Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1871: Yuanshan Extension Moat

Why did ‘false Kungfu’ fail?

It doesn't matter if they don't get better at the beginning, but when they first started, they had a very strong momentum. They were still popular for a period of time, and then they regressed all the way. Why?

Not having core competitiveness is definitely one aspect. In other words, pandas have tangerine skin chickens. What is the ‘fake kung fu’? When it comes to ‘fake Kung Fu’, is there any signature dish that can be representative?

In other words, is there any dish that can contribute 25% of revenue to ‘fake kung fu’?


The market is changing rapidly. The founder succeeded on the road with a creative idea, but because he didn't want to make progress and always maintained the old path, then failure became inevitable.

Just like the "steaming" of fake Kungfu, it was once achieved, but now the times have changed. It can no longer attract customers with clean, nutritious and "Z Kungfu" as it did in the past. More than 10 years later, it has He tied himself to the steaming cabinet and lay down on his past merits to sleep. If it doesn't fail, who fails?

As the former head enterprise of fast food in country Z, fake kung fu should have gone in a higher direction, such as making country Z taste and becoming a representative of country Z's mass catering.

But now, fake Kungfu has become the root cause of the failure of the fast food industry in Country Z, and even the epitome of the entire industry, a typical failure case.

But no matter what, the prevalence of fake Kungfu proves one thing-the acceptance of Chinese fast food by the people in Country Z is not low, and there is room for survival in this huge market.

Since Panda can standardize the improved version of Chinese food, why not standardize the authentic Chinese food?

In fact, it is possible, and in comparison, the people of Z country can be better trained than the Americans. It is enough to dig a batch directly from the New West and Hongxiang technical schools.

The only difference is whether Panda has the confidence to enter Country Z. If so, these problems are not a problem.

The wave of Yang Cheng's analysis did not say that Cheng Zhengchang was moved, but at least he was moved, and he was not so resistant to Yang Sen's previous suggestion of financing.

"In fact, we have always had ideas for pandas to enter Country Z, but for various reasons, we have not started this project, so that we all gave up later."

"It's not difficult to find a way back~" Yang Cheng said.

"Let me think about it~" Cheng Zhengchang did not expect that eating a meal would cause such a big problem for himself. Of course, he has never denied it. He came with ulterior motives.

But everyone is like this. Is there anything to blame?

Maybe the minds of the Chinese are the same. After so many years of bearing the humiliation in the United States, it is so necessary for a leader to fight for everyone. No matter how bad they are, they can keep everyone's life and property safe.

After so many years, the Yang family may be expected to achieve this feat, but these shrewd Chinese don't hurry up and hug their thighs?

As for Yang Sen, if he is low-key and really low-key, at least it is difficult to see him mixing in various social occasions, but sometimes he is not low-key enough, especially in shopping malls. People who have contacted him say his style Very domineering, there is nothing impossible for him to decide.

Moreover, regardless of the distance between relatives and the interests of distant mountains, it is definitely a battle for every inch of the land. People who want to take advantage of him have not been born yet.

It’s all right if the Yang family is the only one. What makes friends and enemies most afraid of is actually Yang Cheng’s growth. From a **** who knows how to eat, drink and play to a young entrepreneur who is now well-known worldwide, this leap-forward growth has both People are envious and can't help feeling that the Yang family's genes are really good, no matter when the genes are awakened, they will be another hero.

But there are some things that I can't envy, and I hope that I will have a Yang Orange. It is better to hold the Yang family's big thick leg firmly.

How thick are Yang's legs now?

Business has basically reached the strength of a predator, and ZZ resources have become more and more prosperous. The most important thing is that there is news that Yang Orange has a good relationship with Jun, and may even get involved in Jun's business. What is this concept?

The three most powerful areas in society are all occupied by the Yang family. Now if someone has a wave with Yang Jiagang, they will definitely be taught to be a human being. It is not enough to kneel down and tell your father to just lie flat and spread your legs.

Yang Cheng holds the mouthpiece of public opinion, Yang Sen holds a large sum of money, the unfathomable background of Yang Yuanshan and Liu Muqian, two old foxes, and a next-generation female demon who is in the fashion industry. The strength of this lineup calls, "I want Hit ten", shouldn't it be a scream?

Under such circumstances, even the Yang family's fart may cause a Resident Evil, so who would have the brains to merge with the Yang family?

Feeling that life is too good and too pleasant, do you need to find some excitement?

If it develops in this situation, the Yang family might become a chaebol in the new era and put it aside. This is the prince who is about to inherit the throne. If you don't want to succumb to others when they are young, why don't you say congratulations when you get to the throne?

Although the Yang family doesn't need people to give charcoal in the snow for the time being, it doesn't need you to be icing on the cake.

