Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1846: Cusco

In Peru, Yang Cheng's mind is always flooded by the fog-shrouded Andes and the Inca Empire that disappeared in the dust of history. After Jose returns, he must hold an emergency meeting to discuss the issue of arms procurement.

As for Yang Cheng, it doesn’t make much sense to sit empty in the hotel. He simply carried a backpack and took Hansen to Cusco. Since his party in Egypt, Yang Cheng has a different kind of enthusiasm for treasure hunting. Of course , He will not change his career to become a professional treasure hunter. After all, there is no relevant system, and wishful thinking is not enough.

But since you can't become a professional, you can always be a hobby, right?

I happened to have this opportunity when I came to Peru. It would be a shame not to go to the Inca ruins. It would be even better if he found the Inca Golden City and Golden Lake by the way.

Well, he also knows that he is dreaming. With the current science and technology, what can't be discovered on the ground?

How big can the Amazon rainforest go? Is it true that someone has been hollowed out a long time ago, waiting for Yang Cheng to step on the shit?

In short, with all kinds of emotions, Yang Cheng came to Cusco. The history of this small city is a process of continuous accumulation of soil. On the ruins of the Incas, the Spanish built their churches and gardens, and then the Republic I added my own colors to the Spanish painting scrolls. These bright and mottled interlacing, finally presented the world's most exquisite city in South America.

As the once prominent economic center of ZZ in the Inca Empire, the Kus subject witnessed the prosperity and collapse of the empire.

The Spanish colonial buildings were built on the stone foundations or walls of this heavy Inca palace.

It is precisely because of the combination of this unique historical imprint that attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world every year. In fact, Cusco has become a must-see for travelers to Peru, because it is easy to travel to the Inca from here The lost city of the empire-Machu Picchu.

To be honest, just like the Bermuda Triangle that was once rumored to be raging, the former Death Triangle, now with the blessing of technology, some people have dared to break into it and retreat. The magical history of Cusco has also been a long time. There are countless legends, but it is no longer possible to tell which are myths and which are history books.

Legend has it that in the twelfth century, the first Inca king was sent by the ancestor sun **** to find the center of the earth, and finally found the center here and established the city.

When the ninth generation of kings began a large-scale strategic expansion, the territory once extended from Ecuador and Colombia to the northern desert zone of Chile, reaching the peak of the empire. It was during this period that Emmachu was built. The most representative of the many mythical hilltop castles.

In 1526, the Spaniard Francisco Pizarro headed south from Panama in Central America and soon discovered the wealthy place of the Inca Empire. After returning to Spain, he began to raise manpower and financial resources. He landed in Ecuador in 1532 and soon The army advanced to the heart of the Inca Empire and successfully captured the twelfth Inca King and killed thousands of unarmed indigenous people.

In the end, Francisco Pizarro ordered the execution of the Inca king, and then occupied Cusco.

In fact, at the time, the Spanish invaders riding on horsebacks, armored bodies, and wielding swords and muskets were unstoppable. After all, in the face of higher-tech weapons, bravery was useless. Eventually the subjects of the Inca Empire retreated. In the lofty mountains, despite several attempts to overthrow the Spanish rule, the bows and arrows and spears ultimately failed to match the higher-tech muskets, and no matter how hard they tried, they ended in failure.

Since then, they no longer have the glory of the previous empire. Hundreds of years have passed, from Colombia to Ecuador, from Peru to Bolivia to Chile. This vast land, once made the Incas proud of, has now become their sadness. place.

The few surviving descendants of the Incas, are now living a dire life in the once-hot land, at the bottom of the society, and even desperate for a bite of food.

On the way to Cusco, I saw that large area of ​​ancient Inca terraces from a long distance away. Some parts stretched to the edge of the cliff. They looked magnificent. Different from the beauty of the southern terraces of Country Z, there are more ancient Inca terraces. It's bleak.

Approximately continued to drive for another half an hour. The car drove to the hillside outside Cusco. Yang Cheng sat in the car and looked down on the famous ancient Inca capital. Under the blue sky and white clouds, the white walls and red tiles were seen. A wide valley is covered with layers of houses and buildings, and there is a long stone wall on top of a hillside.

Going down a not-wide road, you formally entered the ancient capital of the Incas. During this time, you passed some attics painted with blue and yellow paint. These were the homes of local residents.

However, because it is a tourist attraction, local residents have also opened family hotels or restaurants to earn extra money.

But that was all, the cluttered streets made Yang Cheng not only fail to feel the tranquility of the ancient city, but also had a sense of being in the wilderness.

However, these yards have a sense of age. If they are placed in the past, they should be the rich local people.

At this time, they were on an unknown half-mountain road in Cusco. In fact, Cusco stood on the Andes at an altitude of 3,400 meters, surrounded by mountains, and you could see huge stones of Inca architecture everywhere. The thick walls, narrow and steep streets are covered with pebbles that have been polished over the years.

But the people living here are not only the Inca natives, but also the descendants of the Spanish conquerors, and the multi-racial mixed race.

Although there are many Acura Inca sculptures in the city, most of them show how tall and brave they are, and even caught Spanish soldiers digging out their hearts to eat, and they were also sculpted in the city square, but these can neither change history nor change. In reality, the Incas, an ancient nation, their culture, religion, writing, language, living habits, and even race have disappeared or are gradually disappearing.

Because there was no reservation in advance, Yang Cheng and the others had to temporarily find a hotel that seemed to be quite tall. When they went in and asked, there were just a few rooms that were not booked out. Hansen went forward to discuss with the boss with a beautiful knife. , Can you move a floor for them.

In the face of Benjamin, the boss happily agreed to Hansen's request and went to discuss with the tenants in person. The guests originally arranged on the second floor were willing to give up the room because of the discount promised by the boss.

After working for more than half an hour, Yang Cheng also took a break in the room, ready to go out and stroll around this ancient city full of mystery.

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