Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1800: City of roses

"I only talked to Thomas Winkel at the Xiangjiang meeting a while ago, and I didn't expect to hear the bad news so soon~"

Bastian sighed.

"This is the disadvantage of no cash flow~" Yang Cheng is now deeply aware of the benefits of having a huge cash flow. Risk resistance is one thing, and more importantly, being able to buy and buy at will.

Since Yuanshan entered Delta Air Lines, its annual operating cash flow has shown a substantial growth trend. This year it has reached as much as 20%. It is expected that operating cash flow this year will reach as much as 7.8 billion US dollars. In addition to paying dividends, the cash will also be used to repay debts and stock repurchases. Of course, a small part of it is used for acquisitions.

Such high cash retention also makes Yuanshan's holding position more stable, and of course, there are generous dividends.

This year, Delta Air Lines will allocate US$2 billion at a time for dividends to shareholders and employees. Everyone who invests in Delta Air Lines will make a lot of money. Naturally, no one will propose to Yuanshan Holding Delta Air Lines. objection.

You must know that there were always racists who spoke a lot about the Chinese controlling Delta Airlines.

However, there is a reason for this large dividend distribution. Next year, Delta Airlines will continue to invest in the refining field. Of course, it will need to open up new routes and restart the cargo business. All these are inseparable from the support of large amounts of funds. How much is spent now, it will be doubled back in the future, this is all routine.

In short, Delta Airlines is flying to a higher sky. For this reason, Buffett, who had reached a deal with Yuanshan, once again used part of Berkshire’s funds to buy Delta’s stock. Of course, this is just an investment. There is no competition for management rights.

For this matter, the old stock **** also specifically called Yang Cheng, hoping that Yang Cheng would not misunderstand him. He had no intention of fighting for the right to operate, but just wanted to make money.

For such investors, Yang Cheng welcomes them with both hands and feet.

After chatting with Bastian for a while, Yang Cheng heard footsteps behind her, turned her head and found that Luo Yue was walking over in her nightgown and rubbing her sleepy eyes.

Yang Cheng opened his arms to encircle the beautiful woman in her arms, and the setting sun in the morning just shone in, hitting her body like stage light. This scene is very much like a scene in an idol drama.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Yue raised his head and said softly, "Excuse me?"

"Of course not, just finished the chat, why didn't you sleep more?"

"Enough sleep, can't sleep anymore~"

"Then wash and go to breakfast?"

"it is good?"


"You figure it out~"

. . . . . .

After breakfast, I participated in the Willamette Valley’s third wine auction this year according to the schedule. Most of the participants were traders or private winery owners. There were few individual collectors. This also meant Willamette Valley. The red wine, has not really knocked on the door of the middle and high-end class, and still needs to work hard.

The total turnover of the auction was less than half a million US dollars, which was far less than the previous two. This is why everyone seemed not too enthusiastic. The auction ended in less than an hour.

Seeing that the time was still early, Yang Cheng discussed with Luo Yue and decided to take a car to Portland to go shopping. The distance was very close, about an hour's drive.

There are several Portland in the United States, but the most famous is undoubtedly the largest city in Oregon in the Northwest Territories and Portland in Maine

Compared with other cities, Portland is a relatively late-developed city. In other parts of the United States, British, French, and Spaniards established colonies very early. They built cities there and encouraged immigration, but Oregon was different.

About 200 years ago, Oregon belonged to the United Kingdom in theory for a long time, but the United Kingdom did not spend a lot of resources to develop it. After all, North America was still a desert at that time, and it was located at the other end of the mainland. Canada’s major cities are far away, land routes are too far, and sea routes are dangerous because of the presence of pirates, so they have not been developed.

During this period, there was a man named Lewis. The expedition finally reached the coast near Portland. After returning to Washington, he reported to Mr. Jefferson where they found in the west and told Mr. Tong that the land of Oregon was very rich and very rich. Suitable for American farmers to develop.

At that time, Jefferson heard that it was a pity to have such a good place. It was a holy land. It was a pity that the US was not strong enough. It was not until an agreement was reached with the British decades later that Oregon became an official territory of the US. Before that, Americans who have been to Oregon are mainly adventurers and explorers. They rely on the fur of beavers and other animals as their source of income. The locals call them'mountains'.

However, the first batch of pioneers who arrived in Oregon were not Americans. They were new immigrants who discovered that there were few good land left in the east. They were forced to decide to explore new land in the west. These pioneers were tenacious and used It took a long time to bring the whole family to Oregon to start a new life.

