Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1911: Education from Grandpa

Facts proved that David was qualified enough to become Yang Orange's ally. He used the fastest speed to control the partners of the two fraudsters in the bank, and recovered part of the stolen money.

After the process is completed, the money is returned to the victim's hands. Everyone has a share. According to the proportion of your original investment, it can be considered as rain and dew.

As soon as the money arrived, the impetuous atmosphere in Chinatown finally weakened.

The breath held by the Yang family finally vomited out.

Of course, things are not over, but at least there is no burning eyebrows.

On this day, Yang Yuanshan and Liu Muqian were talking in the living room. They arrived a few days ago, but because Yang Cheng arranged things very well, it was useless for the two veterans to go out. They simply became kings and ate and slept at home. , After a few days of leisure, God knows how busy these two are at home.

"I said, Lao Yang, your chess is really getting more and more stinky~" Liu Muqian was full of disgust. At any rate, he is also an amateur Go master who has killed invincible players all over the mountain. Playing chess with a stinky chess basket like Yang Yuanshan will definitely be alive and well.

If it’s just a bad game, it’s all right. The thing that Liu Muqian can’t accept the most is regret. If there are no three moves and one regret game, let people not play it?

But Yang Yuanshan didn't care at all, "You know what a fart, I'm cautious. Besides, can you play chess without regretting chess? You can regret it, and I didn't say disagree."

"Stop playing~ It's the most boring to play chess with you~"

"I said to play chess, right? You have to play Go, or chess is fun~"

Yang Sen came over with two cups of tea at this time, "Two elders, don't go down, have a coffee break?"

Liu Muqian took advantage of the trend to push the pawn, and he didn't want to play anymore.

Taking the teacup, blowing on the tea powder, smiled and said, "Xiaocheng is getting more and more secure now. I can rest assured of handing over the company to him in the future~"

"It's okay, but there is still a lack of experience~" The Chinese parents' ills, habitually ‘modest’, it’s because Yang Cheng is not a child anymore, otherwise self-confidence must be polished.

"Seek truth from facts, there is no need to be humble, right, where is my grandson-in-law?"

"Luo Yue is in Los Angeles. Now she has set up an architectural design company by herself and took over the orders from Xiaocheng and his company. Later, she expanded the team and received several large orders. The development is good, especially she designed for Xiaocheng. It’s said that it is possible to win prizes at the West Coast headquarters."

"Not bad, not bad~" Liu Muqian nodded with satisfaction.

But Yang Yuanshan suddenly said, "Xiaocheng is good everywhere. What do you think he thinks, a good company does not do it, and ran to resell arms. Is this a project for serious businessmen?"

From Yang Yuanshan's words, it is not difficult to hear what it means to hate iron but not steel.

"Hey~ It's a coincidence. Last year, his company's cash flow was emptied. It happened to have such a chance. So he went in and tried it. I didn't expect it to be done. I was jealous in terms of profitability. I will also intervene~"

In Yang Sen's view, reselling arms is nothing. This is also a conflict of ideas between him and the older generation.

Janssen has been deeply influenced by Wall Street. In his opinion, there is no money that cannot be made in this world. Of course, such as pornographic, gambling, and drug-making cockroaches, making this kind of money is condemned by conscience. Obviously he is unwilling to break through. So he didn’t do it, but it doesn’t mean that this is not a way to make money. It is the two concepts that cannot be confused.

And Yang Cheng inherited Yang Sen’s thinking to some extent, but there was a miracle of rebirth that happened to him. The superposition of the two resulted in his infinite courage, and there was nothing he dared not do. In his opinion, there is nothing wrong with selling arms. All countries are selling them. As for the negative effects of arms sales, I am sorry that he can't control it. After all, the character of the protagonist of this book is not the savior.

But on this issue, Yang Yuanshan and Yang Sen had argued more than once, each time ended in failure, and no one could persuade each other.

This time, with Liu Muqian here, Yang Sen has the upper hand, because Liu Muqian is an older generation of capitalists. Those who play capital games care about this?

Regardless of the old man's name is Mu Qian, his temperament is also elegant, but he has nothing to do with these two characters in his bones.

In his opinion, whether it was Yang Sen or Yang Cheng, they did the right thing. They didn't shoot and kill people directly. They just bought and sold to make the difference between the middlemen. What's worth saying?

Besides, he and Yang Yuanshan are of the same age, and they are not bad in seniority and status. There is nothing I dare not say, so they directly frustrated, "I said Lao Yang, you are a bandit. Bandits are afraid of playing with guns?"

"Fuck, I'm talking about business here~"

"No one is talking about it~"

For these two conversations, who can guess where their hometown is?

"Hey~ I said the two fathers, let's stop fighting for ourselves, or go eat a meal first?"

