing is that BuzzFeed has been criticized for a long time, that is, all its revenue comes from the advertising business. I hope that advertisers can also experience viral expansion.

But its revenue has been unsatisfactory. Its annual revenue is only more than 100 million U.S. dollars. This is only revenue, and the profitability is not optimistic. Don't look at the valuation once approaching 1.8 billion U.S. dollars, but compared with the current headlines, you know How sorry about Buzzfeed.

A good hand is played as a typical representative of a poor hand.

Yang Cheng retracted his thoughts and asked, "Someone has heard about it~"

Sanford invited Yang Cheng to sit down and chat. There was no way. She was too curious. Yang Cheng sat down with the opportunity, but he didn't forget to let Donna take care of Luo Yue, explaining by the way that he might not be able to go temporarily.

"Not long ago, Columbia Pictures came to an RB team. It is said to be from the investment department of the parent company Sony. I thought they were here to invest in the entertainment business. I didn't expect them to ask my colleague about Buzzfeed, a small, unknown company. Swear, I have never heard of such an internet company on the West Coast before this.

Because of curiosity, I asked the secretary to pay attention to the progress of the matter. Within a few days, there was news that RB’s investment team had reached a financing agreement with the other party to inject 50 million US dollars. Facebook was also involved in the financing. I don't know the distribution of shares.

But because I was too curious about what kind of company it was that could attract so many powerful investors, the most important thing was that there was no reputation spread before.

I found out that this is an Internet company with a type that is highly similar to the headlines. The founder was Jona Peretti, one of the bosses of the Huffington Post, and he founded it 10 years ago. Called by this name, it has been in the stocking stage.

Not long after Toutiao was born, Jonah Peretti seemed to have found a development idea. He still recruited the operation team to develop his own algorithms and engines. Of course, I don’t understand these. Anyway, the technology is similar to Toutiao app.

In the past two years, it has developed rapidly. Relying on the Facebook platform, it has accumulated a large number of users, but due to funding issues, it has not made great strides in development, but now, funding will no longer be an issue that hinders their development. "

Listening to Sanford’s narrative, Yang Cheng frowned deeply. Because he was asked by the leader to study the business model of buzzfeed in his previous life, he worked hard and has a deep understanding of the company.

The story of this company starts with the "Nike incident" in 2001.

Back then, Jona Peretti, the founder of BuzzFeed, asked the Nike factory to print "sweatshop" on his shoes. After being rejected, he emailed his conversation with Nike to twelve friends. These twelve friends And then forward it to others, one pass ten, ten pass a hundred, a hundred pass a thousand, and finally reached millions of people in the United States.

This greatly exceeded Jonah Peretti's expectations. Through this event, sharing and viral transmission planted a seed in his brain.

Then there was BuzzBot, the birth of this instant messaging client, which was also the first product developed by BuzzFeed Labs.

It uses algorithms to check hundreds of blogs and send users a link to the most popular events of the day. However, as the number of users increases, BuzzBot feels "burdened" and "tired". It is too hard to push the hottest events to each user every day. Up.

So BuzzFeed turned to set up a website, and posted the information links that BuzzBot found every day on the website.

In fact, according to Jonah Peretti's idea, he thinks BuzzBot did a good job, but it would be better to need someone to help it build the link framework.

Before long, he welcomed his first editor, Peiqi Wang. He knew from his name that this was a Chinese descent. He served as the editorial director of BuzzFeed in his previous life and helped BuzzBot manage daily links.

At first, BuzzFeed will publish five or six links every day, some of which are due to BuzzBot, and the other is from Wang Peiqi.

In the early days, most of BuzzFeed's sharing was based on friends. After the site slowly attracted users, bloggers began to look for the resources they wanted from BuzzFeed.

A few years later, BuzzFeed's monthly revenue reached $600,000, and posts were often cited by well-known bloggers, which attracted the attention of advertisers.

Jona Peretti has been looking for the essence of virality.

The first BuzzFeed post that went viral on the Internet was called "Girl in Disaster"-a little girl showed a weird smile in front of a house destroyed by fire.

In addition, the editors intercepted the girl’s photo and put her on other crime scenes. The girl’s weird smile did not appear to be offensive in different scenes. In this incident, BuzzFeed was not only looking for the most popular topics, but also Also participate in the production of hot topics.

Subsequently, BuzzFeed discovered another popular killer-pets, which are cute pets.

It turns out that humans can’t resist the cuteness of cats and As long as there are pictures of these furry little guys, it will be able to spread more widely.

In short, Buzzfeed discovers popular elements time and time again and binds its content forcibly to attract users' attention. With its easy-to-understand content and simple and crude "title party", Buzzfeed has created viral spreads again and again.

Just like "crazy skirts", suddenly one day, everyone in the world is discussing the color of skirts.

This debate spread like a virus, and BuzzFeed was unable to cope with the congested network traffic in a short period of time.

To put it bluntly, the key points of viral article dissemination are: short, concise, easy-to-understand, and "title party". Of course, if you want to make the viewing effect better, you also need a lot of pictures.

Of course, all of this is now inherited by the Toutiao app, and the application is even crazier.

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