The road they walked is called the Oregon Trail. Bad weather, rotten mountain roads, mud roads, steep slopes, uncrossable rivers, cholera, hostile Indians, and most of the pioneers stayed on the Oregon Trail.

Friends who have impressions should be familiar with this term. When I was young, there was an old computer game called this name.

The final destination of these pioneers was the Willamette River Valley. They discovered that this place was extremely rich. Later, it did become one of the most developed agricultural bases in the United States.

At that time, every family who arrived in the Willamette Valley could get a piece of free land. The climate here is warm and humid but the air is not humid, and the seasons are like spring. Therefore, vegetable crops can be grown in every season. Today, the Willamette Valley It has become an important producer of fruits such as blueberries, cherries, raspberries, and apples in the United States.

However, with the exception of the fertile Willamette Valley, the long coastline, and the Columbia River Canyon, most of Oregon is inland plateaus and deserts with low rainfall and extremely low population density.

Portland is a city established after Oregon became a state. The name is also based on the city of Portland in Eastern Maine. It is said that there were two people who first founded this city, one from Portland, Maine and the other From Boston, two people fought for this name, but the one from Portland won, so this new city in Oregon is called Portland.

Well, this is a joke, no one knows if there is a fight, but it seems to be the case.

At that time, if Portland wanted to develop its economy, it could only rely on shipping. Forestry and agriculture were also important components, but shipping still accounted for a larger proportion. At that time, Portland existed as the most important port in the northwestern United States. At one point, Seattle was under pressure.

But because Portland has gone through a long period of darkness, it has a bad reputation on the street, because there are many bad guys in the area, and gang members are running around in the street.

Even next to the port is the red light district, but it was also the home of the Chinese at that time, which is the so-called Chinatown. Many sailors who drifted on the sea for a long time went to the red light district to relax when they arrived on land. Casinos and bars naturally spawned, etc. After spending almost all the wages, return to the boat to continue wandering.

It was not until the end of World War II that the bad guys were almost dead, and Portland's economic structure had undergone tremendous changes, from an industrial city to a service city.

The West Coast, especially Portland, has become the birthplace of environmentalism. It has vigorously developed farmland and nature reserves, and has very strict regulations on urban construction. This has given Portland the reputation of the "City of Roses". Portland is one of the most beautiful cities in the United States and also benefited from the protection during this period.

With beautiful natural scenery, coupled with good economic potential, it naturally attracts big brands like Nike and Intel to settle in, including Adidas's US branch headquarters in Portland, and these two brands have also played a role. Take the lead and attract a number of apparel companies to settle in Portland.

It is important to know that Portland is only a small third-tier city in the United States. It can attract so many brands and large companies. It is not enough to have beautiful scenery. It must have high-quality educational resources, especially humanistic advantages.

It’s true. Just like Seattle, Portland is one of the birthplaces of punk rock music. With the skyrocketing housing prices in New York and California, many artists, literary youths and entrepreneurs who were in the downturn moved their homes to Portland. , Because Portland is very similar to New York and Los Angeles in terms of food and art, but consumption is not as high as that of New York and Los Angeles. Coupled with beautiful scenery and high-quality educational resources, more talents are willing to settle here. This is solved. For the worries of big companies, don't worry about not recruiting talents.

On the way, Yang Cheng told Luo Yue everything he knew about Portland, which aroused the craziness of his fiancee and made Luo Yue yearn for Portland.

Apart from other things, just the perfect combination of beautiful scenery and food, the interest in playing has been adjusted to the highest level.

The style of Portland cuisine is just one word— This is one of the birthplaces of the “farm-to-table” dining model. Vegetables are grown here in all seasons. The farm is in the suburbs, so Portland’s There are so many farmers’ markets, almost every restaurant can buy the freshest ingredients every day.

The characteristic of this catering model is that it is processed directly from the farm to your table with as little processing as possible.

What you eat is natural and healthy, and when the car enters the city, Yang Cheng and the others are attracted by the food trucks that can be seen everywhere. Yes, this place itself is a paradise for food trucks!

The number of food trucks per capita here is the largest in the United States and the world.

Don’t think that food trucks are very low. Portland-style food trucks produce very high-quality food and have a wide variety of dishes. You can taste specialties from hundreds of countries on the streets of Portland. The key is cheap, many Young people want to start a business and come to Portland to build a food truck. The chance of success is much higher than that of other projects.

Yang Cheng stopped the car directly, ready to go down to eat.

"What is this? Rice noodles? Thai fried rice noodles? Would you like to try it?"

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