Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1803: Guild Wars Board 2

(Sorry, it’s too late, I almost moved myself to cry when I went home and coded the noodles!)

"Jason, you must be clear about your position. You are the representative of the board of directors dispatched by Yuanshan Capital to Delta Air Lines. Before you make any decision, you should first consider the interests of Yuanshan Capital."

Hearing this shameless remark, Yang Cheng snorted, "Then, which one of you here is more qualified to represent the interests of Yuanshan Capital than me?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was silent, and even the director who had just started questioning could not help but was taken aback. Yeah, from a certain perspective, Yuanshan Capital is the private property of the Yang family, and Yang Cheng is the next generation of the Yang family. The only heir, there is no second possibility. If someone will harm the interests of Yuanshan Capital, then it will definitely not be Yang Cheng. On the contrary, everyone in the room except Yang Cheng is more likely to do something that infringes on the interests of the company. thing.

Some good old people stepped up to ease the atmosphere, "Jason, you may have misunderstood. We do not suspect that you are harming the company’s interests. We just want to remind you that you should consider our company more before making a decision. As for Delta Air Lines, it’s just our investment. Object only."

Yang Cheng coldly snorted, "Really? How do I remember that some of you strongly opposed when I wanted to buy a stake in Delta Air Lines, why? Now that I have tasted the sweetness, I think Delta Air Lines can let us Take it?"

No one dared to answer this time, Yang Cheng stood up and looked down at the audience. Everyone’s expressions were caught in his eyes, and he said coldly, “I know what you’re making. You are better than me. To be clear, I won't say it, lest everyone is unsightly, but I must remind you that only with the long-term operation of Yuanshan Capital, the power represented here and behind can obtain stable income.

I think this is what you need to be concerned about, rather than considering the internal cash situation of a company controlled and operated by us. "

After a pause, Yang Cheng stretched out his hand to the side, and Liu Junyu tacitly put a stack of documents in his hand.

I immediately glanced at the conference table. Among the scattered paper documents, there are a few pages that are very eye-catching. It is either a photo of a woman or a copy of a fake account book. Everyone in the room can find a corresponding. It is fair. There are not many others. Not a lot.

These handles were given to him by Yang Sen early in the morning. Originally, he was worried that Yang Cheng could not control the situation of the board of directors. He did not expect that Yang Cheng directly threw it out and beat the blood tank of this group of directors. A trace of blood is left.

Seeing their shaky pale faces, Yang Cheng finally found the pleasure of being the protagonist.

Sure enough, there still needs to be a face-slapped plot, which is a bit vulgar, and it's unstoppable.

Can't help but yell for myself in my heart: Niubi (broken sound——)

Sit down again, raised Erlang’s legs, and said leisurely, “Originally, I didn’t need to take out these things. After all, everyone is a layman, who can not do some mundane things? But you don’t know how to choose the time. Isn't it good to have a good Christmas? I have to find it for me on such a holiday.

But you should thank me. I’m still very kind, easy to be soft-hearted, and understanding that it’s not easy for you all these years, so these photos and documents will not be released to the public. I will keep it slowly. Just appreciate it.

I hope everyone can take it as a warning, concentrate on their own work, don't care about things you shouldn't, and earn a high dividend every year to live the life of an enviable master. Is this bad? "

Seeing the blue and red faces of the directors, Yang Cheng suddenly felt quite boring, thinking that something big could happen, it seemed that that was all.

Opened the door of the meeting room, stepped out, and heard one after another message prompts in his pocket.

Thinking that something major had happened, I quickly took out my phone and took a look. It turned out to be a credit card reminder. I opened it and looked dumbfounded. I swiped four or five strokes at once. The last one was even more scary. 120 Ten thousand dollars, I rely on, what are you buying? Bugatti?

Almost unable to hold back the swearing, he called Luo Yue.

As a result, it was the mother who answered the question. Before she could speak, she heard the conversation on the other side. She teased, "Look at what I said, did you call me?"

Luo Yue's sweet smile followed, and Yang Cheng said silently, "Mom, what did you buy?"

Liu Yun asked, "What? I feel distressed? Didn't you say to follow us?"

Yang Cheng grinned twice. She stood on such a silly son's mother, pretending to be generous, "Swipe, swipe, I just ask, I thought the card was lost~"

Liu Yun laughed, "Okay, stop teasing you. Your wife and I will give you a watch as a Christmas gift. Your 1.2 million is for your daughter-in-law, so you can’t bear to watch her burst the card. ?"

When I heard that I bought it for myself, Yang Cheng felt warmer at the same time, but couldn't help but wonder, "What watch is so expensive?"

"You'll know when you go back. It's not Patek Philippe anyway. I remember you also have one, right?"

