Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1828: Can't refund!

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"Tell me, how can I help you~" Yang Cheng asked very solemnly, this matter is related to his future, at least until he finds a successor, Richard Debin can't retire so unclearly.

Richard frowned slightly, "Jason, this is the end of the matter, some things can't be forced~"

"I know, but you should know that if you want to spend your old age safely, you must have enough strength to protect yourself, so whether it is for you or for me, you should find a successor who can provide enough protection. "

Richard opened his mouth and looked indifferent. He knew that Yang Cheng was right, but he was a bit tired after working for so many years. If he hadn't retired himself this time, it would never be so easy for him to step down. .

After a few minutes of silence, Richard spit out a name, "Kevin~Take Kevin!"

Yang Cheng's eyes flashed, "Kevin McCarthy in the House of Representatives?"

"Yes, if nothing happens, he is the successor chosen for me in dang~"

"In other words, as long as he has a problem, he will face no one to use, and you can only continue to assume the role, right?"

"You can say so~"

"I know, I will find Kevin McCarthy's handle~"

Richard looked complicated, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Yang Cheng said firmly, "It must be done for me and for you~"

Richard took a sip of his cigar and let out smoke at will, "I will cooperate with you~"

"Who is his sponsor?"

"An energy company in New Jersey, I will give you the name after I go back~"

Yang Cheng smiled and spread out her hands, "Look, our golden partner has not yet disbanded~"

Richard grinned reluctantly, "Be careful, you should know the energy of the energy company~"

"Of course I know, I'm also one of them~"

Yang Cheng asked the other party's funder straightforwardly, just to break the foundation of the other party at one time. Every member and the member have their own funder behind them, which can be one or several, otherwise they would not be possible. Sitting in the current position, this is already a recognized fact. The decisive factor of the American ZZ, which seems to be based on a democratic platform, is ultimately due to the amount of political funds;

Whether the Zheng Party and its candidates can win the war once every four years is largely determined by the amount of fundraising. The reason why various interest groups have generously thrown out a lot of ZZ cash for their own The supportive candidates blaze a path to victory and compete. The purpose is to send their "owners" to the thrones of ZF and parliament at all levels, and finally open up special channels for the interest groups themselves to drive straight to Capitol Hill and the White House, and borrow them. This will exert influence and pressure on the formulation of various policies of the United States in the future.

Those winners and dang factions who have become "spokespersons" are therefore bound to retaliate, and immediately formulate or adopt relevant policies that are beneficial to their own funders, or seek benefits for the funders in other areas of interest.

This is an indisputable fact, "Money is the breast milk of politics." This famous saying in the Western zheng world reveals the relationship between money and ZZ, especially ZZ in the United States.

All levels of elections are inseparable from money paving the way, and the final vote is more like a formality.

After the Watergate incident, ZZ black gold made people intolerable, so the United States began to gradually introduce some regulations restricting ZZ donations.

Prior to this, the total personal ZZ donation must not exceed $123,200.

After the Supreme Court ruled to abolish the total amount limit in the past few years, the fragile ZZ cash constraint system formed by various local regulations and restrictions in the past will be attributed to the unconstrained ZZ iron law of "money is king", "the gold master" ZZ" is like a ghost. From then on, Chiguoguo has wandered over Washington, even corroding every social cell.

Therefore, attacking the gold master behind Kevin is the most effective and direct way to destroy him in the future, and it is more reasonable than killing and arson.

As for whether he will be wronged or not, Yang Cheng is not worried about this at all. Just kidding, who can sit in this position, which bottom is clean?

Including Richard, each stage also has its own benefactor, including the current Yang Cheng. Without Yang Cheng's financial support, it is estimated that he should have stepped down two years ago.

"Kevin has a lover who is his secretary who is responsible for the communication between him and the funder~"

Yang Cheng knew that this was a breakthrough point Richard gave him, and believed that his secretary must have the black material that the media wanted to see.

How about rabbits not eating grass at the edge of the nest? That is the last protection. Getting the secretary to * is the beginning of the degeneration of a successful person.

Everyone understands this. But people just can’t resist temptation. People have their own needs, whether it’s money, women, or everything. Just like Yang Cheng, he knows too much about the dangers of the position of secretary, especially you. When your secretary is prettier than his wife, it’s only strange to get along day and night without incident.

But Yang Cheng’s strength lies in knowing how to take care of him. He never regards Susu as his lover, but as his own woman. In addition, he never hides his love, and of course Susu’s incompetence and ambition are indispensable. The fact that all kinds of factors add together makes his harem extremely harmonious.

Of course, it was the harem, but he never let his women meet each other, even if they all knew there was another one.

All in all, if Richard explained Kevin McCarthy’s senior weaknesses, then don’t blame Yang Cheng for being cruel, and you have to admit your mistakes. If you are an invulnerable saint, no matter how conspiracies and tricks you use, is it useless?

"Don't worry, leave this to me. You will be able to see the scandals of senior parliamentarians online or in the newspapers within half a month."

"I will wait and see~"

Yang Cheng's self-confidence infected Richard, and his words also made Richard understand that before he could spend his old age, at least until he found the next asylum for himself and Yang Orange, he must stick to his post.

After talking about this matter, he didn't Richard turned to ask, "Your business with Demien is still going on?"

Yang Orange nodded slightly, "I need me to help them make money, and I also need this cash channel. We each get what we need. It is impossible for a book to fall out in the short term~"

"But it's not a long-term solution~" Richard reminded.

"I understand, but until there is no better solution, I can only treat it as not knowing. After all, we have no basis for trust."

"The best way is to benefit. You have to tell by benefit that they can't leave you."

"Of course, I have been working hard to open up new sales channels, but the earth is big and big, and small is small. There are only a few countries that can afford American weapons."

"You have been focusing on the Middle East before, so why don't you try to go to South America~"

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