Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1865: Eel feast

(Sorry for the late post. I just went home and was forced to marry for a day. It was too difficult for me~)

Killing an eel is a series of technical points, from the hungry fish to the cutting.

First, fix the slippery eel on the chopping board with eel nails, then use a professional eel slicing knife to cut the body of the fish at a very fast speed, and then remove the fish bones quickly.

At this time, if the action is delayed, the blood of the eel will be lost seriously, and the taste will be greatly reduced. When cutting the fish, if you have insufficient experience and cut out fish of uneven size, it will be difficult to cook. Until heated evenly.

It's not over yet, after cutting the fish, it's skewered.

Unlike wearing chicken wings and lamb, eel is not only slippery but also very thin. Therefore, only skilled fish skewers can accurately skew fish.

And cooking eel is a test of the master’s skill. Only those masters who have mastered the heat accurately can cook eels that are soft, waxy, oily and have no smell.

Therefore, the process of cooking eel requires a long time for the masters to master the essentials. It may be a lifetime.

Only the dual attention to ingredients and production skills can make a bowl of authentic eel rice.

Of course, for cooking, it doesn't matter whether you eat it yourself or open the door to customers, you may not be able to survive without a recipe.

The sauce used for grilling eel is the secret recipe of each restaurant. It can be said that every eel restaurant in RB has its own sauce recipe, and each restaurant tastes slightly different. However, many outside restaurants, Even the eel rice eaten at home is basically ready-made eel juice, which is a product of assembly line, which makes it easy to eat.

Of course, in today’s RB, cheap and gulpable eel rice has long been a thing of the past, but for foodies, if they have the opportunity, they still have to go to RB to eat a bowl of authentic unagi rice. After all, authentic unagi rice is here. RB can be regarded as an art.

A chef from Xiangjiang once said that the best eel rice in RB nationwide is "Penglaixuan" in Nagoya. You must try it if you have a chance.

But today, the master Yang Sen invited from the Japanese food shop, but he has studied under Kanjiro Kanemoto, and he must be quite capable, so I can look forward to it.

It is worth mentioning that this master also brought two assistants. One of them is still a pretty MM. You can tell that it is an RB woman by looking at Luoquan's legs. Don't ask why, asking is born!

While they were chatting, Yang Cheng deliberately went to the kitchen to observe and chatted with sister RB by the way. Unfortunately, they didn't understand English and didn't succeed in the conversation.

But looking at her broken skin, I don’t know if it’s because of eating too much eel. As we all know, eel is a great food, and there are treasures all over the body. For example, eel skin and meat are rich in collagen, which can nourish the skin. Beauty, delay aging.

Today, the master will cook two types of eel, one is Kabayaki and the other is white roast. Here is a tip. If you see a menu in the eel restaurant, there is a "white roast" that can test the quality of eel and the craftsmanship of the shop. "Eel", you can basically eat with confidence. Shirayaki is grilled without adding any seasonings and sauces, so it more clearly reflects the quality of the eel used by the store and whether the grilling method is good.

An eel restaurant that is not capable of ordering, would not dare to put shirataki on the menu.

Soon, the master cleaned up the eel and started cooking.

The first dish is the pre-dinner snack, a deep-fried eel bone. After the fish bones are removed, it is deep-fried and deep-fried. It is fragrant and crisp, and the chef sprinkled some dried seaweed on top. The shining golden light should be the gold leaf, eat with eel bones dipped in pieces of seaweed, which has a special flavor. Maybe because of the small amount, it successfully aroused the appetite of the diners.

The poor eel not only died without a whole body, but also left no bones. But it must be said that the more the eel bones are eaten, the more addictive they are. Unfortunately, the output is too small to be mass-produced, otherwise Yang Cheng is going to stock up on it. Eat it as a snack.

However, it makes sense that eel bones are not wasted. According to scientific analysis, the ratio of calcium to phosphorus in eel vertebrae is close to 2:1, which is consistent with the structure of pure natural mother ru. It is internationally recognized as the best ratio of calcium absorption and contains calcium. The bioavailability is extremely high, eating more than drinking milk can also supplement calcium.

