Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1805: Tax avoidance foundation

After receiving two limited edition luxury watches in a row, Yang Cheng's mood is mixed, things are expensive, but some things are too expensive, and there is no need to buy them. He is not the second generation of prodigal and rich. You need a watch to show your identity!

But this is the heart of the family again, it would be even more perfect without the 1.2 million of myself.

After taking a few glances, he put the watch in the watch box, took a deep breath, Jiang Qing's expression finally eased, "What else?"

Liu Yun said seriously, "Also... We bought a car by ourselves, and it was treated as a Christmas gift from you~"

Yang Cheng was surprised and asked, "The car? How much is the car worth?"

In the large amount of nearly 9 million US dollars, even buying three Ferraris is a fraction.

"anything else?"

"I bought your dad's clothes for a year~" Liu Yun said again.

This time it's Yang Cheng's turn to twitch her lips, don't others know that he still doesn't? A good suit can be exchanged for a Mercedes!

How many sets are there for a year? Conservatively point to one set per week, then 52 sets!

"Whose custom model is it?"

"Desmond Mérion~"

The top tailor on Savile Street estimates that the average price is about 50,000 yuan. How much is 52 sets? Yang Cheng felt a pain in his head. If he remembers correctly, Dad's cloakroom and suit will almost no longer fit.

But one-third of that close to 9 million has a source!

"anything else?"

This time Yang Sen jumped out, "Just talk about other people, why don't you talk about yourself? I bought a 3 million yellow diamond necklace, but that yellow diamond is so beautiful, I am excited even when I see it~"

Liu Yun was excited, "Is it right? I won't say I'm a prodigal this time. I will leave it to Yueyue as a heirloom in the future~"

How dare Luo Yue ask for it, the one with the little hand is called a quick one!

If Yang Cheng measures blood pressure at this moment, it is estimated that the meter will be broken.

Almost squeezed a sentence from the gap between the teeth, "Then what?"

Liu Yun smiled, "As a mother-in-law, I have to give my daughter-in-law a set of jewelry, right?"

There is no need to ask, the rest of the money is considered to have found the source, sitting on the sofa, and instantly thinking of becoming a monk. Sure enough, there are all fairies at the foot of the mountain. ! !

Even if I say that my mother and daughter-in-law are not so good, this is true!

Fortunately, the value preservation of top jewellery is still very reliable. Buy it once you buy it and treat it as an investment.

No way, Yang Cheng can only comfort herself so, otherwise she will easily get high blood pressure.

Look at the black card that has returned to your hand. There is an urge to cut it off. It's all caused by your broken card~

. . . . . .

This year’s Christmas Eve dinner was extremely weird. The two old men did not speak as much as possible to reduce their sense of presence. Luo Yue couldn’t pay attention to eating by himself, and kept picking vegetables into the Yang Orange bowl, just in such a strange atmosphere. , Spent this Christmas Eve that should have been full of laughter.

Fortunately, Yang Cheng is not a prudent person. After a long time of depression, his face regained a smile. After all, he was buying things for his family, and it was not too expensive. Besides, he praised Haikou for brushing casually, and then turned his head. It's too much to find old accounts.

In the early morning, after Yang Cheng and Luo Yue returned to the room to wash themselves, Luo Yue nestled in Yang Cheng's arms and asked softly, "Are you not angry?"

Yang Cheng replied a few blessing messages, then put down the phone and whispered, "No, it's just depressed~"

Luo Yue covered her mouth and smirked, "Auntie just angered you on purpose~"

"I know, don't worry, but should you change your mouth now?"

Luo Yue was stunned, and then reacted and slapped Yang Cheng, "I'm not married yet, how am I embarrassed to change my mouth? Besides, I can't change my mouth voluntarily~"

Well, this kind of thing has to be raised by the elders.

"Well, I just said that, do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

"No, look at you, where are you going, where will I go~"

Yang Cheng said, "According to the usual practice, I should go to the charity foundation to participate in some activities on behalf of the family. The process may be a bit boring~"

"It's okay, I'm with you, so I happened to have a look too. Although I have always communicated with the foundation, I haven't been to their office yet~"

Yang Cheng thought of it and laughed, "Yes~ you are now one of the heads of the foundation~"

Luo Yue groaned beautifully, "Is the person in charge of me, you drove the duck to the shelves?"

"How good, I think you are also in order."

"No way, I force myself to learn. Isn't it a shame to manage badly? But to be honest, I do very little work, most of which are managed by the original person in charge of the foundation."

