Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1905: Lie to yourself

Financial fraud is relatively advanced. Can you imagine that you can even play tricks?

Obviously I bought a "package", but the Chinese nurse at the front desk charged an extra 50 yuan for dental cleaning.

There are many similar stories that new immigrants have encountered. They happen almost every day. I can't say enough, but if you really want to investigate them, they don't break the law and can only learn to be smart.

However, the Chinese often do not remind or tell others after being deceived by themselves. On the contrary, they learn and then cheat and update.

In this regard, even if someone manages it, I am afraid it will not achieve very good results.

It's just that, like this time, tens of millions of illegal fraud cases under the banner of Yuanshan have never happened in the past.

This matter is really troublesome. First of all, the victim of the deceit does not care if you are really involved in the distant mountains, just like the person who fell into the water will try their best to grab the last straw.

Even if you Yuanshan produce evidence to prove that the whole thing has nothing to do with it, it will be useless. The victim will take it for granted that you are jointly and severally liable, and your company is so rich, what happened to returning our money?

If it is not controlled, things will inevitably develop in this direction, even if Yuanshan takes business affairs and let F~B~I intervene.

It takes dozens or even hundreds of years to accumulate credibility, but it can be destroyed once it only takes one day!

And Yang Cheng is still thinking whether this matter was deliberately done by someone?

Send people to raise funds illegally under the banner of Yuanshan, and then run away with the money, in order to destroy Yuanshan's reputation?

This possibility exists, which requires careful handling of this matter.

Along the way, Yang Cheng's brain didn't stop thinking. When he got home, he saw his parents sitting side by side, and the opposite was an elderly man in plain clothes.

Seeing Yang Cheng coming in, Liu Yun said, "Come here, this is Uncle Yang, our own family, who runs a restaurant in Chinatown.

This time, thanks to Uncle Yang’s kindness, he helped suppress the excited victims and came to inform us~"

Yang Cheng bowed respectfully, "Thank you, Uncle Yang~"

Uncle Yang hurriedly waved his hand and caressed in the air, "No need to do this, it should be, I am also an old customer of Yuanshan. The house I live in is built by Yuanshan. Now the family’s financial planning is done in Yuanshan, as well as children. Internship in Yuanshan, I believe that with Yuanshan’s scale, it is not enough to do such a low-level thing."

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "What the uncle said is that we will definitely give the victim an explanation on this matter, and also ask the uncle to go back to help comfort."

"I understand that I also want to hear your arrangements this time. I don't care what I need to do. I will give my full support~"

Liu Yun said again, "Uncle Yang is the president of the Association, and he is very prestigious in Chinatown~"

Yang Cheng praised, "It can be seen that at this time, we need the help of respected people to help support the venue. Uncle Yang is in danger. I remembered this love."

He said that he owed Uncle Yang a favor, not the Yang family, which narrowed the scope of the favor. Of course, as the next generation of the Yang family, Yang Cheng's favor was not much different from that of the Yang family.

Uncle Yang has lived for most of his life and understands this truth. He smiled and nodded, indicating that he knew.

Yang Cheng sat down and asked about the situation. Old John didn't know everything.

"Uncle Yang, I'm very curious, how did the two scammers act? They don't have the relevant licenses, how can the victims be gullible?"

To raise funds publicly in the United States, it is necessary to obtain a corresponding financial license.

Some of these licenses are issued by the federal government, and some are handled by the state ZF. After all, they are federal countries!

It stands to reason that it is impossible for the two losers who were expelled by Yuanshan to apply for the relevant licenses. That is to say, they can only cheat with one mouth. From the beginning, they did not prepare a long-term layout, just want to make a profit. ticket.

Those new immigrants can be regarded as elites in China, right? How stupid to believe two people who can't even get a license?

Is it really an old trick that was tricked by old immigrants?

Sure enough, Uncle Yang said with a look of embarrassment, "Speaking of which is inseparable from the old immigrants, the two **** scammers fooled a few old immigrants with a commission and helped recommend their so-called financial plan to the new immigrants.

A week ago, the first fund was thawed, and the profit could be withdrawn together with the deadline. As a result, a victim called and found that the other party could not be reached. For a while, he was a little panicked, so he contacted a few victims who bought money together. For a whole day, there was no contact with the master.

Now everyone knows that something has happened. It has been spread from ten to ten. Now basically the entire Chinatown is aware of the fraud. "

Yang Cheng nodded suddenly, it turned out to be like this~

"I know Uncle Yang~"

Yang Sen said at this time, "Uncle, do you want to go back first? Don't worry, as my son said, Yuanshan will give you an explanation. After all, the two fraudsters use our "Yuanshan" name. We won’t just sit idly by and ignore it."

