Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1833: South America-Chile

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On the second Monday of 2017, the day before Yang Cheng was about to leave for South America, a piece of news detonated half of the American public opinion.

Why is it half?

Because the big mouth is showing up again, I don't bother to talk about him, so as not to be blocked from the chapter.

The news was first exploded by the New York Times-the Department of the Department of the United States officially sued Kevin McCarthy, a heavyweight member of the U.S. House of Representatives, on 14 counts of alleged bribery, fraud, and misrepresentation, of which there were eight charges of bribery alone. If these bribery facts are true, he will face the prospect of 15 years in prison for each crime of bribery. What is the total? Multiplication within a hundred is not difficult to calculate!

The whole incident had no signs before it broke out, but the announcement of this indictment shocked all social platforms in the United States like a blockbuster.

After the news broke in the New York Times, online media across the United States reported the case prominently on the front page, believing that this was the first time in recent decades that the US Federal ZF formally sued a current heavyweight congressman. .

The New York Times has therefore returned to the throne of the media industry, I believe this year's Pulitzer Prize has no suspense.

The Times used two full pages to expose the rampant and ugly undercurrents of power and money trading in the US "money master ZZ".

In the news, the 58-year-old Kevin McCarthy is undoubtedly the biggest villain. He has repeatedly used his power to "take care of" the details of the business and private life of ZZ donors, which has made the people hateful, and at the same time he has a pleasant sense of comfort.

The accusations against Kevin McCarthy are mostly related to a beauty and ZZ donor named Marina in New Jersey.

Marina is the owner of a gallery in New Jersey and is also one of Kevin McCarthy's mistresses. A donor of Kevin McCarthy, she has repeatedly bribed Kevin McCarthy by buying low-end paintings in the gallery.

According to allegations, between 2009 and 2016, Marina handled a total of $17 million in donations, which does not include the cost of more than 5 free private jets or charter flights to resorts in Florida and Dominica each year.

And Kevin often takes a "guest" with him, or Marina or his personal secretary, staying in a luxury hotel suite for 1,000 dollars a night in Paris; buying hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of watches, etc., in the news All are well documented.

In return, Kevin has repeatedly used his authority to "take care" of the donor's business. For example, he has put pressure on the relevant agencies to open the door to the energy transportation of the donor company;

Or, through his subordinates, pressure the US Customs to release goods that have not undergone inspection procedures.

All kinds of misdeeds were reported one by one by the New York Times, and Kevin's reputation is really notorious.

In fact, two days before the news broke, the relevant departments completed the arrest and evidence collection of Kevin McCarthy, which was highly efficient and scary, thanks to the close cooperation between Yang Cheng and Richard Debin.

After talking at the cigar bar that day, Yang Cheng spent two days checking Kevin McCarthy's home, and it was Kevin McCarthy's female secretary who broke all this, including all the criminal evidence.

Yang Cheng promised to give her a sum of money. After the incident, Richard Debin will be responsible for helping her get rid of her crime. After the wind passes, Yang Cheng will send her to any country in the world except the United States. Anyway, she will be alone. One person, and able to live the rest of her life carefree, the female secretary almost chose to betray without hesitation.

In fact, there is no talk of betrayal, it's just that someone buys her own value at a higher price, and her boss will never be able to afford this money. Smart people naturally know how to choose.

After the information was handed over to Richard Debin, Yang Cheng didn't have to worry about the rest.

Sure enough, after a few days passed, Richard told Yang Cheng that it was time for the newspaper.

It was the same cigar bar a week ago. The two behind-the-scenes ambassadors who manipulated Kevin's case with one hand sat opposite each other. Their faces were plain and they were not excited about breaking an opponent, and there was nothing to be proud of. .

Yang Cheng shook the glass and asked, "Is the voice in the dang loud?"

Richard blinked weakly like a dozing lion. "Sound? There will be no sound. This is a cold world. No one will sympathize with a loser~"

"That's true, but when they saw your reaction, did they give up their plan to change?"

"I don't know, I should, I guess~"

Yang Cheng was a little confused. When did Richard use such ambiguous words? Is he not sure?

"What are the hidden dangers? Say it and we solved it together~"

Richard smiled slightly, "There are no hidden dangers, but accidents happen every day. Who can guarantee that accidents won't happen to his head?"

