Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1819: Coercive measures

(I am a hardworking codeworder, and working overtime can't stop my enthusiasm for codewords, please praise!)

"I used to practice in CW TV station~"

Yang Cheng looked at each other in surprise. If I remember correctly, this is the second time I met a beautiful host who had practiced on CW TV. It seems that Mark did not lie to himself. The former head of CW TV preferred blonde beauty, so he recruited There are many female anchors who meet his aesthetic taste, but I don’t know if there have been unexplainable relationships.

However, everyone reported their past background, and Yang Cheng was also too cold to behave. He smiled friendly and raised his glass, "Fate~"

After a sip of wine, "Why did you get to Nigeria?"

He is really curious. After all, CW TV is in the United States, and it is better than Nigeria, right? What's more, CW TV station was not as bad as expected. Before Yang Cheng took over, it was at least the fifth largest wireless station in the United States, and its audience share was guaranteed.

Just as the hostess was about to answer, Arik came over and said, "Jason, come with me, tell you something~"

Yang Cheng could only say apologetically, followed Arik out of the banquet hall and turned into a lounge next to it.

"What's the matter?" It must be no small matter for Arik to find him so anxiously.

Sure enough, Arik asked solemnly, "Have you ever offended Boko Haram?"

Yang Cheng's little heart beat violently, and said with a sullen face, "That's the opposite, Boko Haram has offended me!"

"what happened?"

"Don't you know? Last time I came to Nigeria, I had a conflict with a group of militants. It should be from Boko Haram."

Arik shook his head, "Maybe I was on a business trip abroad. This is not important. The important thing is that the group of pirates who hijacked your company’s tanker has a very close relationship with Boko Haram. They can even be regarded as one. They don’t know where they are from. I learned that you are the boss behind the company that the tanker belongs to. I just called me and said that the previous agreement was not counted. It would either cost US$20 million or kill the hostage!

Those who also named the surname want you to trade in person. "

Yang Cheng laughed angrily, "These idiots, so you mean..."

Arik shook his head, "I have no choice but to try my best to mediate, but I advise you to plan for the worst."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, pacing irritably back and forth in the lounge with his hips akimbo, hesitating whether to let Hansen and the others take action. Physical attacks are better than sitting and waiting to die. Besides, Boko Haram attacked him last time. Intentionally or unintentionally, this hatred has not yet been reported, and now the other party has sent it to the door by himself. This is a rare opportunity.

"What are you thinking?" Arik asked.

Yang Cheng hesitated and told the truth, "I will consider using coercive means again. I have brought a lot of people with me this time. As long as I have enough weapons, a group of pirates who only know how to shoot in the sky should not be their opponents."

"You are not afraid of them killing hostages~"

"Afraid~ but there is no way, it is better than sitting and waiting for death, and we take tough measures, and the public opinion will not hold on."

Arik’s expression was very helpless. Yang Cheng felt that he seemed to be guilty. In fact, he felt wrong. Don’t expect a black capitalist to feel guilty. He is just worried about whether the cooperation just negotiated will be cold.

"Well, just say where I need my help~"

"I have someone give you a list of weapons. I believe you can get these weapons as quickly as possible, right?"

Although he can also adjust the goods, it will take some time. He is worried that the situation will change. He needs Hansen and the others to complete the preparations as quickly as possible. They will be caught off guard against the group of pirates. It turns out that no matter the scale of the war, the blitz is always the best. A useful tactic is that whoever has the first opportunity can gain the tilt of the balance of war. Even if two people fight, the party that takes the first shot can easily gain the advantage.

"No problem, as long as Nigeria has it, I can get it." Arik is extremely confident.

Yang Orange naturally does not doubt the ability of the other party. If the richest man in a country can't even do this, he must be fake.

"Thank you, I'm sorry, I want to leave for a while, if I can have an empty room for me, then I will be grateful~"

"You don't have to be polite to Jason, just tell the butler if you have any needs, he will meet you unconditionally, and if there are not enough manpower, I can lend you a batch."

Arik’s generosity did not surprise Yang Cheng, but he declined, "Thank you very much, I think my people are enough to handle it~"

In fact, if Hansen brings dozens of veterans on the battlefield, most of them are elites from special forces, and such a combat team cannot rescue the hostages, then it will be futile to go to many people. The subject of hostage rescue has never been in the army. It is not a subject that needs to be completed by human tactics.

Even Yang Cheng, who had never lived in the military, knew a common sense, so I didn't bother with it.

Not much nonsense, Yang Cheng left the lounge and followed the housekeeper to an empty room on the second floor, followed by Hansen and Andrew.

After entering the door, Yang Cheng did not speak in a hurry, but silently drew a few circles in the air with his index finger. Andrew understood, took out a small detector and checked it carefully in the room, and then closed his eyes to make sure that there was no monitoring device. Thinking Yang Cheng said, "Boss~Safe~"

After opening his eyes, Yang Cheng said coldly, "The pirates have contacted the **** of Boko Sanctuary. The situation is not good for us, so I have to work hard for you~"

Yang Cheng's meaning couldn't be better understood. This meant that they had to work hard. Every task was hard work. Hansen would never have a fluke.

However, he did not hesitate, "Give it to the boss, and we will ensure the safety of the hostages to the greatest possible extent~"

Obviously, Hansen is not fully sure that he can bring out 31 people in good condition, whether he is a man or not a god.

However, this guarantee was enough. Yang Cheng patted his shoulder heavily, "I don’t worry about it. You will list the equipment you need and give it to Arik. He will be responsible for the preparations. During this time, you can Discuss the plan with my brothers. I don’t know how to rescue them.”

"Boss rest assured, I will try my best."

Hansen and Andrew went out. Yang Cheng hesitated and made a long-distance call to Conrad, who was waiting for news in New York. He needed to update the situation to each other in time so that both parties were on the same channel and things would be better. discuss.

"Jason, how is it?"

"Very bad, do you remember the attack I encountered in Nigeria? Unfortunately, those guys and pirates are in the same group. The other party knew my identity. The agreement negotiated with Arik no longer exists. I am ready to attack. ~"

Conrad said nothing. "I support, what do I need to do~"

"Help me keep an eye on the media. I don't want the news that we did not pay the ransom and took strong measures to spread across the world before the results came out.

Even if our action fails and the hostages are all dead, we must ensure that public opinion does not tilt towards our opposites. "

Conrad said firmly, "I promise, no media will dare to talk nonsense~"

The Koch family's solid Yang Cheng in the United States never doubted As long as this behemoth starts to act, even the pack of wolves will have to retreat.

Yang Orange pondered, "Also, regardless of the success or failure of our operation, we have to make changes in Nigeria. The Gulf of Guinea has almost no room for us to survive. Unless we can uproot the other party, otherwise our tanker It will be difficult to route in the Gulf of Guinea in the future."

Conrad said, "This is also my concern, but if you don't take the sea, how to transport crude oil from the Owowo oil field? By land? That is simply unrealistic. There are not a few oil pipelines in Nigeria."

"If it doesn't work, you can only sponsor a fee and apply for a full escort. As long as you reach the deep ocean, you will be safe, and the pirate ship will not get that far."

"This is a way, but this is something later. First, rescue the hostages safely. This is a crisis. I hope we can get through it safely."

Yang Cheng was silent for a few seconds, and said with inexplicable intention, "Hope~"

Nine Heavens God Emperor

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