"Okay, you know that your family is responsible, otherwise I won't stand up to the limelight, then I will go back first, and we will keep communicating on the phone~"

"You worked hard~"

Old John personally sent people downstairs, and Yang Senhu said with a face, "No matter if these two **** are instructed by someone, they will not have a better life for the rest of their lives~"

It seems that Yang Sen has also guessed this possibility. In his opinion, if there is no one behind the back, he would not dare to break ground on Tai Suiye's head if they had the courage!

Yang Cheng continued, "I have asked Hansen to take someone to investigate. There will definitely be clues left. Unless they hide their money to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, as long as they are on the North American continent, they can't run!"

"Where is the airline?" Yang Sen asked with a frown.

"I asked them to adjust the surveillance, and when I got the pictures of the two bastards, I went to the airport for screening. If they leave the country, they will definitely not be able to escape the surveillance of the camera."

"The key is money. So much money is impossible to run with cash. If F~B~I is not allowed to intervene, we are not eligible to ask the bank to freeze the funds~"

"I can ask Kari to come forward, but I can't publish official documents~"

Yang Sen waved his hand, "No, let's check it by ourselves first, if we can catch the two boys..."

He didn't say the rest, but everyone knew what he meant.

However, some things are not just what they want. For example, the Yang family's current thinking is to keep things down to avoid thunder. This is indeed the most beneficial plan for the Yang family.

But in fact?

That's more than 1,000 mouths, no matter how you block them, you can’t block them, because you can’t control the thoughts of 1,000 people at the same time. Even if most people are looking at the face of Uncle Yang and are temporarily impatient, there are always people thinking. Yes: I just want to get my money back, I don't care about the face and the overall situation!

With the ability of ordinary people, the best way to recover losses as quickly as possible is to report to the media.

Although Yang Cheng has become one of the four major media groups, he can’t control the power of the other media to report. In their opinion, this is a good news hot topic, which will help increase sales and ratings. Let it go? What a joke!

Of course, if Yang Cheng could pay a great price, it wouldn't be impossible, but isn't it still not reflected?

It has only been an hour since getting off the plane, so what is it for?

It's enough news to spread across the United States!

In fact, just as he got off the plane, the online version of the Wall Street Journal reported the news.

The interviewee was a new Chinese immigrant with tears and nose. He took his wife and children in front of the camera and cried out to the United States about the tragic experience of being defrauded.

I don’t know if it was deliberate or the reporter tampered with it at will. The name of "Yuanshan" has been mentioned many times in the news, which seems to be deliberately guiding the public to focus on "Yuanshan".

As soon as the news was exposed, it immediately ignited the enthusiasm of the media colleagues. Following the trend is the most familiar job for media people. When you do not find exclusive news, you must make sure to follow up the report as quickly as possible. Only in this way can you keep your share. .

The Washington Post followed up, Yahoo followed up, and even ABC news followed up!

And the three of the Yang family were kept in the dark and knew nothing, until Old John sent someone back and shouted at the three, "Watching TV~"

Yang Sen reacted quickly, and there was no need to tune the channel when turning on the TV, just as the host was at the end of the news.

Yang Cheng's face was somber and scary, "Call the police, the news can't be suppressed~"

"Um~ I have no choice but to call the police. By the way, contact Kari and let F~B~I follow up."

"Okay, do you want to develop the conference~"

"You come forward, your reputation is relatively large, and you are young, and you said something wrong, there is still room for recovery~"


I agreed and immediately called the company back to arrange a press conference and notify all media representatives in New York to come to attend. The press conference will be held in 2 hours. This is the fastest speed.

This conference is very necessary. They must clarify themselves, whether they believe it or not.

"I went to the company, and I can talk over the phone anytime~"

After pressing a sentence, Yang Cheng rushed out of the house, and at this time, he couldn’t change his Go straight to the company and return to the office. Liu Junyu was already waiting there, "Boss, the press conference is arranged. Yes, various media said they will send people over as soon as possible~"

"Well, there must be no fewer gifts. Besides, I sent someone to Chinatown to bring a few victims over. You are responsible for the arrangements."

Liu Junyu has understood what happened and knows what to order, "Okay~"

Yang Cheng took off her coat, "Bring me a new suit. By the way, if Hansen comes back, let him come to me as soon as possible~"


"How is the situation online?"

"Our people have tried their best to control and comment. The current situation is okay, and there is no one-sidedness~"

"Um~ tell them, just focus on one point: The Yuanshan family has a big business, there is no need to do such illegal things for the more than 10 million dollars!"

"Okay, I will tell you~"

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