Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1817: Largest refinery

Pirates are robbers at sea. They are no different from the well-known robbers. They are just riding a horse and sailing a boat. They do everything to give birth to children. It does not mean that they are not robbers if they sail the boat and hire hackers. Yes, it is still!

It's just that they put themselves in luxurious suits, and they package the first-class gangsters as cultural people, and look at people like dogs, still dirty in their bones.

Yang Cheng only knows the essence before playing the trick of settling accounts with them, and Arik obviously agrees with this approach. If you have grudges, you don’t repay non-gentlemen~

"Actually, you are also out of luck~" Arik said.

"What do you mean?"

"A few months earlier, these pirates will definitely not put too much effort into this, because crude oil is not valuable."

Yang Cheng smiled, "That's ~"

"I heard that you invested in a farm in Nigeria?"

"To be precise, it is a chicken farm. This is a charitable investment."

"I thank you on behalf of Nigeria~"

Yang Cheng drank a sip and asked instead, "Listen to Mohammed, you want to talk to me about something?"

Arik said seriously, "Yes, I am going to invest in a large refinery in Nigeria~"

Yang Cheng had read the news on the information and was not surprised, and this may be the only area where both parties can cooperate.

Regarding this kind of cooperation, Yang Cheng could not find a reason to refuse, and said simply, "We have the management experience of a refinery and can cooperate completely, but can I know your goal? How big is your ideal refinery? ~"

He feels too small and boring~

Who knows Arik opened his mouth and said, "My goal is the world's largest oil refinery, and I want to solve the oil shortage problem in Nigeria at one time!"

When he said this, his face was full of indignation. Yang Cheng suddenly felt that this black man was completely different from the so-called black elites he had seen and known before. Maybe he was really thinking about his compatriots, of course. , This must contain huge benefits, which is understandable.

But what he did was his business, Yang Cheng couldn't care about it. What he cared more about was the second half of the sentence, Nigeria's oil shortage?

What are you kidding about, as one of the world's largest oil producers, there is an oil shortage?

However, this is not a joke. The oil shortage did happen, and it happened after the general election, which was supposed to have riots but went smoothly. This should have been news that made Nigerians happy and foreigners rest assured.

But this good news seems to temporarily paralyze people's nerves, because no one thought that the oil shortage that gradually appeared after the general election would continue until now, and it has not been fundamentally resolved.

In Arik’s words, “This is one of the largest, widest, and most influential oil shortages since the founding of the People’s Republic of China.”

While he said this, Yang Cheng saw on the TV news that the long line in front of the gas station had drained for several kilometers, and the entire side road was already impassable.

Bring water, food, and money. The full set of equipment that seems to be going out for a picnic is actually going to refuel. The 7-hour "refueling trip" is testing the patience of Nigerians every day.

As the oil shortage intensifies, it is not only lack of fuel that tests Nigerians’ emotions, but a more serious problem is that they can’t afford to add fuel. Now the whole country of Nigeria, except for the capital, Abuja, is not selling at guide prices, market competition, and speculation. When violations spread arbitrarily, some gas stations obviously still have oil, but the price is too expensive for most people to afford.

The oil shortage is no stranger to this major oil-producing country, but compared to the past, the impact of the oil shortage on the aviation industry is absolutely unexpected.

According to news reports, Nigeria’s largest airline has grounded two-thirds of its flights, and its planes ate ashes on the airport apron, while the second largest airline has grounded all flights.

In addition to aviation, the already sluggish economy has suffered another blow due to the advent of oil shortages. Due to power supply problems, some regions and enterprises still need to rely on diesel generators as their main energy supply.

Due to lack of fuel, some radio stations, banks, enterprises, and ZF agencies in Nigeria left work early on Monday, and some schools were closed because the base stations rely heavily on diesel, and some telecom operators have prepared a joint strike.

"Without oil or energy, Africa's largest economy has regressed directly for ten years." Arik said mockingly.

No wonder he was full of anger when he said that he was going to build the world's largest oil refinery. Perhaps he was more unwilling, Yang Cheng thought so.

As a major oil producer, the lack of processing capacity makes Nigeria rely heavily on imports for its oil.

And now it is in a period of low international oil prices. The sharp depreciation of the naira, the contradiction between oil suppliers and ZF, etc. have all become the fuse of this oil shortage.

In fact, Nigeria lacks not only oil refining capacity, but also transportation capacity. Nigeria’s underground oil pipeline is estimated to not be able to catch up with a state in the United States. The daily transportation of refined oil can only rely on tankers for replenishment.

The oil shortage also led to a large number of oil tank truck drivers being owed wages, and their strikes also made the situation worse.

