Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1823: No pirate head

"Ha~ Then I guess your ZF Department of Commerce will not mind giving you a salary."

Yang Cheng made a joke, and then said, "Speaking of wine, there should be no other producing regions in Africa except South Africa. I mean it can be promoted to the world level."

He doesn't know much about the vineyards on this side of Africa, and he certainly doesn't know as much as the indigenous people like Arik, who also runs vineyards.

Arik thought for a moment and said, “In fact, there are not many regions in Africa that are really suitable for growing grapes, but because of the perennial war and the very high technical requirements for grape growing, there are very few production areas that can form a scale, and they are basically concentrated in South Africa. Cape."

After a pause, he looked at Yangcheng, "If you just want to find different flavors of wine, Cape has many choices.

The Fran Valley where my winery is located, its full name is Franschhoek. It’s in Cape Town. There are many wine brewing factories in this area of ​​Franschhoek, plus the Darling Brewery. This is An environmentally friendly craft brewery on the edge of the town.

The Franschhoek Basin is a very famous place in Africa. It is the heartland of African food and wine. The spectacular vineyards here have covered the hillside for more than 300 years. There are various wineries to choose from. Wine can also attract tourists to travel and provide delicious dishes.

Most of the wineries have hundreds of years of history, and elegant wine estates surround the town in all directions.

Of course, I personally like craft beer, and occasionally people will buy a batch. "

Yang Cheng laughed and clapped his hands, "Arik, if you don't have a huge business empire, I would rather believe that you are an excellent investment attraction master."

"Haha~ you're overwhelmed, but I did attract a lot of business investment for them."

Yang Cheng smiled and nodded, "The high-quality South African Cabernet Sauvignon has the tranquility of Bordeaux and the attractive fruity aroma of California. They have heavy tannins, have aging potential, and the wine is full-bodied and powerful. The pleasantness of black fruits and the taste of mint.

This wine is very good with steak and roast beef with rich sauce. Its caramel sweetness and oily alcoholic taste are the best choice with Beijing roast duck. South African Cabernet Sauvignon can be said to be a versatile wine. , Very suitable for mass consumer groups. "

Arik was surprised, "I thought you didn't know much about South African wine~"

Yang Cheng stretched out his hands, "It's true that there are not many, but we Chinese have a saying, have you never seen a pig run without eating pork?

If I drink too much, I can naturally say one, two or three. "

Arik agreed with the words, "I will add one more thing to you. South African white wine is also a major feature. First of all, the color is darker, showing a fully ripe golden yellow color;

The second is the burst of ripe tropical fruit aromas, even jam aromas;

The third is a strong alcoholic taste.

These characteristics fit in with the scorching sun in Africa, and are also reminiscent of grilled fresh fish with butter in winter. South African white wine is best paired with this kind of food that is a bit greasy, slightly sweet, and not too delicate in texture.

The main feature of South African white wine is its sweetness. The ripe tropical fruit flavor has won the hearts of a large number of fans. "

"Wow, listening to you say that, I can't help but want to taste it~"

"I happen to have it, it's South African Sauvignon Blanc~"

Soon the butler took out a bottle of dry white wine from the wine cellar. Yang Cheng deliberately took a look at the bottle and found that this wine comes from the Constantia region, which is also Cape Verde. A more famous wine-producing area outside Langu.

After opening the cork, a fruity aroma wafted, followed by a faint sweetness. The butler elegantly poured the wine into the decanter. Of course, most white wines do not need to be decanted. This step is just for cellaring. The wine merges with the air and volatilizes the extra flavor, which is not a long time sobering.

One person poured a small cup, after all, it was late at night, and there was no special food, so it was not suitable for excessive drinking.

Yang Cheng took the wine glass, shook it slightly, and sipped it. The cool taste gave him a freshness unmatched by wine. Then, the aroma of tropical fruits such as passion fruit and pineapple filled his mouth. , It seems that it still has a mineral smell with a long aftertaste.

As Arik said, this wine is very suitable for pairing with greasy food, and it can also inspire the characteristics of this white wine.

"Very good, and the price of this wine is not expensive, it should be acceptable to more people~"

"Yes, as long as it is not aged cellars, new wine is actually very cheap~"

Yang Cheng disagrees with the cheapness of a rich man, but he also has his own judgment. This wine is indeed suitable for popularization among the general public, especially the petty bourgeoisie groups who have just had a family. In terms of enjoying life, they Must not hesitate to invest.