Yang Cheng didn't believe it, "comeon buddy, tell me any problems, let's solve them together, don't forget we are in the same boat~"

Richard was helpless and felt a touch of warmth. Although the two were combined because of their interests, they might be separated because of their interests in the future, but at this moment, Yang Cheng's words and deeds are like a match, giving him in the ice cellar. A trace of warmth, even if the warmth is very weak, even if it is fleeting.

"It's really nothing, I'm just a little tired~"

Yang Cheng frowned slightly. It stands to reason that Richard should be able to do such things with ease.

But he didn't want to say that Yang Cheng could never pry open his mouth.

"Starting to South America tomorrow?" Richard took the initiative to change the subject.

"Well~ first to Chile, then to Peru~"

"I heard that Chile is going to use 10% of the copper mine profits to replace modern equipment~"

Yang Cheng sat up straight, "Are you kidding?"

Richard deliberately glanced at the calendar on the watch and made an American joke, "Today is not April Fool's Day~"

By implication, he was not joking.

"The Chileans are crazy? Trade stable income for arms?"

"No way, the price of copper has fallen drastically. What can I use to buy arms without foreign exchange income?"

"Shit, the timing of my visit this time is perfect, I must take this order~"

"Ha, I hope you can succeed~"

. . .

With excitement and anticipation, Yang Cheng flew to Santiago, the capital of Chile, on the Xinyuanshan.

As one of the most famous tourist destinations in the world, Chile has many scenic spots full of history, culture and natural scenery, which can definitely make visitors linger, such as the famous Easter Island.

However, Santiago, as the capital and largest city, seemed a bit monotonous. This was Yang Cheng's first thought after an airplane passed over the Andes Mountains and overlooked the South American metropolis.

Santiago is the fifth largest city in South America. It is located in the middle of Chile's narrow border, on the banks of the Mapocho River, east of the Andes, and about 100 kilometers west of Valparaiso Port.

The land is fertile, the climate is warm, and the ocean resources are rich. Indians live here by farming, fishing, and hunting.

European explorers came here in the 16th and 17th centuries, disrupting the lives of the Indians and beginning the period of European colonial rule.

The summer is dry and mild, and the winter is cool and rainy and foggy. The sparkling Mapocho River flows slowly from the city, and the snow-covered Andes is like a gleaming silver crown. The natural landscape adds a moving charm.

It was in such a dry summer that a Boeing 787, painted with the golden sunset glow of the Andes, slowly landed at San Diego Benitez Airport.

It was Richard's old friend who came to pick him up, the former ambassador to the United States, an Indo-European grandfather with a long beard.

Yes, Yang Cheng thinks it's more reliable to call him grandfather, she looks a dozen years older than Richard.

Grandpa’s name is nothing special. Like most Spanish-speaking countries, the name of a Chilean is divided into 4 parts—two first names and two last names.

There are very few Chilean names to choose from. Although parents choose any combination of two nice names when naming them, it is nothing more than "Juan", "José" and "Maria" back and forth.

Anyway, when the street shouted "Juan", everyone in the street had to turn around and agree.

There is no way, but it also suffers from the lack of culture, such as women’s names. Many women’s names have "Mary" in their names. This is related to the profound influence of the Catholic Virgin Mary.

Of course, there are also people who feel that this name is called too much and are unhappy, then change the name, such as Cecilia, which is one of the most used names by intellectual women today.

Chileans attach great importance to the culture of the Spanish-speaking world, but many times, because they are in the Americas, people associate their names with Americans. This is quite exclusive to Chileans, so when you encounter an obsession When you have two Chileans with two surnames and two names, don't argue with him, just let him go.

However, the name of the Chilean is not that simple. From the surname of the Chilean, his ancestral home is actually hidden. To put it bluntly, it is easy to see where his ancestors came from.

Chile's first colonists came from the Andalusia region in southern Spain, and later more Spanish came from the north.

After World War II a large number of Germans and French fled to southern Chile, and today, the offspring of these people have lost the blond and blue-eyed looks of their ancestors, but a lot of information can be seen from the surnames For example, the name Morina, more than 95% comes from southern Spain, and Hans’s ancestor must be Germany.

The Chilean surname not only reveals the origin of the family, but also often indicates a person's social class.

The surnames of some European countries belong to the "noble surnames" in Chile, such as Bachester, which must be descended from France. The quality of the surnames is nothing more than the wealth of the original colonists.

Many people with mediocre qualifications but a "noble surname" tend to be respected in society and are more likely to have the chance of success. This is indeed a strange place in Chile.

It is similar to the high caste and low caste in India, but it is not that discriminatory.

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