Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1869: The future of fast food

Yang Sen’s crazy hints are almost undisguised, and fools can understand them, let alone two business elites?

From a commercial point of view, it is more appropriate to introduce Yang Sen, a Chinese capital boss, than other giants on Wall Street.

But from a personal point of view, Yang Sen's doing this is tantamount to robbing the house, telling the married couple clearly that Lao Tzu wants a part of your family ownership, should you give it?

If you are a young man who is just starting his career, he may be blinded by such a situation. Why? Don't you want to change it?

But married couples have faced more storms and waves in their lives. This is not worthy of their anger. They are just normal business demands.

The couple looked at each other and Jiang Peiqi said, "Introducing foreign capital has never been a panda's primary need."

This is a polite refusal, but Yang Sen disagrees, "Mrs. Cheng, first of all, you have to understand that the pandas are developing very well now, there is no financial problem, and there is no tentacles of triumph, not because of how strong you are. They look down on~"


"You know who I mean~"

Jiang Peiqi suddenly smiled bitterly, "Sorry, I didn't react for a while~"

Yang Cheng suddenly interrupted, "Actually, the truth is very simple. The predators think that the panda is still far away from McDonald’s road. They don’t rush to start, but once they start, it will be stormy, just like a boat in a huge wave. , I’m afraid it’s hard to escape by yourself~"

Now that I know what my dad wants, I have to help~

"With the panda's current scale and size, it's time to plan ahead."

After a pause, Yang Cheng decided to give them some excitement. "In addition, the most important point is that the panda fast food model is destined to not take root in Country Z. This is a congenital defect. Everyone knows how big the market in Country Z is. What brand and what company is, only by opening the market in country Z can it be qualified to become a giant in a certain industry, otherwise it is just empty talk.

Moreover, the American style of Panda Fast Food is too heavy. Whether to continue to implement the local style model is a very important key.

The secret to the success of Panda Fast Food is to resolutely make Chinese food that meets the tastes of Americans. What about other countries?

Do you want to adapt to European tastes? Do you want to adapt to the tastes of Korea and RB people? "

Yang Cheng took a sip of wine and continued, “In fact, pandas still have many undisclosed problems. For example, Western-style fast food is easy to standardize, but Chinese dishes are extensive and sophisticated. It is difficult to achieve standardization due to heat and technology.

Even if you have improved a lot of technology, so that people with zero foundation can produce more than 90% of the standard taste, but this subtle surprise is likely to become the source of failure.

You should understand that in 2000, Panda has always adhered to the on-site open flame cooking. Now you are solving the problem of standardization, focusing more on the raw materials, and handing over all the raw materials to the suppliers, unified compound seasonings, and every process. However, it is difficult for you to monitor the supplier's standards.

To put it bluntly, in your current model, any problems in any aspect will be a devastating blow to you, and the reason why the development is smooth is just because the predators are raising fish~"

What about after fish farming? Naturally it is fattened and then slaughtered!

Of course he didn't say this clearly, let them experience it for themselves, even if they don't say it, they will understand.

Yang Cheng's three consecutive critical strikes worked well, and the opponent was speechless, as if there was only one way to compromise.

But married couples can't give up so easily, otherwise it would be difficult for companies to achieve such a large scale.

However, Yang Cheng did not give them the opportunity, "Doing business is to do the situation, do the trend, do the time. What you must pay attention to is that the American catering industry is still developing steadily.

Now there are two main forms, one is limited-service catering with light service and short consumption time, which is the fast food field you are in;

The other is full-service catering that emphasizes service, is particular about, and consumes a long time.

In addition, the fast food business has a more prominent market performance in the United States. For example, from the perspective of the proportion of food and beverage stores, of the 660,000 food and beverage stores in the United States, the number of fast food stores is 350,000, accounting for about 53%. Stores accounted for only 44%.

From the perspective of leading companies, American consumers have promoted the birth of 6 tens of billions of dollars of listed fast food companies-and the market value is much higher than that of full-service catering leading brands.

In the country Z market, in terms of the proportion of catering stores, fast food stores accounted for only 19%, and full-service restaurants accounted for 76%. The proportion of fast food restaurants in country Z is much lower than that of the United States.

From the perspective of the head company, the only fast food company with a market value of more than 10 billion US dollars is a Western fast food company. There is no Chinese fast food brand for the time being.

Here comes the problem: the US market does rely heavily on fast food, but the panda does not occupy the top position in it.

The fast-food sector in Country Z has great room for development, but pandas cannot enter. "

He is not picking the bones in the egg, he is talking about real problems.

It is a fact that the fast-food industry in the United States is booming, and it is still on the rise.

