Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1856: Mysterious Maya (6)

However, some experts put forward a more reasonable guess-royal family fighting!

The development of Maya civilization was accompanied by the emergence of a hierarchical Maya society. Royal family members were considered to have sacred blood, and at the top of the privileged class was the king.

Therefore, the Maya king can get any woman as he pleases by virtue of his power. This is not only for yin music, but also to stabilize the right of zheng, which is the so-called ZZ marriage 1200 years ago.

Like other Mayan rulers, Kamash’s father, Taji, the previous Cancun king, also established an alliance by marrying the daughters of other kings. For Taji, this was a means of gaining power, but for him For posterity, this may be the beginning of the disaster, because while the royal marriage formed a long-term alliance, it inevitably brought a more long-term problem: the royal family's descendants competed for power.

Experts calculated: If a king has 4 children, each of these 4 children has 4 children, and these children each have 4 children, then the king will have 64 great-grandchildren.

This is only the offspring of the king and one wife. If this number is multiplied by the number of the king's wives, then in just 200 years, more than 500 people in a Mayan city will have royal blood.

This may be the direct reason why the Cancun Royal Palace has as many as 200 rooms. However, under this kind of abundance and prosperity, there is a huge crisis that can destroy everything.

The power struggle between the nobility and the royal family has never stopped. This is extremely important in the Mayan civilization. The kings raised their children in the palace and then let them be crowned elsewhere.

Relatively disadvantaged nobles will strive to increase their prestige among their subjects, because this is the main source of their power, which not only requires wars, religious ceremonies and alliances, but also needs to build larger temples, only in this way can they have a more prominent position.

The contest between the rulers must have consumed a huge amount of resources, while the royal family and aristocrats rushed to build magnificent buildings in order to increase their prestige among their subjects, and they did not need to pay any price for this, including money, because These heavy burdens will fall on ordinary people in the form of taxation and corvee.

In order to satisfy the luxury enjoyment, comparison, and competition of the upper class, the people of the middle and lower classes bear increasingly heavier social burdens, which makes their lives very difficult.

From this perspective, the **** massacre in the Cancun rainforest seems to be easy to understand.

The fire of hatred that has been accumulated in my heart for a long time ignited between commoners and nobles, between nobles and nobles, and between kings and kings.

Needless comparisons and power struggles have consumed limited wealth and food. Perhaps cities like Cancun were on the verge of a crisis before the drought dried up crops.

As a result, the simple tomb of Cancun King Kamash has been reasonably explained, and the massacre of the entire royal family is no longer a strange thing.

Archaeologists believe that only a mighty Mayan king like Taji Chanak can hold Cancun's disintegrated dynasty together, but after him, no one has this ability.

With so many nobles and such fierce contradictions, the entire society is destined to fall apart after Taji Chanak's death.

In fact, no amount of evidence can help people restore the real scene 1200 years ago. History has changed with the years and is buried in the dense rainforests of Central America. Future generations can only rely on their own imagination, combining countless Many clues are reversed.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s correct or not. What’s important is what people can discover and learn from the Maya’s experience.

And this is the meaning of professors like Dick Gill who devote all their energy to research.

Research also costs money, not to mention, the round-trip travel expenses, food, drink and Lazar are all costs, and it is definitely not enough to rely on yourself.

I think Earl Carnarvon funded Howard Carter to study ancient Egypt. Today, he Yang Cheng funded Dick Gill to study ancient Maya. Although it is separated by hundreds of years, it has the same effect.

Funding is certainly not a waste of money. It must be profitable. People like Yang Cheng and Earl Carnarvon are actually very clear.

Although it is unlikely, once Dick Gill discovers the ancient Maya’s treasure, or discovers some magical ‘black technology’, then Yang Cheng must be the one who gets the most benefit.

In addition, Yang Cheng did not have a hope in his heart. The scientists he raised in Beihai Manor did not make breakthrough progress in the study of memory metal. They were associated with the mysterious connection between ancient Maya and ancient Egypt. Did the Maya find an opportunity here?

By then Yang Jiake could point to the memory metal, and Dapeng would spread his wings.

Therefore, the word funding sounds a bit unreliable, and it is much more reliable to change the word ‘potential investment’.

Dick Gill finally got a little human touch, and he cleaned up a place for Yang Cheng to fall on his ass, "It seems that you know a lot about Maya."

Yang Cheng shrugged, "I am only interested in these magical legends. The human bones are full of adventurous genes, and I like them too, but I am more life-saving, so instead of facing the life and death crisis by myself, it is better to spend some money to let others replace me. , Can also reveal the mystery, and will not lose your life, why not do it?"

Anyone who changes to a normal brain circuit is easy to get angry when he hears this, and he is a ghost for the dead?

However, people who can study Mayan culture have abnormal brain circuits. Dick Gill felt that Yang Cheng’s ideas were just as his appetite. Give him money, don’t interfere with how to use it, just wait to see the results. Such a benefactor is troublesome. Thank you!

"Very good, now can I talk about how much money you can put in? I am going to Guatemala to start a big project recently. It is the newly discovered Mayan ruins. It is said to be a sacrificial altar, which is of great research value.

This time I am planning to form a team, from assistant to security, so the budget is very high. "

Dick Gill is vaccinating Yang lest the lion speaks loudly for a while and is rejected.

Yang Cheng heard this and waved his hand casually, “You don’t have to worry about the budget. As long as the money you should spend, there is no upper limit on the budget. However, I will arrange people with the team to supervise your expenses. If you discover unauthorized embezzlement or misuse, the funding will be terminated immediately, and I will hold you accountable."

Dick Gill devoted himself to research, wishing that every penny was spent on actual use, how could it be wasted, "No problem, do as you say~"

Then he finally smiled, "Would you like to come and see with us?"

Yang Cheng thought to himself, anyway, the return journey will have to go through Guatemala. It would be nice to go down to see it. I used to watch documentaries, but I have never seen Maya ruins.

"Yes, I will take my plane to Guatemala and bring your team along the way."

"It couldn't be better ~ departure in 3 days."


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