On the way, Yang Cheng was still curious about why Lagos, which was originally congested, became so smooth. At first, he thought it was the influence of the Dangote family team. Now it seems that it is because everyone has no gas to fill. They are all lying down.

To be honest, even knowing the fact that Nigeria, as an oil-producing country, often has oil shortages, Yang Cheng still feels that things are not that simple.

Nigeria's refining capacity is basically negligible, but why hasn't it changed after decades?

Don’t Nigerians see the benefits of having oil refining capabilities?

Don't think that Lao Hei is a fool. Blacks who really reach high positions are very shrewd, especially those from Africa who can stand out from a group of illiterate people, showing their ability.

The Nigerian ZF controlled by this group of people, how can they not know how much benefit the country has to have independent refining capabilities.

It is a pity that a series of giants and even ZF senior officials involved in the strong industrial chain of exporting crude oil and importing refined oil have caused Nigeria to be unable to have its own refining and chemical capabilities, and because of the intervention of these power class controllers, Nigeria imports Refined oil is operating in an almost pathological way. ZF has to subsidize all the companies that import refined oil every year. However, there is no trace of where the money goes. You can imagine the level of corruption in this country.

The poorer the country, the more serious the corruption problem, which is almost proportional to the existence.

The reason for the outbreak of this oil shortage, in Arik's words, was entirely because the new president tried to make the cake of imported oil dealers.

How can the capitalists give in? If you don’t give me a subsidy, I will stop supplying oil and kidnap the entire country’s imported refined oil and threaten ZF. Of course, the kidnapping is the kidnapping, and the money has to be transferred. Just double it by about 5 times, and 10 times for richer places, not much, right?

Of course, this is only gasoline. As long as you have money, you can still buy it. As for diesel, you can't buy it at all!

Sure enough, compared to being frantic, capitalists all over the world are not admitting defeat~

But for Yang Cheng, this is a good opportunity. A joint venture with Nigeria’s richest man in an oil refinery can not only reduce costs, but also further penetrate a country’s livelihood and economy. The most important thing is to have safety guarantees. This transaction is suitable no matter what. .

"Your goal is great, I am willing to help, let us talk in depth?" Yang Cheng smiled.

This answer is obviously what Ali Ketangote wants to hear most. Originally, he was worried that Yang Cheng would refuse. After all, Nigeria's investment environment is not good.

Arik was enthusiastically preparing to narrate his plan. Even the butler said that the dinner was about to begin, he didn't care, and waved his hand to let the butler go down to preside over the dinner.

Of course Yang Cheng wouldn't mind, anyway, he was not interested in meeting a group of old blacks, they all looked the same, and remembering their names was tiring.

"My plan is to build an integrated refinery that can maximize the development of petroleum products. The total investment will be more than tens of billions. My goal is to make it a milestone in Nigeria's oil and gas industry.

According to experts’ recommendations, the refinery will produce 650,000 barrels of refined petroleum products a day to meet the demand for refined oil products across Nigeria, and even have spare capacity to export to other countries without production capacity.

Upon completion, this will be the industrial construction site of the world's largest fertilizer, petrochemical and oil refinery. "

Yang Cheng beckoned to interrupt, "Wait, why is there still fertilizer?"

He knows that Dangote’s business map includes fertilizer production, but does it make fertilizer in an oil refinery?

Arik spread his hands. "I said, this will be a comprehensive refining and chemical plant. Not only is it capable of refining, it is 1.5 times that of the four state-owned refineries in Nigeria today. I mean, when they are operating at full capacity, they add up. It can only cover our half-day production.

In addition to refining crude oil and producing petroleum products, it will also support petrochemical plants and fertilizer plants.

The petrochemical plant will process 1.3 million tons of petrochemical products each year, the fertilizer plant will produce 2.8 million tons of various fertilizers, and the natural gas plant will produce 3 million cubic meters of natural gas each At the same time, the refinery will also have The world’s largest submarine pipeline infrastructure can handle 3 billion cubic meters of oil annually. "

After listening to Arik’s introduction, Yang Cheng took a breath. Is this too ambitious? Shouldn't a facility of this scale take it step by step?

Listening to what he meant, he was ready to do it in one step, but Yang Cheng could feel his ambition.

"Where's the location? Have you found it?"

He doesn't doubt whether Nigeria has so many open spaces.

"There are several alternatives, but I am optimistic about the Lekki Free Trade Zone. According to the plan, the project will cover an area of ​​2,200 hectares, which is eight times larger than Victoria Island."

"What about the planned start time?"

"If the construction of the project is started now, it is expected to be completed and put into operation by the end of 2019."

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