Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1907: Sorry for late

(After a busy day, the saved manuscript is reset to zero, ε=(??ο`*))) alas)

"Any clue?"

Back at the backstage, Yang Cheng opened the mineral water bottle and took a sip, and asked Hansen.

"Not yet. I have sent people to the place where they last disappeared. If there is no accident, they should have entered the Yukon."

"Yukon?" Yang Cheng stared in a surprised look, "Are they crazy? Now in January, are they going to Yukon to die?

Or is a new gold mine discovered there? "

Yukon became famous for the first time during the Klondike Gold Rush from 1896 to 1899. This is an amazingly short epic, known as the last great adventure of the 19th century, with thousands of miners, prospectors and various The pioneers are looking for wealth in the far north.

As the least populous province or region in Canada, the Yukon Territory still retains a sense of remoteness and wilderness.

Fewer than 40,000 people are scattered across this vast land. In recent years, this permanent northern border has become an incredible place to go on an adventure holiday, with the history of the gold rush and strong aboriginal culture, and midnight summer. Wonderful show of sunshine and northern lights in winter.

If it's for tourism, it's definitely a rare and good place, but if it's for fleeing, it's hard to say.

The place close to the United States is okay, but it gets colder as you go north. You must know that half of the year is winter. The average temperature in January is minus 20-30 degrees. There are wasteland everywhere, not only facing severe cold. Temperature, and the threat of wildlife.

If you are not ready to enter the Yukon rashly, it is no different from looking for death.

He really couldn't figure out why those two **** were running to Yukon. Could it be that they valued the vastness of the land and the sparseness of the population, and it was not easy to be found?

Did you really find a gold mine? It would be a joke if placed elsewhere, but in Yukon, the possibilities are endless.

Gold panning was once a means of enrichment in the eyes of many adventurers. These gold diggers salvaged the silt from the river or lake, and then carefully washed the silt in the pottery dish to find the golden sand trapped in the silt.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the United States launched a westward movement to expand to the west. A large number of adventurers were eager to try. Once news of a gold mine was discovered there, they would immediately put aside their work, which triggered a wave. Wave of immigration boom.

In Seattle, there is a Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park. The reason why the United States built a Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park was to show the world their important role in the gold rush. The Klondike Gold Rush took place. In the 1890s, when the news came out, many Americans rushed to Canada's Klondike River to look for gold mines.

The Klondike River is located in the Yukon Territory, with a total length of 30 kilometers. Although one-tenth of the rivers in the Yukon Territory are within the Arctic Circle, the Klondike River is mild in four seasons and has lush vegetation.

By the end of the nineteenth century, the river was developed like a creek. The water level has dropped a lot compared to before. However, one advantage is that the gold ore and sand that were originally hidden in the silt are exposed. You can feel the golden light on the shore.

It is said that during the gold rush, most of the gold rushed was sold to the United States. Although there are millionaires born every day in the gold rush, the United States is also rushing for gold and buying gold, which seems to be the largest in the entire gold rush. Beneficiaries.

After a long period of gold rushing, the Klondike River could no longer bear such a heavy responsibility. For a long time, it was in a sparsely populated and barren state, and even the gold rushing town beside it was abolished.

But after a period of depletion, the Klondike River was reborn, and after exploration, the mineral resources here are even richer than before. In addition to gold, there are other mineral resources. The value of these mineral resources is even lower. More than gold, so the Canadian ZF ordered that anyone who pans for gold here cannot get anything except gold.

Yes, Canada ZF did not block this expensive river and does not allow people to mine it. On the contrary, sometimes ZF will join the gold rush. In addition, Canada ZF also vigorously develops local tourism, like this Large-scale free ecological reserves are rare in Canada, and it is also a gold rush. Nowadays, many desperate people want to come here to gamble on their luck. Once they find it?

Of course, Yang Cheng was just guessing. After hearing what he said, Hansen hesitated and said, "I don't know about the gold mines. I only know that once they go deep into the Yukon region, there is no difference between finding a needle in a haystack~"

Hmm~ This colloquialism is quite accurate. It may have been with Yang Cheng for a long time, so naturally I will use some Chinese colloquialisms. Don't worry~ it is in English.

Yang Cheng rubbed his chin, "If it doesn't work, it's like a local reward. Even if they live in the wilderness, they always need to go to places where there are people to supply them?"

"I see, I will do it now~"

Hansen turned his head and left, but Yang Cheng stopped, "Wait, come back, there is another thing. After you find them, first find out if there is anyone behind them."


. . .

After returning home from the company, Yang Sen just finished the phone call, and when Yang Cheng came back, he said directly, "I watched the press conference and it was pretty good~"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "Emergency PR~"

"Where is F~B~I?"

"Kari has brought someone here, but it's better not to pass F~B~I's hand~"

"Yeah~ But now that the matter has been exposed, relevant departments must be involved~"

Yang Sen was a little irritable and lighted a cigarette. Yang Cheng hadn't seen his father smoking a cigarette for a long time, and couldn't help asking, "A lot of pressure?"

"The pressure is okay. The main reason is the impact of this incident on Yuanshan's reputation.

It turned out to be worried about this, but Yang Cheng has no good way, "Can't let us lose money? At that time, I am afraid that not only will no one think about our good, but also scold us for stupid things. In the end, everyone can step on it. Come on~"

"Of course I can't lose money, I'm not crazy~"

After taking a puff of smoke, Yang Sen sighed, "This time, your grandfather and grandfather have been alarmed. If I hadn't stopped them, they would all fly to New York now~"

Yang Cheng was speechless, "As for?"

Yang Sen waved his hand, "You don't understand, the older generation values ​​reputation more. The second elder has been in business for a lifetime, and he has never been scolded by someone behind his back. If he gets old, will he feel better if he gets pricked on the backbone? "

Yang Cheng hadn't reached that age for two lifetimes, so naturally she couldn't realize that mood, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

At this time, Liu Yun also came back from outside, kicked off her high heels, and sat down, "This time it's really a big mess. There are many people in our company who will talk again~"

Yang Cheng sneered, "They are just gloating, Chinese people will be magnified infinitely for everything they do. I think Charles Pound deceived them to cheat them~"

"What are you talking about~" Liu Yun said strangely.

Yang Cheng angrily shouted into the kitchen, "Old John, bring me a glass of ice, I need to cool down~"

After a while, Old John came over with a glass of lemon cola with ice cubes, "I only put two ice cubes, it's winter after all~"

Yang Cheng smiled, "Thank you~"

After taking a few mouthfuls, the feeling of heat in the body was relieved a lot, and he turned to ask the boss, "How is the Chinatown side?"

He refers to the atmosphere. Once the victims can't help but come out and do things, the pressure is too great~

Yang Sen nodded The respected elders are in charge, and there is no major problem for the time being, and we have issued a statement of giving appropriate help, which has also calmed the victims to a certain extent, but this is only a short time. It's hard to say if the time is long. "

Yang Cheng told his father what Hansen said, "I'm really worried that I can't find them~"

Yang Sen sighed again, "They moved quickly and the money was transferred to the offshore account. We can't ask the bank to freeze it~"

"Maybe F~B~I has a way, I will discuss with him when Kari arrives~"

Liu Yun rubbed her heels and stood up and said, "Okay, don't think about it. Let's eat first. It doesn't matter to our family to say that breaking the big sky. After the big deal, we will do more charity to restore our reputation~"

This is what makes fun in hardship, but whether it is Yang Cheng or Yang Sen for mom’s face, the queen mother, Lafayette, wants to eat. Who dares to stop?

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