Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1914: Casablanca

Liu Muqian ate two pieces of goose leg meat, put down his chopsticks, shook his head and exclaimed, "Yu Ji's goose still has an appetite."

Yang Cheng laughed and said, "After all, New York does not allow open flames to be grilled. Even in Xiangjiang, Yuji is one of the few restaurants that allows the use of charcoal stoves to make roast geese, and all the geese come from Yuji’s own Qingyuan farm. Geese are raised to the level of wagyu.

But it's not as good as it was 20 years ago, right? "

Liu Muqian nodded, "It's definitely not as good as before. Yuji has been open for almost 50 years now. I still remember that in the first few years when it opened, Yuji's door was almost broken by diners.

Compared with that time, the current Yuji Roast Goose can achieve crispy skin, fragrant meat, and clear juice, but it is a pity that it is not as resilient as the previous goose meat.

No way, now Xiangjiang requires poultry to be slaughtered and frozen into Hong Kong. The difference between fresh meat and frozen meat is too big. If you want to eat authentic roast goose, you still have to return to GD. "

"GD can't go back for the time being, but you can go back to Beijing to eat roast duck. This year we will celebrate the New Year in Beijing~" Yang Sen has already sat down and started eating. A goose looks big, but the whole family is really not enough to eat.

"Calculating the time is almost up, let's just wait and fly over together~"

"Yeah, don't go, are all the arrangements at home?"

"Well~ someone is watching, nothing can happen~"

Three generations of grandparents ate happily, chatting all over the world, but such opportunities are dwindling.

Within a few days, the Luo family also gathered in New York. Originally, Yang Sen had to attend various Chinese parties, but because he was going to return to the motherland for the New Year, he was finally pushed by him. Liu Yun also specially invited the company for half a month. Little holiday.

The only problem is Lao Luo. After all, he is now an in-service congressman. It is still a little troublesome to return to Country Z, but the problem is not big. After a simple dredging, he successfully boarded the'New Yuanshan'.

However, before returning to China, they have to go to North Africa. This is Yang Yuanshan's request. Of course, Liu Muqian also raised his hands in agreement after hearing the name.

What Yang Cheng thinks is that it is definitely a rare experience to walk with Luo Yue in the romantic North African garden.

As for the two middle-aged couples, they are all fed up with the famous movie, so they are naturally willing to go to the scenes in the movie. Therefore, Yang Yuanshan's proposal was unanimously approved by everyone.

Counting down the various cities in Morocco, Rabat, its capital, may be a question mark. But if you want to say the "spy city" Casablanca, it is estimated that there are only a few people who have never heard of it. During World War II, it was a spy. The shadow is heavy.

But now Casablanca is synonymous with romance and fashion. It's probably because of a Hollywood movie of the same name that made it famous. Anyone who yearns for love doesn't want to go to this love sanctuary filled with rose petals and feel the past. Where is the raging love song?

This white holy city is on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean and is only 88 kilometers away from the capital Rabat. It is the largest city in Morocco. However, the original name of Casablanca is Anfa, which means Berber and hill. After the Portuguese came here, It was named "White House" in Portuguese, and the name "White House" was adopted in Spanish after being occupied by Spain.

Later, the Arabs continued this meaning and renamed DarelBeida. Later, the famous Hollywood movie "Casablanca" made the city famous, so that people no longer remember its original name, but in fact Casablanca Just its alias.

Casablanca is the most populous city in Morocco, accounting for about one-tenth of the country's total population. What is this concept? Of course, Seoul is home to two-thirds of the country’s population compared to Asia’s Anus.

Casablanca is also the most important economic center of Morocco. Most of the country’s industrial and financial industries are concentrated here. Many of the world’s top 500 have branches here, and are known as Morocco’s "economic capital". It is also Morocco’s most important port. In addition, there is also the largest airport in North Africa, the Golden Yuanshan of the Yang family, which landed at the Mohammed V International Airport in Casablanca.

Compared to the sensation caused by the landing in Egypt, no one in Casablanca seemed to care about the landing of such a private jet full of local tyrants. It seems that the people here have taken it off.

I am afraid that few cities in the world are as famous as Casablanca because of a movie, and even get a brand new name because of it, and few movies will render a little-known city as fascinating as Casablanca. , Is full of legends and romance, so much so that many people will visit this famous city as their life wish list, eager to have a romantic love story in it.

But a few people know that the world-famous song of the same name is not actually an episode in the movie, but a creation that the author felt after watching the movie, and the real theme song is called "Time Flies".

There is a line in it, "As time goes by, you must remember that a long sigh is just a long sigh, and a kiss will always pay attention."

It has moved countless movie fans. It can be said that this is a classic love film that can be called a "textbook" style, and the story takes place in Casablanca.

The successful collaboration between the famous filmmaker Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman, the black singer Dolly Wilson's "The Turn of Time", the tortuous plot, and the unexpected ending make it a classic on the screen. Have everything.

It is said that eight days before the film’s release, the producer Wallis lost the opportunity to release the film ahead of time and sent it to the Allied forces landing in North Africa to show it, and its value suddenly increased.

Countless tourists tried to find the cafe in the movie that year, but in the modern Casablanca, where there are many buildings and traffic, they can't find the low, shabby, noisy and old shop in the movie anyway~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Maybe the cafes of that year have disappeared over time.

However, in the early 1970s, according to the narrative in the movie, a rich Saudi man built a luxurious five-star hotel in the place where the cafe was suspected to be located, the Hyatt Hotel, and moved the original cafe to the hotel. Inside, its scale and furnishings are almost the same as the original ones.

The difference is that there is a movie camera and many movie posters inside, and the famous song "The Turn of Time" is played in the cafe from time to time, which makes people feel like returning to the movie.

Every night, there are musicians sitting next to the ancient piano to play for the guests. The scene is as realistic as the movie. On the plane, Luo Yue made a special strategy. The cafe of the Hyatt Hotel is a must for her trip. Yang Cheng naturally accompanied him wherever he went.

But only those who have been to Casablanca know that this is not the place where the cafe was before, or that the cafe does not exist at all!

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