Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1825: Interview

Speaking of children, Yang Cheng felt it necessary to see Susu. She was in the United States alone, and she was pregnant with Yang Cheng’s child. It was again on a cold Christmas day. It was inevitable to feel lonely, although Yang Cheng asked Liu Junyu to accompany her. She, but certainly not as safe as he is by his side.

   So after sending Luo Yue home, he used an excuse to discuss the company with Conrad, and then went to Susu's house.

   knocked on the door and found that Liu Junyu came to open the door. Yang Cheng was taken aback and asked, "Are you always there?"

   Liu Junyu didn't have a good face, he snorted and let people in, picked up his clothes and said to Susu, "He comes to accompany you, I will go back first, and I will come to you tomorrow."

   Susu took her hand in embarrassment, hoping she would not mind.

   Seeing that the two sisters were deeply in love before they separated, Yang Cheng couldn't help but touched her nose and laughed at herself, "It seems that I am an outsider~"

   Liu Junyu carried his handbag and snorted softly, "You are an outsider~"

   After speaking, he closed the door and left. Yang Cheng squatted down, looking at Susu who was sitting on the bed, and said guiltily, "Sorry, something happened in Nigeria, I must rush over to deal with it~"

   Susu pulled him up and said softly, "I'm watching the news, it's okay, how about there? Have you taken care of it?"

   Yang Cheng smiled and nodded, "Of course, there are still things I can't solve by myself?"

   Susu slapped him strangely, "Fart~"

   Yang Cheng gently touched her slightly bulging belly, not sure if it was an illusion, it felt a little bigger than before.

   "Can you feel it?" Yang Cheng asked curiously.

   "What do you feel? The child is not yet formed, right?"

   Yang Cheng smiled, "Well, I don’t understand, but if you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me~"

   "I see, it's good, but I can't go to work, it's boring to stay at home every day~"

   Yang Cheng really can't be idle, otherwise it's easy to think randomly, "Then wait until the baby is stable before going to the company, or I can find you something else?"

   "For example?"

   "How about opening a flower shop for you? Girls like this~"

   "The flower shop?" Susu was a little excited by Yang Cheng's proposal. Indeed, the flower shop is almost every girl's dream, just like every girl wants a prince charming to love herself.

   But then he shook his head, "No, the flower shop has to be managed by myself. In my current situation, my aunt will definitely not allow me to make these~"

   Compared with Yang Cheng, who is unreliable, Liu Yun called her three times a day and came to see her with delicious food every other day. The two met far more often than Yang Cheng thought.

  Her worry is reasonable, Yang Cheng scratched her head, "Should we stop hiring two shop assistants? You only need to collect the money and manage the accounts, and leave the rest to the people below~"

   Su was speechless, "Then I still have no job? What is the difference from now~"

  After thinking about it, Yang Cheng asked again, "Aren't you well-written? Would you like to write novels?"

"Writing a novel?" Susu can't laugh or cry. Her writing style is good, but writing a novel requires not only a good writing style, but also a novel idea. The setting cannot be too repetitive, otherwise the reader will not feel the novelty and will not consume of.

   It's okay for you to let her write landscape essays, but she doesn't have the brainpower to write novels. Not everyone can become JK Rowling.

"You just write romance novels, the more **** you are, the better Mary Su is. American women like to watch these." Yang Cheng said and became more excited. He thought it was quite reliable. Writing novels at home cannot be rained, and safe. I'm not too tired yet, rest when I'm tired, free time, and most importantly, I won't be scolded by my mother.

   Yang Cheng silently clicked a thumbs up for herself, she was really a little clever ghost.

   "Is it really possible?" Susu asked unconfidently.

   "Of course, you can practice writing romance novels first, and then write more advanced ones, such as detective mystery novels or science fiction novels."

   Yang Cheng, this is painting a pie. Are science fiction so easy to write? It is equivalent to constructing a world. It is impossible to write science fiction without a huge worldview. It is called science fiction if it does not contain aliens. Writing two aliens falling in love on Mars is essentially a romance novel.

   "Okay, I will try~"

  Peisu stayed for a day before Yang Cheng went home, and Conrad became his excuse again, a bad guy who dragged him to drink at Christmas and would not let him go home.

  . . .

On the last day of 2016, Yang Cheng was interviewed by the media at the company, mainly aiming at his tough attitude when facing pirates, which won the hearts and minds of Americans. In Americans’ view, facing robbers should be a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye. , Aren’t you the one who tied me? Then I will slaughter you all. This is the revenge recognized by the Americans.

   Naturally, with the broadcast of the news, Yang Cheng has become a hero in the hearts of many people. There is no way, who makes this a country where everyone dreams of being a superhero.