At first because of the increase in female labor force, eating out, which was considered a luxury in the past, has now become a commonplace, and later it has become a necessity.

Before World War II, American families mainly eat at home, and it is not uncommon for a meal to take 2-3 hours. This is not very different from the current state of Z families.

In the era when consumer demand did not open up, fast food brands were also born, but unfortunately they did not continue to exaggerate, and finally disappeared in the long river of history.

Until World War II, men participated in the war, and a large number of deaths led to a sharp decline in the labor force. To make a living, women entered the labor market.

After the end of World War II, women’s going out to work has become the choice of more and more women.

The two main members of the family work outside. Workers and working families need fast service and cheap food for lunch and dinner.

This demand drove the success of the first-generation fast food giant, McDonald's.

Since World War II, the employment rate of women in the United States has steadily increased, and so far the proportion has been close to that of men.

It was in the middle of the 20th century when women went out to work steadily, when the "Webster's Dictionary" included the word "fast food" for the first time.

Fast food company McDonald's is recorded in history as a major part of the American diet-so much so that the mere mention of the Golden Arch became synonymous with hamburgers.

In the same period, KFC and Burger King, which are now well-known brands in China, are also the current head burger fast food companies, and they were established in that period.

Then the arrival of the baby boom in the United States once again stimulated the development of the fast food industry.

Baby boom refers to the dramatic increase in population during the 18 years after World War II. At that time, the total population of the United States was 194 million, compared with the 130 million population before the United States joined World War II in 1940, a net increase of 47%.

The baby boomer generation, whose parents both go out to work, consume fast food more clearly than any previous generation.

Later, the baby boom generation grew up and entered the job market in the last few decades of the 20th century and became the main force in the labor market. According to legend, at that time one-eighth of American workers were once employed by McDonald's fast food restaurants.

During the expansion and prosperity of the fast food industry, it was the American baby boom generation who grew up and became the main employment cycle and laid the foundation for prosperity at this time.

Of course, economic growth is also an indispensable factor, and behind the urbanization process that supports the prosperity of industry and commerce in the United States is the increase in urban population.

In the 1960s when the urban population accounted for nearly 72%, the first fast food brand McDonald's in the United States went public.

At the same time, Dada Merlot Pizza, Subway and other fast-food companies that are now leading pizza and sandwiches were established.

With an urbanization rate of 82% in the United States today, American catering consumption accounts for more than half of the catering market.

At that time, the per capita GDP of the United States was 3,800 US dollars and rose to 4,000 US dollars in the following year.

What is the concept of GDP per capita of US$4,000?

This is an internationally recognized node where a country enters the middle-income stage.

At this stage, the country's economic and social risks are high. To achieve development from a medium level to a high income level, a country must move from a subsistence society to a development society, and economic growth from quantitative growth to qualitative growth.

In other words, when McDonald’s went public, it was only when the per capita GDP of the US was at a medium level. Of course, this “medium” refers to the absolute value, but relatively speaking, American residents are still one of the wealthiest national groups.

Another thing that promotes the development of the entire industry is the advancement of quick-freezing technology. During World War II, in order to supply a large amount of food to the military, the US ZF promoted the solution of the problem of quick-frozen preserved food. At that time, a large amount of quick-frozen food was transported to the military business.

After World War II, quick-freezing technology began to be transferred to the mass market, especially in the fast-food chain industry, which directly solved the problem of preservation after large-scale production of standard foods.

Coupled with the popularization of the 3T (time, temperature, shelf life) principle, for example, food can be kept fresh at -18°C, because the microorganisms that cause the food to "spoil" are almost no longer active ~ ~ the public has changed their attitude towards frozen food The "prejudice" is willing to consume quick-frozen food and catering. You must know that before this, food storage methods were preserved and other canned methods, otherwise it would be considered spoiled or harmful.

In addition, the entire supply chain of American catering, including upstream procurement, mid-downstream warehousing, and logistics, is developing and progressing at the same time. A number of companies have been established at the same time. Now it has become a leading integrated catering supply chain and vertical catering supply. Chain company provides large-scale clean vegetables, semi-finished and finished foods for fast food and dinner stores in the United States.

This basically solves the worries of fast food companies. It is precisely because of the superposition of various positive factors that directly promote the rapid development of the fast food industry. This has led to the development of Chinese fast food including many hamburger companies such as Fiveguy and Panda.

But know, who is in control of the source of the supply chain? It is the capitalists of Wall Street. As long as they pinch the suppliers, Panda Fast Food will be crunched by others, and there is almost no room for counterattack.

That’s why Yang Cheng said that the panda crisis has always existed, not that it will not happen, but that they have not done anything yet~


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