Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 183: The opportunity to acquire DreamWorks

"Hey, Young Master, what instructions?"

Liu Jianjun's flattering voice came from the phone.

"How are people cleaning up?" Yang Cheng asked coldly while holding the phone and strolling to the window, staring at the gray skyline.

"I won't be back in 10 days and a half month, Young Master, do you want to be tougher?" Compared to letting Liu Jianjun manage the company, he is just good at doing this kind of thing. The emotions revealed in the words are very excited.

"No need, take a picture and send it to me, my face is a bit miserable."

"Understood, I'll take this for you."

"Wait~" Yang Cheng stopped Liu Jianjun who was about to hang up.

He lowered his head and hesitated for a few seconds, then said, "Old Liu, Xu Xian, forget it, you can take pictures first."

He hung up the phone in frustration and threw it on the sofa. After all, some words were not asked.

A few seconds later, the phone rang the “Ding Dong” alert, and I took it back and clicked on the message receiving photo. After zooming in, the person on the photo could no longer see the original appearance. It looked very tragic after being beaten into a pig's head, but Yang Cheng knew that it was all skin trauma and no bones were injured.

Yang Orange snorted without any mercy, and forwarded it to Xu Xian.

After the message was sent successfully, I silently counted less than 10 numbers, and the bell rang again. Who else could it be besides Xu Xian's call? Yang Cheng secretly said, "I'm so concerned, and you haven't said that the lotus is broken?"

I deliberately waited for a period of ringtones to be played, and then slowly switched on. He did not put the phone close to his ears with a foresight. Sure enough, Xu Xian's screams and roars rang, as if he was determined to pierce Yang Cheng’s eardrums, What are you going to do?"

"What are you calling? Why? Feeling distressed?" Yang Orange's yin and yang words can lift the popular Qiqiao to heaven.

"What the **** am I going to do before you will believe me? I swear, I haven't seen him once since I came back!" Xu Xian still maintained an excited tone, hoarse, his throat almost burst.

Yang Cheng raised her eyebrows, "Stop shouting, do you want your voice?"

"Don't be hypocritical, just tell me, what should I do to let you go?" Xu Xian forced herself to calm down, but the heavy panting still exposed her inner anger.

"Take the fastest flight to New York. When the plane takes off, your little boyfriend will show up in front of his house."

"Huh~ After all, didn't you want me to accompany you to chuang? Okay, I promise you! I hope you have the final say this time!"

After another unhappy call, Yang Cheng didn't feel much, except for the green glistening on his head last night, she was not so angry now.

After all, the mood is different. If the girl he cared about in the previous life dared to betray, even if it was only suspected, he would desperately have to kill the man, but now, if it’s not good, the woman will come to him. Said it is no different from playthings, so far I have never really moved anyone, because of the possessive desire of a beautiful body.

But Xu Xian is different.

In an old city in Seoul, most of the families of intellectuals or engineers and technicians live here. It belongs to the wealthy area of ​​the early years. In one of the two-story single-floor living rooms that look very emotional, a tragic drama is being staged.

The protagonist is a young girl and four old people. This is the home of Xu Xian's childhood sweetheart, Zhao Shangxi. Zhao Shangxi’s parents are sitting on the sofa and crying, while Xu Xian’s parents are sitting on both sides and constantly comforting.

Xu Xian just ran into the bathroom just to call Yang Cheng. At this moment, he was also crying red eyes in grievance, and he walked out to soothe his emotions as much as possible, "Uncle Auntie, I called my friend, and he said Shang Xi oppa. Will be put back soon."

"Xiaoxian, what the **** is going on? The child of Shangxi grew up when we were young. He has always been behaved, and I haven't heard of anyone he offends?" The middle-aged man in uniform and looking upright is exactly Xu Xian's father in the army.

Xu Xian forced a smile, put his hair off, and organized words in his heart to say, "I don't know, Dad, the matter has been resolved, let's not stay here and disturb uncle and auntie."

"Xiaoxian, what's the matter with your child? I've been unwilling to give up today. Now that Shangxi has an accident, you still have the mind to work?" Xu Xian's mother thought that her daughter was afraid of delaying her work. ? Can not help but blaming.

Xu Xian opened her mouth and wanted to get the truth out, but what Yang Cheng said in the Shilla Hotel room lingered in her mind. Through this incident, she also discovered that Yang Cheng could do it. For fear of her family being implicated, she quickly suppressed this idea.

It is not good for her to say that she has broken up with Zhao Shangxi at this time, which is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire.

At this time, Zhao Shangxi's mother endured the grief and whispered in tears, "Xiaoxian, go ahead if you have something to do. Since your friend said that Shangxi is okay, then we just wait."

Xu Xian couldn't help it anymore. She was kind-hearted and she told all the lies of her life today. She really couldn't hold on anymore. She bowed at 90 degrees and said sorry, so she covered her face and sobbed and ran out. , Did not call the agent, stopped a taxi and went straight to the airport.