   The interview was arranged in the conference hall of the New Times Building. Yang Cheng devoted an hour to being questioned by reporters.

   "Mr. Yang, what did you think before making a decision? Have you ever thought about the safety of the hostages?"

   Yang Cheng glanced at his microphone, an NBC reporter, and said without hesitation, "Of course I have considered it, and this is the most important thing we have considered from beginning to end, no doubt~"

   The reporter forced a contradiction, "Have you never thought that forcibly rescued the hostages would anger the pirates and cause harm to the hostages?"

Yang Cheng stretched out his hand, "You have to know that those people are unreasonable pirates. Faced with vicious criminals, you can't think about it with common sense. Even if you honestly paid the ransom, they might not let the hostages go. , Should I tell you a set of data?

  Historically held by pirates, what percentage of them were still killed after paying the ransom?

   After careful consideration, we feel that the best way to rescue the hostages is to make a surprise attack, and the success rate is higher than paying the ransom. "

   Another reporter stood up and said, "Hello, Mr. Yang, I am a reporter from ABC. First of all, I express my admiration for your decision to act decisively and congratulate you on your successful rescue of the hostages.

   I have only one question: Have you ever thought about the safety of paying a ransom of 20 million dollars for the hostage? "

   Yang Cheng nodded with great certainty, "Of course I thought about it. Not only did I think about it, but I had already prepared cash, but during the negotiation process, the pirate suddenly repented and asked for a price increase. This was the incentive that prompted me to make the final decision."

   "Why did the pirates suddenly repent?" A reporter standing behind, without permission, directly raised his hand and shouted.

   Yang Cheng stretched out his hand, "You should ask the pirate about this question, obviously I am not~"

   stunned, neither soft nor hard, amused the originally dull atmosphere of the scene.

After everyone laughed, Yang Cheng said helplessly, "Man, there are really no answers to some questions. Just like our action this time, I want to say that I have 100% confidence before the action. I am afraid that no one will believe it, nor do I. I will believe it, but the result is indeed a success, then no matter what you think before, it is meaningless. The important thing is the result, right?"

   I don't know who started the head, and there was a sparse applause.

   "What's the problem?" Yang Cheng asked after taking a sip of water calmly, scanning the audience.

   A reporter stood up and asked, "Mr. Yang, you have said a lot just now. It is no longer meaningful to pursue your previous thoughts. Then I would like to ask, what do you have to say about the four crew members who were unfortunately killed this time?"

This time, Yang Cheng did not rush to answer. She was silent for a while, and said in a sad tone, "I'm sorry, I have to say that. I want to apologize to the victim's family. This is something we did not expect. It is undeniable. The thing is, we have a responsibility, even if accidental factors account for the majority, the responsibility that belongs to our company will not be shirk.

   Now I solemnly promise that our company will provide all-round assistance to the families of the victims. Their underage children will be raised by our company!

   Their wives will also be protected by our company~

   Their elderly parents will also be taken care of by our company. In short, they are the real heroes. We are a responsible company and will never let the hero down. "

   This solemn promise not only pushed his personal reputation to the highest point, but also forced a wave of goodwill for the North Sea Oil Company.

Compared to being responsible for the living expenses of the four families, this wave of prestige will benefit them hundreds of times. All fools know how to calculate this account. Therefore, the company has no opinion on this proposal, and all members raise their hands to pass it. Had it not been for Yang Cheng to stop him, Conrad would also like to pay the victim’s family a high pension in one lump but this opinion was rejected by Yang Cheng. The story of the farmer and the snake told him, There is no end to blindly being a bad person. They only need to be responsible for the basic life of these four families. Sometimes more money is not a good thing, especially if you get rich overnight!

   But no matter what they talk about in private, this wave of shows in front of the media is considered a success.

   The next reporter's question is neither salty nor indifferent, and there is nothing worth saying. Anyway, the most important part is over, and Yang Cheng doesn't think there is anything wrong. He is happy to say a few words.

   Towards the end of the interview, a reporter suddenly stood up and asked a very unfriendly question, "Mr. Yang, don't you think it is against human rights to let the crew members who have just escaped work continue to work?"

   There was an uproar in the field, who is this guy? What is the difference between asking this and provoking?

   But this bearded reporter turned a blind eye to the surprise of others, staring straight at Yang Cheng with his sunken eyes, hoping to force him to tell the truth.

It’s a pity that Yang Cheng doesn’t take this set at all. He said directly, “I don’t want to discuss the cost of business operations with you. Performance of integrity.

  I and everyone in my company have never forced them to continue working. If you don’t believe this, you can ask them in person after they get to the shore. I believe you will get the same answer. "

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