There are not so many obstacles in my heart if I think about things clearly before doing it.

That’s how married couples think. At first they felt embarrassed about holding their thighs, but when they figured it out, that’s the case. There are too many awesome people in this world, and you can’t be the most awesome, so follow the most awesome Walking together, it's also a great little brother.

After the married couple left, Liu Yun ran to the spa, Yang Sen and Yang Chengye sat down in front of the fireplace with a glass of wine.

"Dad, why did you suddenly want to buy a stake in Panda?" Yang Cheng asked curiously. In his opinion, the panda's strength is not bad, but it is not necessary to buy a share.

Yang Sen smiled mysteriously, "It's not for me to buy pandas. For the 13 club party this year, pandas are my bargaining chip~"

Yang Cheng’s pupils shrunk. Yang Sen almost forgot if he didn’t mention this. His mission was almost completed. The so-called control of a country does not mean that you should be the head of a country, but through your own power and insights into the country. By exerting influence, Yang Cheng thought that the task was accomplished well.

In South Korea, he dare not say what he can say, but if he wants to do something, it is still more than 99% possible. This is really not his arrogance, and his strength does not allow him to keep a low profile.

But why did my dad think of using pandas as a bargaining chip?

"What do you want to exchange with someone?"

Yang Sen took a sip of his wine and asked, "What do you think our family still lacks?"

What is missing? Yang Cheng was puzzled, there is definitely no shortage of money, and ZZ resources are gradually enriched, and it is not a shortage, and they are all high-level resources.

Yang Sen did not test Yang Cheng’s mind today, and gave the answer directly, "The width of the moat~"

It means that the moat is not wide enough?

"A wonderful castle surrounded by a deep and dangerous moat. The owner of the castle is an honest and elegant man. The main source of power of the castle is the brain of the owner's genius; the moat permanently acts as the enemy who tries to attack the castle. Obstacles; the owner in the castle makes gold, but not all of it for himself."

This is the original words of the old stock god. After saying this at the Berkshire Conference that year, it was regarded as a classic by countless investors, and Yang Sen clearly recognized it.

So how is the moat of the distant mountains constructed?

According to the old stock god's theory, an impenetrable castle must have at least three moats guarding it to be safe.

However, Yuanshan is different from the company that makes products, so the construction method of the moat is naturally different.

For example, some big brands, such as Moutai, its moat is its brand value, and Coca-Cola, these brands have almost been rooted in people’s minds, and the probability of their failure is very low, so many wealth management funds will take stock of Coca-Cola. What you buy is what you earn.

In recent years, Yuanshan Capital has focused on capital investment in the global real estate industry. Simply put, it controls the right to speak by investing in mature real estate companies.

It was after the rise of Yangcheng that Yuanshan began to set foot in other fields, such as the most successful case-Delta Airlines.

In fact, Delta Air Lines is a moat that Yuanshan dug for itself. At least until the new energy technology has not achieved a revolutionary breakthrough, Delta Air Lines can be invincible, and Delta Air Lines is undefeated, Yuanshan’s basic board. It is stable.

The so-called stability is to invest in enterprises that the common people cannot live without. Food, clothing, housing and transportation always account for one, and Yuanshan already accounts for half.

Does Yang Sen still want to be third? food?

As the saying goes, people rely on food as their heaven.

Regardless of the type of skin and race, food is a necessity for our survival. Yang Sen's idea is okay, but it is too difficult. Are the four major food merchants so easy to intervene?

Why is Yang Cheng the four major grain merchants in the first reaction? Because apart from the four major grain merchants, Yang Sen would not be interested in other grain companies.

"Who are you looking at? Which ABCD family?"

"It's indeed one of them, but you think it's a little bit worse. I am not looking at food~"

"Not food? What else could it be?" Yang Orange was puzzled.

"Modern human life In fact, in addition to food, there is another item that is also indispensable, that is, grain and oil."

amount. . . I have to say that Dad’s idea is definitely a different way. Yes, there can be no electricity around the world, but it is absolutely impossible to live without food composed of grain and oil.

It is precisely because of this that major companies all over the world have rushed to enter the grain and oil field in order to get a piece of the pie.

The four ABCD grain merchants just mentioned include three American companies and one French company. These four companies are named ADM, Bunge, Cargill, and Louis Dreyfus. Together, these four companies control 80% of the global food industry. Since the beginning of the English letters of these four companies happens to be "ABCD", many people are also used to refer to these large companies collectively as "ABCD".

It is worth mentioning that among these four companies, the most powerful one happens to be the American ADM company starting with the letter "A".

However, in the past two years, ADM's ranking among the top 500 companies has declined year after year. Of course, this does not mean that their strength has weakened. On the contrary, ADM's annual revenue and profits are still amazing. In other words, they are not short of money.

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