Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1877: Fifty One District

"I have reason to believe that the idea of ​​this crazy plan back then was related to what the expedition team found in the Mayan ruins."

Zafra's amazing speculation shocked Yang Cheng and Luo Yue. He meant that the Americans had discovered something in the Mayan ruins and brought it back for research. It was only because of various reasons that the experiment failed, and finally it was nothing. It?

Or simply transfer to a more confidential place for research, unknown to the outside world?

The more Safra spoke, the more excited he became, suddenly as if being poured cold water, calmed down and asked, "Are you here to fund my research?"

Yang Cheng categorically denied, "No, no, I can't support you, I just want to learn more."

Luo Yue looked at Yang Cheng curiously, and said that he could not afford to fund it, what the hell, didn't he just fund a research team in Peru?

But she didn't talk too much and watched quietly.

When Safra heard that Lin Jian could not fund the funding, his mood was even lower, "It doesn't matter, my research is too expensive, understandable~"

These words sounded like they were comforting Yang Cheng, but they were actually comforting himself. He needed to constantly encourage himself to hold on to his beliefs.

Luo Yue was a little unbearable. These persistent people were sometimes hateful but also very cute. At the same time, she was even more wondering why Yang Cheng refused the other party so decisively.

"What else do you want to know?" Zafra cheered up. After all, he was Yang Sen's son, and he couldn't drive people away.

"That depends on how much your research results can tell me~" Yang Cheng said.

Safra was silent for a while and said, "Previously, most of the information about Maya culture was hidden in Area 51, and all fools knew that there were countless top secrets hidden there."

Yang Cheng nodded and said that he knew that the outside world's understanding of Area 51 was mostly due to the film directed by Jason Connery. In the movie "Area 51", the US ZF opened its secret base Area 51 under pressure from the public. .

As the staff were busy dealing with reporters, the aliens who had been imprisoned in Area 51 for 25 years were able to escape, causing great chaos.

In desperation, Colonel Ronald Martin and his soldiers stepped forward to resolve the "alien" crisis. In the end, Area 51 was destroyed and its secrets that had been hidden for many years were made public.

After the release of this science fiction horror film, there were mixed reviews, but it raised people's suspicions about "Area 51".

In fact, in the past few decades, outside speculation about the "51 Area" has never stopped, which is almost the most mysterious place in the world.

Many people think that the speculations in the movie are based, after all, art comes from life.

Rumors about "Area 51" as a base for the study of alien civilization and its technology in the United States have been circulating for a long time. Many movies, such as "Independence Day", "X-Files", "E·T", and "Transformers 2" When it comes to this mysterious area, including "Area 51", the rumored version that "Area 51" is an alien research base is adopted.

All this stems from an accident in the 1940s.

In the middle of the night on July 5, 1947, a sudden thunderstorm broke out in Roseville, New Mexico.

During the thunder and lightning, the farmer McBriso heard a loud noise. According to the sound position, he believed that his sheep pen had been struck by lightning, but the rain outside was too heavy and there was a danger of lightning strikes. Bledsoe did not I dared to go out to check, and had to wait until the next morning, when it was just dark before Bledsoe went out to find out.

When he walked near the sheepfold, he found a lot of unidentified metal fragments scattered around. He looked in the grass beside him and found a huge strange thing lying on the grass.

Bledsoe, who didn't know the situation, didn't dare to move, and immediately notified the mayor, who called Major Marsir at the nearby air base to identify this strange thing.

Major Marsir has been in the army for many years and has never seen this kind of aircraft. After entering the interior, he found several strange corpses. The corpses looked very similar to human beings. They should be something that had never existed on earth. biological.

So he thought it was an alien flying saucer and reported it to Colonel Blanchard, commander of the Air Force Base. With the approval of the colonel, this alien incident appeared in the newspaper.

But soon after, the military sent General Roger Remy to take over the matter.

He replaced fragments of UFOs with fragments of weather balloons, and reconvened a press conference, claiming that it had just hit a weather balloon with special equipment, and prohibited newspapers from talking about flying saucers.

This incident finally became a pending case in American history. From that time on, the American people began to believe in the existence of aliens.

Eight years later, the mysterious "Area 51" appeared, so people began to guess that the mysterious base that did not exist on the map was likely to be a place for the military to study aliens.

This air force base is heavily guarded. The guard range covers all places where the base can be observed by the naked eye. It is surrounded by barbed wire and infrared trackers. Soldiers are patrolled for 24 hours, and it is in the highest level of security.