Yang Cheng naturally didn't know what happened in Seoul, and he was not interested in knowing. When he had lunch with Su Su, he watched the press conference held by Ryze Khan in the name of Yang Cheng.

At the press conference, not only used extremely strong language to denounce the rumors on the Internet, but also presented meticulously ‘forged’ evidence, proving Yang Cheng’s sincerity in paying attention to charity.

At the same time, it was announced that Yang Cheng would invest 80 million US dollars in charity projects in the first batch. The staff of the Melinda Gates Foundation also appeared on the scene to endorse Yang Cheng. At the end of the press conference, Ryze Khan represented Siwei Space Charity Fund and Melinda Gates Foundation signed a cooperation agreement.

Sure enough, the name of the world's richest man is more useful than any evidence, especially for the charity project Yang Cheng chose this time. Women and young people are also the areas that the public cares most about and are most likely to increase public favorability.

Not long after the press conference ended, the previous rumors were self-defeating, and even many female and teenage netizens from the fund took the initiative to speak out for Yang Cheng. The emergency public relations of the emergency response came to a successful conclusion, and the results were very good, not only It reversed public opinion and successfully raised Yang Cheng's reputation to a new level. Although he paid 80 million US dollars for this, it was worth it. How many people can't buy a good reputation for 800 million.

. . .

Not long after the press conference ended, David Ellison’s phone call disrupted his enthusiasm for work again, "Hey, my brother, you are famous again!"

"Did you watch the press conference, too?" Yang Cheng leaned on the boss's chair with her legs on the corner of the desk, lazily holding the phone between her head and shoulders.

"Haha, it happened that I heard your name on TV when I was shooting, and I looked at it curiously. Good job man." I don't know if this guy is joking or serious. I still need to watch TV when shooting?

Yang Cheng rolled her eyes and said casually, "It's just an emergency public relations, what's the matter on the phone?"

"Of course, it's okay who will call you? Two news, one good and one bad, which one should I listen to first?"

Yang Orange shook her feet and shrugged indifferently, "Bad?"

David Ellison thiefly smiled, "The bad news is that SoftBank and Hasbro have privately offered Jeffrey Kasenborg to buy DreamWorks Animation."

Yang Cheng looked terrified, put his legs down and sat up straight and asked, "Where is the good news?"

"The good news is that Jeffery didn't agree."

Yang Cheng leaned back angrily, "Fuck, you play with me."

"Who has time to play tricks on comeon, man, Jeffery just didn't agree with the initial offer, he intends to sell DreamWorks Animation, our chance is here." David Ellison suddenly raised his voice and exclaimed excitedly.

But Yang Cheng was not so optimistic, "Do you know what the quotations of the two companies are?"

"If the news is correct, it should be $22 per share."

"The total share capital seems to be more than 85 million? At 86 million, 22 US dollars per share, then the total purchase price is about 1.9 billion US dollars." Yang Orange quickly calculated a number that made him laugh, "Dream What is the current stock price of the factory?"

"US$20.5." David Ellison replied without hesitation.

"Haha, I'm Jeffery and I won't agree to this price. The premium is less than 10%. It seems that this is just a tentative offer." Yang Orange chuckled and concluded.

"Yes, I mainly wanted to explore Jeffery's bottom. I didn't expect that he really has the intention to sell DreamWorks and Hasbro are also helping us." David Ai Lisen agrees with Yang Cheng's point of view and agrees.

"It's not surprising. In the past two years, Disney has developed so much. The small family background of DreamWorks Animation can't beat the big business of Disney. Jeffery is a smart person. Can you not see the situation?" Yang Cheng Analysis Road.

"Okay, no matter why he decided to sell, anyway, we have to hurry up, how about it? Should we also quote a price?" David Ellison suggested.

Yang Cheng pondered for a while, then shook his head, "Don't worry, we don't want to enter the village quietly to shoot. Let's watch the fire from the side, wait for the critical moment to draw a salary from the bottom, and win in one fell swoop."

"Hello, Englishplease, I don't understand what you said." David Ellison couldn't help shouting anxiously when he heard Yang Cheng muttering a bunch of languages ​​he didn't understand.

Yang Cheng was taken aback. He spoke Chinese unconsciously and said with a chuckle, "It's nothing, don't rush to make an offer. We have to have money to buy DreamWorks."

"Isn't it a merger? Why did you change the acquisition?" Ellison corrected.

"The acquisitions are so boring, or the acquisitions are happy. Don't worry, you are indispensable. In this way, you come to New York and New Era Media is preparing for the B round of financing. This time, you also participate in a share?

At that moment, Yang Cheng thought of a good idea. If David Ellison was asked to take the 5% stake of Hearst Group in New Times Media, I wonder what William IV would think?

David Ellison is no nonsense, how can he miss such a good thing? DreamWorks and New Era Media are important, the girls in the red~light~ area can distinguish clearly, and they simply agreed, "Of course, I missed the last round of financing. This time I have to count me. I will do it tomorrow. Fly to New York, wait for me!"

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