Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1821: Desperate pirate

(Working overtime again, the boss can only lay off employees without paying wages, and the remaining one can be used for two, which is really difficult~)


A series of short and powerful instructions were issued from Hansen. The four teams were set against the darkness, like a night messenger to culminate the pirates on the surface of the deck. I don’t know if these pirates are too conceited, or they didn’t want to patrol at all. There were only less than 4 people left on the entire deck. The key was that they were not alert at all. Instead, they got together to smoke and chat. This saved Hansen and the others went looking for them one by one.


The sound of sharp blades cutting through the trachea sounded almost at the same time. The four pirates clutched the blood-spattered trachea and fell involuntarily, but they were gently held on the ground by the team members to avoid making too much noise.

The deck was emptied and Hansen made several tactical instructions. The four teams dispersed again and sneaked in from different hatches. One team was in charge of one deck and searched as much as possible. Whoever found the hostage holding compartment first Whoever rescues the room first does not have to wait until all the personnel are brought together.

And they are not ready to take people away. Their goal is to wipe out the pirates. Otherwise, who will drive away this huge tanker? This is crude oil worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Andrew is responsible for leading the team to clean the engine room. He needs to ensure that the tanker can sail safely. Although the external penetration is easy, the internal pirate guards are still very tight, especially the engine room. There are 5 people here. If something happens, they will Blow up the equipment immediately and paralyze the tanker!

The tense atmosphere gradually spread. Andrew found that several pirates in the engine room were scattered and standing, holding AK in his hand and finger near the trigger. He was waiting, waiting for his team to outflank and make sure that every pirate was there. You can do it after you are within the control range.

But today it was so smooth, and Andrew felt that accidents could happen at any time.

Sure enough, the next second, his radio did not know what was going on, and suddenly rustled. In the quiet engine room, this sound was tantamount to thunder. The pirate's reaction was very fast. It was delayed for less than a second. Raises the gun and fires frantically in the direction of Andrew.

"Shit~ shoot, shoot, we are exposed~" Andrew shouted, clutching the microphone, taking advantage of the gap where the bullet swept, he jumped out and made three bursts of shots in the air. The target closest to him responded. Falling to the ground, there is a huge blood hole between the eyebrows.

At the same time, gunshots were everywhere. In such a space, blasting is undoubtedly very dangerous, not only threatening the opponent, but also a challenge to yourself, because the bullet can easily rebound and refraction on a piece of metal.

But Andrew and their good luck ran out, so they didn't catch up with such a lucky thing.

"Fuck, the firepower of this group of garbage is really fierce~" Andrew hid behind the case, breathing heavily. The outbreak just now seemed simple, but only the person involved knew the danger.

The brother next to him is a character who doesn’t talk too much. He pulled a grenade directly from his chest, and he would throw it away when he pulled the safety latch. Andrew pressed his hand and stared, “You’re crazy , Do you want to blow up the engine?"

The brother smiled coldly, "This is a shock bomb~"

Andrew was stunned and let go of his hand to see that it was indeed a shock bomb. He touched his head awkwardly, "You continue, when I didn't say~"

As soon as the voice fell, the explosive bomb in the brother's hand was thrown out, and then the two of them immediately covered their ears and closed their eyes. This thing works well, but after all, it’s a dead thing that doesn’t know how to divide the enemy. It’s better to be careful. It would be interesting to faint all of your own.

There was a thunderous "bang", and then this confined space appeared like a **** descending to the earth with a dazzling light.


"Ah~my eyes~"

The pirates suffered a brief dizziness and lost the ability to resist for a while. When you were sick to kill you, Andrew closed their eyes and started shooting.

A few shots were shot out, and the pirates died, at least avoiding their pain, and it is also considered the best.

The effect of the shock bomb lasted for a while before it disappeared, but at this time the engine room had been cleaned up. Andrew was preparing to report the results to Hansen. At the same time, he was also worried about the situation above. After all, there was such a big noise here. The pirates can't be undetected.

At the same time, almost a few seconds after the gun was fired here, Hansen, who was searching in the cabin, was furiously counterattacked by the pirates, but compared to Andrew and their dangerous situation, Hansen was better here. A row of pirates will always fall, and so far, no casualties have occurred in the four teams.

It's just that the location of the hostages has not yet been discovered. This is a huge hidden danger. Once the pirates become angry and start to slaughter the hostages, even if they all go back, the mission will fail.