To enter this base, authorization from the Jun party or intelligence agency is required.

At the same time, personnel working here and foreign visitors will be subject to strict terms and conditions, and they are required to never disclose secrets.

This makes people more convinced that there are many shady things in it, and it is most likely that they are studying extraterrestrial civilization.

Until a few decades later, in the last few years of the 20th century, a mysterious man who claimed to be a former employee of "Area 51" called a hotline in a column and hurriedly tried to tell the secret of "Area 51", but the result was less than one. The minute signal was interrupted.

Later, another person claimed to have worked for the base and was committed to a reverse engineering of alien technology.

Because of the exposure of these mysterious people, the rumors that "Area 51" is an American alien technology research base have intensified.

After entering the Internet age, some people posted online in an attempt to unite millions of people to break into Area 51 and get the secrets they thought they should know.

Of course, no one is really stupid enough to do this, this is just a farce on the Internet.

Later, it was not until 2013 that C~I~A officially recognized the existence of Area 51 in Nevada, revealing the mystery of "Area 51": this is just the secret of an Air Force aircraft located outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. research base.

This base was a bomb and artillery training ground during World War II, and it was also a place used to study dirty bombs in the 1950s.

Later, it added the "business" of aircraft research. The famous U-2, A-10, A-11, A-12, and SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft were developed here.

The reason why it is strictly protected is that this place is of great significance to the development of new U.S. Air Force aircraft and is a national strategic secret.

However, due to the published documents, many places have been blacked out, and the explanation by the US official is considered to be evasive and does not really reveal the secrets. It is just an excuse for compiling due to regulations.

However, as the secrets were revealed, most of the important secrets of Area 51 have been transferred away. Now Area 51 is left with only a shell, or if you really do some research on aircraft, even if you really go in and explore, it is estimated to be a bamboo basket. The water is empty.

According to Safra, Area 51 not only undertook the exploration and research of alien civilizations, but also the research of various mysterious events on the earth, such as Maya civilization.

So what did Safra get from it?

Seeing his mysterious appearance, Yang Cheng knew that he couldn't ask for a reason for a while, so it would be better to pick it out clearly, "Safra, what do you think the level of science and technology of the Mayans have reached? Is it possible? To an unthinkable level?"

Zafra asked back, "Isn't it surprising enough now?"

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "I mean, did the legendary technology that the Mayans once possessed, and could they be used by us?"

Safra frowned, "What do you mean?"

Yang Cheng glanced at Luo Yue and said in a deep voice, "For example, memory metal~"

Zafra stared, "Memory Metal? Wait, do you suspect that the Mayans once owned Memory Metal?"

Many mysterious civilizations have had antiques similar to memory alloys and have been handed down to this day. This is normal. Yang Cheng's guess is actually not uncommon.

For example, in the 1960s, the magical Yuewang Goujian sword was discovered in Country Z. This sword is extremely special and has special properties beyond that of the time. There is a saying that it is a relic of prehistoric civilization.

But Yang Cheng is more willing to believe that it contains elements of memory metal.

In 1965, archaeologists in Z country unearthed a tomb of Chu, which is a large treasure house. More than 600 artifacts were found in it.

Among them, there was an unusual bronze sword. According to the memories of archaeologists, when the coffin was opened, a very special box was found beside the tomb owner's body, decorated with countless precious stones.

Carefully opened the box and found that there was a smaller box inside, which was even more gorgeous.

Everyone at the scene was amazed, what kind of treasure is this, and it should be packaged so carefully?

After opening this small box, he found a bronze sword. After seeing this sword, the people at the scene were surprised again.

Because this tomb has a history of at least 2000 The large and small objects in the tomb have been corrupted to varying degrees.

However, this bronze sword does not have any rust, but shines with a special light, hell? What is this? The legendary sword?

Later, after analysis and judgment, it was realized that this was indeed the Yue King Goujian sword passed down from the great **** of cattle.

This sword is very exquisitely made. The length of the sword is 55.7 cm, the length of the handle is 8.4 cm, and the width of the sword is 4.6 cm. A strand of hair;

The sword grid is inlaid with blue glass and turquoise at the back, which emits a faint blue light even in the dark;

The blade is also crisscrossed with mysterious and beautiful black diamond patterns.

There are two lines of bird seal inscriptions on this sword near the grid of the sword, "Yue Wang Yuqian, use the sword for himself".

Archaeologists immediately believed that this was the sword of Yue Wang Goujian!

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