"To be honest, I haven't taken the wine industry seriously before, but after understanding, I found that this market has a lot to do~"

The golden-yellow wine body was dried by Yang Cheng in one mouthful, and the coolness in his mouth refreshed his originally chaotic brain.

"Since the birth of alcoholic beverages, mankind has been inseparable from this painful and inseparable beverage. Now it is moving towards a position as important as food. Now you choose to integrate resources and invest in large steps. I think it's a good time." Arik said very sincerely.

The discussion of two successful people does not have the question of who is calling whom.

"Yes, so when I found a good prospect, I invested decisively. I am different from you. My business is still investment-oriented. Sometimes I admire you entrepreneurs who are doing business."

"No, no, if it is possible, let me choose again. I will definitely choose your lifestyle. Both career and life will be the winner in life. It is a pity that I am tied to work and even accompany me. Family time is very little."

"Life is rare to have both ends~"

The two rich men with a combined net worth of nearly US$30 billion sighed about their lives in the middle of the night, wondering if they were heard by the poor and would scold them for hypocrisy.

I don’t know how long we talked, the butler came in and said, "Mr. Hansen is back~"

Yang Chengteng stood up, waiting for so long to wait for Hansen and the others to triumph?

"Hansen, I'm back at last, are you guys okay?" Yang Cheng met Hansen and Andrew who followed up as soon as he left the house, and looked up and down with concern.

"We are all very well, boss rest assured. After discussing with the crew, the captain chose to continue on the road. When the order is finished, I will take a rest. I arranged a ten-person team to **** the whole journey. After arriving in Rotterdam, they took a flight directly back to New York. To destroy~"

Yang Cheng said, "Good job, are you tired? Would you like a drink?"

Hansen hesitated a little. Andrew didn't care about that much, he licked his lips, obviously moved.

Yang Cheng laughed a few times upon seeing this, and took them into the room before answering.

Arik said congratulations, and wittily found an excuse to leave, leaving the room for Yang Cheng and the others to speak.

The butler also kept the freshly opened white wine, and at the same time gave some snacks, cheese and the like very intimately, otherwise the drinking would be too monotonous.

Pulling them to sit down, Yang Cheng asked excitedly before and after, he asked the whole action process in detail. He was full of enthusiasm. Although he had personally experienced chaotic gunfights, his scale was similar to Hansen and the others. It's still different for pirates.

Last time it was mainly about protection, but this time it was a proactive attack. The whole process can be said to be simple and neat, basically not wasting too much time.

Of course, they all admitted that there was a lot of luck in this operation. I don’t know why. This group of pirates seems to be unorganized. In fact, Hansen and the others did not encounter too many obstacles in the whole process, except for the final bomb shock. Except for a cold sweat, everything else went smoothly, so that Hansen and the others were still discussing when they returned. It was too easy, and people had to think twice.

Yang Cheng also felt that something was wrong after listening. It stands to reason that the quality of the pirates before was quite surprising.

Of course, this quality refers to their means of extortion, not their fighting ability.

Especially the general Hansen, the desperado who almost blew himself up, seemed to intend to die together from the beginning, but because of his abnormal personality, he got caught up with Hansen's stimulation.

Yang Cheng drank a few sips of white wine, her eyes widened suddenly, "Where is the pirate boss? Where is their boss? Where is the leader?"

Hansen and Andrew looked at each other. They also realized that something was wrong. Hansen said in a faltering manner, "We have killed more than 20 pirates in total but there doesn't seem to be anyone who gave orders. Yes, that's it. It’s too weird. It stands to reason that such an organization should at least be led by a small boss."

Yang Cheng looked gloomy, "So, where did the **** pirate chief go? Is he on the ship? If he is, is he hidden? Are you ready to run away or even take revenge when people are not paying attention?"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the possibility was very high, otherwise the explanation would be impossible.

"Quickly, call the ship and tell my brothers to be vigilant. It's best to turn the tanker up and down again. Don't let any corners where people can hide. You must kill the danger in the cradle."

There is another thing he didn't say. Otherwise, what kind of suicide attack would have been committed. Wouldn't it mean that he lost his wife and broke down?

Hansen responded and immediately took out the satellite phone and dialed out, but no one answered, "Maybe they are outside the signal coverage area?"

Yang Cheng shook his head and didn't speak. Andrew was impatient and grabbed the phone to call himself, but unfortunately no one answered it, so angry that he almost broke the phone~

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