Yang Yuanshan said with anger, "Stop eating, I'm full of gas~"

Liu Muqian sneered, "Who are you scaring? If you don't eat, you won't eat, starve you to death~"

Yang Cheng also missed the good time. When the fire was booming, he came back. He was very happy at first. He bought a roast goose on purpose. Although the two old men are old and can’t eat a few bites, they are just one. Xinyi, it is estimated that this one is hungry, and finally all got into his stomach.

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, he noticed the weird smell in the air, and when he saw his father winking frantically at himself, he immediately realized that he turned his head and left.

Yang Yuanshan shouted, "Come back~"

Yang Cheng smirked and called out grandpa to please.

"You kid is a chicken thief, and you run as soon as you come back. Where can you go?"

Yang Cheng was confused by the spray, but there was no way. People who are old are the masters. No matter what they say, they have to endure everything. He said with a smile, "Yes, yes, you are right, I just go back and look at the shoes. It’s not set~"

"Puff~hahaha~" Liu Muqian laughed unscrupulously, apparently Yang Cheng's excuse made him smile.

Yang Yuanshan's old face turned black, "I know how to be silly, I ask you, what do you think about the arms business?"

Yang Cheng felt relieved. It turned out that it was because of this. She thought that Susu's pregnancy had been exposed.

"Hey~ I'm not helping a friend. By the way, I make some hard money. Moreover, my arms are sold to regular organizations and groups. They are never sold to terrorists and will not cause damage to ordinary people. Don't worry~"

He can also be regarded as getting the pulse of the old man, and one sentence made the old man angry. "This is not the right way after all. Whether it is our own company or your company, it is not enough for you to toss? ?"

Yang Orange scratched his head, "Grandpa, I don't agree with these words. What is a pianmen? According to you, speculating in futures is also a pianmen, and this thing is even more damaging. As soon as the big dealers do it, how many retail investors follow?"

Yang Yuanshan just calmed down, and jumped up again, "Good boy, are you talking about the relationship between speculating in futures and fishing the side door? If you don't tell you how ugly you are, you will not be able to pass today."

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly, regretting what he said more!

Yang Yuanshan gave self-seeking eyes, but Liu Muqian looked at it with interest and didn't say a word. It seems that he also wanted to see how his grandson passed this level, and why not have him? Is he still afraid that Yang Yuanshan will eat his own grandson?

Forget it, that's all for the rush, so you might as well take a stance and break it down, otherwise the arms business may not be able to continue in the future.

He cleared his throat and said in a full posture, "I'll ask you something first, whether it was the big salt merchants in the Ming or Qing dynasties in the past, did they belong to Lao Pianmen?"

Yang Yuanshan hesitated, "Forget it~"

"Of course. After all, private salt production was not allowed in the past, so salt merchants definitely did not make money from the right road! In my opinion, the salt that the ancient salt merchants speculated is no different from the current futures."

Yang Yuanshan waved his hand, "For the time being, it's a bit of a mistake, but what does it have to do with futures?"

"A sentence we Chinese often say: Seven things to open the door, firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea.

Since thousands of years ago, salt has been integrated into our social activities. For example, archaeologists once discovered salt in the Yangshao cultural relics, and for example, Qi Huangong, who was the five tyrants in the Spring and Autumn Period. It is precisely because of the adoption of Guan Zhong’s suggestion that the country implements the monopoly of salt and iron, which quickly strengthened the country.

Now we all know that salt is not only necessary for our body to keep normal, but also has a great influence on our social development.

However, in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, the salt-centered set of trading systems was the early futures trading system, and this system was extremely complete, and it was even born hundreds of years earlier than the European futures system!

And the core of this trading system is Yanyin! "

Speaking of this, Yang Cheng suddenly laughed, "You should know what Yanyin is?"

Yang Yuanshan gave him a white look, "Nonsense, don't I know?"

Yang Cheng did it Actually, he knew that what Yang Yuanshan said was limited to knowing the name, but if he asked him to elaborate, he could not tell why.

So he took the initiative to explain, "The so-called salt introduction is a kind of salt transportation and sales permit issued by the government to salt merchants at that time, which first appeared in the Song Dynasty.

Speaking of it, this matter can be traced back to Qi Huangong's time. Qi Huangong used the salt and iron monopoly, which made Qi quickly become stronger. When other princes saw it, they naturally followed suit.

After that, the sale of salt became a national patent, especially during the time of the unified dynasty, the sale and transportation of salt was even more strictly controlled.

However, if the state is responsible for the monopoly of salt and iron, another problem will soon be encountered. The state can make salt, but it cannot sell salt directly, because if the salt is sold directly, the cost will be too high, and it will not increase revenue for the country. , On the contrary, it will increase the burden on the country.

Therefore, someone soon came up with a good way. The state is only responsible for the production of salt, while the sales are left to the merchants. . . "

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