The fierce battle is going on here. Yang Cheng in Dangote Manor on Victoria Island can't help but pacing in the room. Arik has been sitting with him. Seeing him so nervous, he couldn't help saying, "You have to believe in the strength of your men~"

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly, "I don’t believe in their abilities. If two teams are facing the enemy and there are no hostages to threaten, I promise to sleep soundly, but the hostages in hand are equivalent to restraining Hansen and the others. Hands and feet, how do you play this?"

Arik persuaded, "But it's useless for you to be in a hurry. Should I have a drink with you?"

"No, thank you, just let me calm down~"

As if to help Yang Cheng relieve his anxiety, Arik began to change the subject, "How about I invite you to play in South Africa after this incident is over?"

Yang Cheng just wanted to say what it means to go to South Africa in winter, but immediately remembered that it should be summer in South Africa.

"What are you going to take me to play? Hunting?" To tell the truth, if it is hunting, Yang Cheng is not very interested. Although he is not resistant, he still feels that shooting with hot weapons is really not a glorious thing. Fight each other.

"No, no, no, what's the point of hunting, don't you know that South Africa is a mecca for surfing?"

"Surf? Don't go!" Yang Cheng is now full of thoughts on an oil tanker dozens of nautical miles away, completely unable to raise the desire to surf.

Arik said helplessly, "comeonjason, you have to calm down, it's not like you now~"

"Damn it, it's a matter of over one billion, and dozens of lives are safe. I really can't calm down~" Yang Cheng admitted that he was a little panicked now, for fear that a careless hostage could not be rescued, and then put Hansen in. , Then it will be completely cold, let alone the question of confidence, confidence in the bullet flying battlefield, can not help them to win.

. . .

Looking back on the cruise ship, Hansen and Andrew were united, but from the heavy faces of the two, it was possible to know that the whereabouts of the hostages was still unknown.

"What to do?" At this time, Andrew couldn't show his skills, and he could only count on Hansen's mind, hoping that he would be able to shine.

"Pirates cannot separate the hostages. It is not convenient to manage. Although the tanker is large, there are not many confined spaces for holding more than 30 hostages. We just searched the cabin and the engine room. Try your luck in the leisure area?"

Pirates must have no internal discipline at all. If they are bored, they must gather in the recreation area to have fun. Then the hostages must be held not far from them. Maybe they are in the dining hall. The area is large enough, and as long as the door is closed, you are not afraid The hostages run away.

With the direction, Andrew knew where to hit the bullet, and with a big wave, he led his team to the lower recreation area.

Pirates already know their existence, don't worry about being discovered, no matter how big a movement is, the key is speed, time does not wait for people, pirates may violently kill at any time.

Facts have proved that Hansen’s analysis is completely correct. The pirates who had been entertaining in the leisure area heard the gunshots and took up their weapons and rushed out. They hit Hansen head-on, and both were right. A stunned, but obviously professionally trained Hansen, they react faster, almost muscles instinctively control the arm to shoot with a gun. In this narrow passage, let alone a well-trained elite, even the blind can easily hit the target. .


The screams sounded along with the gunshots. Of course, the screams came mainly from the pirates. Hansen and the others were a false alarm. The local battle ended instantly. No way. The pirates had not been trained. A swarm of people ran out and pulled the trigger without looking, and only his accomplices were injured.

Hansen was not happy because of the short victory. He quickly put on a new magazine and said in a low voice, "Cover and enter. Be careful that there are pirates inside."


The rest area and the dining room are next to each other, and there is a passage in the middle. You can also enter from the hatch on the other For safety, Hansen and the others follow the passage of the recreation area to enter, while Andrew Take someone to pick the lock and copy from the back.

However, a bigger problem emerged. When they opened the hatch and entered the restaurant, they found that two pirates were pointing their guns at the hostages, with powerful explosives tied to their bodies. Even in the face of dozens of automatic weapons, they Not impressed, it seemed that Hansen would not dare to shoot.

"Hey~ put down the gun, or everyone will die together~" A pirate who looked a bit darker than Andrew, wearing a peaked cap, with a bomb hung on his bare shoulders, showing a cruel smile, and speaking in desert-smell English, Anyway, people who specialize in English must not understand it.

Hansen's muzzle didn't move, "hey~ I can let you go, as long as you honestly release the hostages."

"Are you tricking the kids to play? Obviously I am not, don't waste your tongue, put the gun down, or we will finish playing together~"

At this time, Hansen's eyelids flicked. He saw that the door behind the hostages moved slightly. It seemed that Andrew had succeeded, and he was determined to start playing tricks with the pirates, "Or else, let's take a gamble. Your finger is faster or my gun is faster~"

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