The little RB girl does not speak English, but the master has been in New York for more than ten years and she is fluent in English. During the production, she also chatted with Yang Cheng. When Yang Cheng mentioned the **** of eel, the master looked respectful. Just a few moments after the incense-burning bath banged towards the east.

However, in the RB culinary world, there are indeed a few people who deserve such respect from younger generations.

Speaking of the contemporary legend in the RB cooking world, Jiro Ono is undoubtedly the most famous internationally.

Lao Mei also specially filmed the documentary "JiroDreams of Sushi" for Ono, which was translated as "The God of Sushi" in China, which made the legendary cook officially "the **** of sushi".

The tempura celebrity Tetsuya Saotome has a deep personal relationship with Ono, and has a friendship between mountains and rivers. Since the two recognize that each other’s craftsmanship is at the same level, Saotome is naturally called the "God of Tempura" and took a picture. A documentary about the friendship between the two, "The Gods of Japanese Food: The Last Pledge".

The last one is the "God of Eel" Kanjiro, who is as famous as the previous two.

These three master-level figures also naturally became the "Three Gods" of Edo-mae cooking.

The oldest Jiro Ono is the most conservative, strictly limiting the ingredients in Edo, not to mention beef, avocado, and even salmon. Although the youngest Saotome Tetsuya has occasional innovations, he has basically not jumped out. The category of Edo-mae.

But Kanjiro Kanemoto has a completely different style from the other two gods. "Noda Iwa" has a history of more than 160 years, and it is the fifth generation to be passed down to Kanjiro Kanemoto.

RB people place great emphasis on historical inheritance. As a century-old shop, "Noda Rock" seems to have no exceptions. However, "God of Eel" has an extremely open mind and makes many actions that are considered apostasy, precisely because of this. , In order to achieve his magic number!

In the words of the master, Kanjiro's eel deviates from tradition every step of the way.

how to say? It is generally believed that the wild eels in Tokyo Bay are the best species. However, due to the serious decline in catches, Jinben inspected many producing areas across the country to select high-quality species, and mixed wild eels with farmed eels. Facts also proved that this was a commercial consideration. The right decision with quality.

When it comes to opening a store, RB cuisine is mainly based on fish ingredients, and there are great regional differences. It is just weird to open a branch abroad without distinction.

In the face of opposition from his family, Kanjiro Kanemoto stood out against the crowd and insisted on driving "Noda Rock" to France, flexibly choosing local eels, and succeeded.

Finally, there is wine. This "God of Eel" French cuisine has a fanatical preference. He whimsically introduced wine to match the grilled eel, breaking the rule of "RB cuisine must be accompanied by RB wine". Because of this, the old man does not Less criticized by the outside world, but in the eyes of'God', this is all clouds.

Before making other dishes, the master personally served a cup of clear tea to everyone who had tasted the first appetizer. This tea set is a good indication of the grade, and the tea soup is green in color. The greasy feeling left in the mouth of the fried eel bone also clears the stomach and intestines, making diners look forward to the next dishes.

It can be seen that an excellent chef has done so well in details.

Next is the appetizer-eel jelly. This dish is also the specialty of Noda Iwa. It seems that the master has learned the essence. The eel is rich in gelatin, and the broth can be condensed into soup jelly, and then soft eel meat is added, which is cool and graceful. , Is an excellent appetizer.

Then there is sashimi. There is no way. You have to get used to eating Japanese food. Everything can be sashimi. If you hear that Tokyo has large intestine sashimi one day, don’t be surprised. It must be that the fish in the sea has been eaten up and can only be kicked off. Of ism.

Of course, RB people are not stupid. They don’t eat poisonous ones. There is no eel in this sashimi platter, because the blood of eels contains toxins. If you eat raw, you will vomit and diarrhea. If you eat raw, you won’t know. Eaten raw.

However, the best tuna is naked and medium fat, from material selection to knife skills, and fully reflects the characteristics of each part. The medium fat is the best, with the mellow fat and fresh aftertaste, perfect!


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