Yang Cheng comforted, "What you are going to do now is not a drastic reform. As long as you ensure the stable operation of the foundation, it will be a great achievement. Remember, all such foundations with charitable purposes have the purpose of We have no obligation to help more people more stably, instead of making much money and helping a poor person get rich."

Luo Yue fell into deep thought, "I think I know what to do~"

. . .

There are several foundations under the Yang family, such as charitable foundations, family foundations, investment foundations, etc. They have a five-story office building in Xiacheng District, with one family occupying one floor, each without delay.

This is also to concentrate resources, after all, the cooperation between the various foundations is still very close.

In the United States, the establishment of foundations by large families is nothing new, and it is recognized by all sectors of society. However, at the beginning of the birth of modern foundations, the American ZF only regarded it as a general society, a charity organization or even a general enterprise. Don't bother.

Only some of the larger fund organizations are approved by Congress through relevant decree, such as the Carnegie Foundation for the Promotion of Education.

However, as some foundations have made significant progress in funding social and public welfare undertakings, the foundations have gradually aroused the favor of the Federal ZF, and ZF has turned to implement policies of encouragement and support.

Under such circumstances, the United States passed legislation to include the foundation in the list of tax-exempt objects. So far, the foundation has been able to flourish.

However, the establishment of a foundation by a large family always has to establish some principles and spirits. Just like the Rockefeller Foundation, the original purpose of the establishment was to "promote the well-being of all mankind". Looking at the pattern of others, it directly rises to worry about all mankind In fact, everyone knows that their real purpose is not like this.

Given the intensification of social contradictions in the United States at that time, and under the control of monopoly groups, money continued to flow into the pockets of a few wealthy people represented by Rockefeller and Carnegie.

But while they are accumulating huge wealth, they have to face two real problems at the same time. One is the anger and resistance of the bottom workers; the other is ZF's antitrust law and other restrictive measures.

Later, most states in the United States began to levy progressive income tax. The Rockefeller Consortium undoubtedly became the key collection object, and the establishment of the Rockefeller Foundation can reasonably and legally avoid progressive income tax.

After that, after several generations of the family's careful management, the Rockefeller Consortium has transferred most of its assets to foundations of different levels.

As a result, Rockefeller was completely moved from the ground to the underground. More importantly, the personal income tax that the core members of the family had to be requisitioned was avoided. Since the money is no longer in the name of Rockefeller, the inheritance tax is naturally exempted.

However, all wealth and assets, in fact, are still under the control of his own family, successfully breaking the argument that the wealth is less than three generations.

In this respect, the so-called non-profit foundation is actually a non-tax-paying foundation. With such an object of imitation, the wealthy and families in the United States know what to do and try to hide their wealth and assets. , Transfer it to the family foundation, not only avoids the eyes of the rich haters, but also makes a lot of profits through tax avoidance. This is the routine of capitalists!

Of course, it cannot be denied that some rich people are indeed doing charity, and they have indeed helped some people in need, but what they have paid is only 1% of their total assets.

For example, the Lid Melinda Foundation. As early as more than ten years ago, Li’s classmates injected 3.35 billion US dollars into the foundation. This is also the largest donation in the history of the United States. This also makes the couple’s foundation the United States. The largest charitable foundation.

You know at that time, the total assets of the foundation reached 35 billion US dollars.

And the foundation only needs to use 5% of it for charity every year, and the other 95% of the funds can get the benefit of tax relief. The amount of wealth brought by this benefit far exceeds the amount of 5% he wants to donate.

For capitalists, this is just a left-handed-right-handed game. Taking it out of the left pocket and putting it in the right pocket can easily avoid the huge taxes that they need to pay, and it is also conducive to establishing their own good public image. Fame and fortune".

This is also one of the important reasons for the rapid snowball growth of American foundations ~ As American scholar Timothy said, "Because foundations are tax-free and funders can effectively control the foundations This has greatly promoted the unprecedented development of the foundation."

In this way, the big bourgeoisie can evade taxation through foundations, and the corresponding national tax burden must be borne by the middle class and grassroots people, which inevitably aggravates the unfair distribution of wealth.

As a result, the contradictions among all strata of American society have been intensified, and many radical people took to the streets to express their desire to capture Bill's cover alive and rob the rich and help the poor!

Well, the lid carries a huge black pot. This model is really not invented by him. It’s just that he is standing in that position and farting may cause a hole in the ozone layer. The people only stare at the highest person. Who do you catch?

Therefore, it’s hard to beat the cold from the heights, the boss of the running water, the second child of iron, sometimes being the second child of the millennium may not be worse than the richest man~

To be honest, it is a miracle that the lid can sit in the position of the richest man for so long~

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