While talking about it, he might have forgotten to talk on the phone, and even started talking with Luo Yue. As the voice in the microphone became smaller and smaller, Yang Cheng had to hang up the phone by himself.

After thinking about it, it is so expensive and it has been very popular in the past two years. I also have one of it. Is it Richard Miller?

Yes, only Richard Mille can compete with Patek Philippe in price.

After leaving from Yuanshan Capital, Yang Cheng went back to the New Era Building. Even on Christmas Eve, the company was on duty. The building was not deserted at all. The company’s logistics department prepared enough welfare and entertainment activities for the on-duty staff to spend time away. time.

Yang Cheng showed up, and after throwing a wave of red envelopes, he went home to prepare for the holiday.

A Christmas tree has been decorated in the house for a long time, and Christmas elements can be seen everywhere, and there is Santa Claus in the Central Park downstairs. This is the children's favorite holiday because there are gifts to get.

Yang Sen is in charge of being the driver. Only Old John and the servants are cleaning the house. In fact, the house is cleaned every day, but Old John is not at ease and strives for the best.

The smell of fragrance came from the kitchen. The chef prepared expensive and fresh ingredients early for today’s Christmas Eve dinner. This is one of the few times he can show off his skills in a year. He doesn’t want to miss this show. Opportunity.

Yang Cheng should smell roast turkey now. Although his family is not that interested in roast turkey, it is a symbol. It doesn't matter whether you eat it or not, you have to have it!

At the same time, the chef will roast one more, which will be handed over to the volunteers in the community. This is the tradition of their community. Every Christmas, every household must prepare an extra roast turkey, and the community will be responsible for the distribution. For the homeless people nearby, it is a kind of fun with the people~

Of course, in addition to this, each family can also contribute more types of delicacies. There is no stipulation and everything is voluntary.

The Yang family prepares more dim sum every year, using small packaging boxes, which look very delicate.

Yang Cheng couldn't stay free, changed her clothes and washed her hands, followed into the kitchen, grabbed some work from the chef, and had a great time.

It was unknowingly night, and the sky darkened. The community staff had already come to pick up the roast turkey and 200 dim sums. Yang Cheng contributed half of it himself, which was a bit of his care.

The chef also started to make dinner. At this time, Old John’s intercom rang, and he was walking out with two servants. Not long after, a family of Wuyang Wuyang came in. Full of bags.

When Yang Cheng saw this scene, his heart almost stopped supplying blood. In the afternoon, he was irritated by the consumption reminder text messages that kept ringing. He simply mute the phone, which is a typical ear-and-the-ring. In the end, he could not escape the scene of "heartache". It's all his cards!

Liu Yun handed the paper bag in both hands to the servant, and while hammering his shoulder, Yang Cheng said dumbfoundedly at the kitchen, "My son gives me a glass of juice, I'm exhausted~"

Luo Yue was also about to collapse, and said weakly, "I want to~"

Yang Sen is even more miserable. It is estimated that two-thirds of the paper bags are in his hands, "I want alcohol, I need alcohol!"

Yang Cheng had a black line in his forehead, and for the first time I saw someone who spent money to be physically exhausted.

Regardless of your juices and alcohol, Yang Cheng only cared about how much money he ‘lost’, opened the bank app tremblingly, glanced at the overdraft account, and felt dizzy. What the hell?


There are still pieces!

Damn, did you save the world with my card? It cost more than 8 million or 9 million dollars in just one day?

The key is that there are dozens of them in front of you. No, there should be more than 100 paper bags, are they worth so much money?

Before he was completely shocked, Yang Sen urged, "Where is the wine?"

Alcohol, your uncle, Yang Cheng feels that he needs to drink, and smoke is coming out of his head. He urgently needs iced alcohol to cool down.

Old John was busy with his servants packing shopping bags while preparing drinks for several owners, but he always had a smile on his mouth. No wonder, when he first walked in, Liu Yun gave out the gifts he bought ~www.wuxiaspot .com~Is it not happy to receive gifts?

Yang Cheng used a great deal of perseverance to control the desire to kill with the knife, took a heavy step, walked over step by step, squeezing out a smile that was uglier than the death of his father, and pronounced it between his teeth, saying, "You Are you having fun?"

Liu Yun lay unimaginatively on the sofa. One of her high-heeled shoes was on the carpet under her feet and the other flew 5 meters away. The whole person looked like mud and waved casually, "Happy, I can't go shopping like this next time. Just typing the password and signing is about to break my hands~"

Listen~listen~listen~, these words can not only anger people, but also make people live!

what? Tired your hands after typing a password and signing a word? Is this human?

Yang Cheng swears, if it wasn't for his biological mother, he would definitely kill this old woman!

But seeing them all tired and exhausted, Yang Cheng smiled cruelly, as the saying goes-Heaven is a reincarnation, who is the sky bypassing!

Exhausted you guys~

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