Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1917: Community member?

The private investigator, also from New York, has a beard and black sunglasses. He is a bit of a big detective, but seeing him squatting on the side and smoking makes Yang Cheng suspect that he is a fake American. You must know that Asia is right. For foreigners, it is a bug, the kind you can't learn no matter how hard you try.

After Yang Cheng followed his grandfather and bowed to his old friend, she came to the detective and squatted down, "Is there still smoke?"

The detective glanced at Yang Cheng and threw a pack of cigarettes over, "Take it myself~"

Yang Orange drew a stick in his mouth, didn't smoke it after lighting it, and stuck it in the soil. "I heard you spent almost 8 years looking for this person?"


"What do you think?"

"What do you think?"

"Why does it take so long? If I change it, I will definitely give up. After all, the reward is not equal to the time spent~"

The detective took a few cigarettes and shook his head, "Because this goal is very interesting~"


The detective hesitated and did not continue, Yang Cheng said, "Don't worry, I am the client's grandson, there is nothing to say, and the person is dead, right?"

"Okay, I actually suspect that the target is not dead~" The words are surprisingly dead, and the big detective's abrupt remarks almost scared Yang Cheng. This is a cemetery. Don't look at the sun, but the gloom is still heavy.

"What?" Yang Cheng was shocked, and then said with a calm face, "So you are cheating on my grandfather?"

"No, how should I say? I said that the target is interesting because I tracked him for nearly 8 years. Every time I was about to find him, he would disappear inexplicably, but when I was about to give up, he would suddenly appear again.

This is the case again this time. I finally found some clues and learned that their family was hidden in the old town of Casablanca, but when I found their home, his family told me that he had passed away.

My first reaction at the time was that this guy had replayed his old tricks. This is a blinding trick. But unlike the past, he used to disappear with his family. How could he disappear alone this time?

I also used the name of death. I thought about it for a long time. I also investigated the cause of his death. There was no problem.

I had to believe that he might really be dead, but I was a little uneasy, and I always felt that there was a problem with his death. "

Yang Cheng took a deep breath, unexpectedly the death of one person would involve such a complicated situation.

"Then why didn't you continue to wait, instead you notified my grandpa of the news?"

"It happened that your grandfather called me and asked about the progress as usual. He said on the phone that he was old and he didn't know if he could receive news from his old friends in his lifetime.

I thought about it all night and told your grandfather the news the next day. At least he can make the stone in his heart fall to the ground, although this is not good news~"

Yang Cheng nodded silently, "By the way, what did this old friend my grandfather find for? Why does it always disappear inexplicably?"

"I don't know what he was originally doing, but he has strong anti-tracking capabilities. Since I took over this case, he has changed at least 6 jobs, and every time he disappeared, he lost his job.

During this period, he worked as a security guard and a cook. For a while, he was close to a warlord in North Africa. To be honest, this man is a mystery, and I even suspect that his name is fake. "

Yang Cheng's expression slowly became serious. He worried that his grandfather would be impulsive because of his old friend's affairs and then be involved in any conspiracy.

"You have been chasing him for eight years, should you find something? Don't deny it, I don't believe it~"

The detective laughed and said, "I'm not going to deny it either. I did find something interesting, but..."

"But what? Why didn't you say it?"

"It's not suitable here~"

Yang Cheng looked at his family, and it was indeed inappropriate to say, "Well, let's go back to the hotel later, let's have a cup of coffee together?"

"Yes, yes, my consulting fee is $100 per hour~"

Yang Cheng wanted to slap him, "Asshole, do you charge for this too?"

"Of course, this is a business society~"

"Shit, 100 is 100, I don't know what your name is?"



"Comeon, does Sherlock have to match Holmes?"

"if not?"

"Campbell, my name is Sherlock Campbell~"

"Wait, are you British?"

"how do you know?"

"Because Campbell is the noble surname~"

"Who said that? But my father is indeed from England, but he has no relationship with nobles~"

"I believe you are not a nobleman, then Sherlock, see you later, by the way, don't let the third person know about our conversation."

"Don't worry, you will keep the money confidential~"

"I like your greedy look~"

"Thank you, I think so too~"

. . .

On the way back to the hotel after the worship, Yang Yuanshan's mood was very depressed. It seemed that the death of his old friend had hit him hard.

Yang Cheng originally wanted to find out about the past, but it was because Grandpa's emotions did not say anything.

Back at the hotel, Yang Cheng asked Luo Yue to rest in the room, and went downstairs to the coffee shop to meet Sherlock Campbell.

"This is $100~"

As soon as we met, Yang Cheng put 100 US dollars in cash on the table~

Sherlock twisted two fingers, flicked it lightly, and the paper made a crisp sound, and said with a look of intoxication, "This is the most beautiful voice in the world~"

"Don't talk nonsense, it's time to talk about business~"

"His name is Li Quanfu. This is the name your grandpa told me, but I always doubt the authenticity of this name.

I don't know much about the things back then, so I won't tell you. I just say that the impression he has given me over the past 8 years is mysterious. There is no more accurate description than this.

His identity is mysterious, his movements are mysterious, and even his family is mysterious.

I said one thing, you know it. About 7 years ago, he disappeared from under my nose for the first time. At that time, he was working as a security guard in a gold shop in South Africa. It took me a year to find his trace. , But he disappeared in just one week.

I still remember that it was a weekend. According to the law, he should be on duty at the gold store, but I waited for more than an hour and he did not show up. I was still wondering if he was late when I suddenly found another colleague of his Taking over his job, I couldn't resist showing up and asking, it turned out that Li Quanfu resigned when he got off work the day before.

It happened suddenly, and I didn't respond at all. It can be said that I just watched him disappear.

Later, I reviewed it. I was pretty sure that I had not been exposed during that week, and I had never even seen it before. "

Yang Cheng could see Sherlock's grievance, "Where did you monitor?"

"The restaurant or cafe diagonally across from the vault changes to a different place every day."

"Well, do you suspect that there is any secret hidden in this Li Quanfu?"

"I don't know, it may be related to a certain organization."

"I spent 100 dollars and bought you for an hour. You shouldn't say anything more important?"

Sherlock said helplessly, "It's not easy to make money. Okay, I tracked Li Quanfu for the past eight years and found that apart from his family and colleagues, he only had contact with a stranger.

Later, while he disappeared, I checked the stranger's bottom and found that he was a professor at the University of Southern California~"

"What the hell? University professor?" Yang Cheng was dazed for a while~

"Yes, this is not the most surprising. What makes me feel the most incredible is that this professor seems to be involved in a famous violent society in LA!"

"Huh? Violent society? University professors are community members?"

"I’m surprised, isn’t it? But this is not a precedent. Modern gangs have no so-called godfathers. They develop more like a company. Almost every society that develops to a certain size will hire a think tank or help them transform. It is to give them advice."

Yang Cheng held his forehead with one hand. He knew that Sherlock was right. It should be understood that modern American gangs are not willing to be turned into gangs by outsiders. Now on the streets of the United States, when someone is talking about "United Nations" gangs, he may point to them. It is not the United Nations, but a gang composed of immigrants from many countries.

The names of many gangs nowadays may not look like bad guys in Hollywood movies. They may also be "extremely creative", but no matter what name they choose, they don't want to be called "gangs" by others.

Since the development of the West in the United States, various gangs have been born. Even if F~B~I fights hard, there are still more than 20,000 large and small organizations, and more than 1.4 million members, wandering in the United States. Of the underground world.

Among the nationwide gangs in the United States, the larger ones include the "Blood Gang", "Cripple Gang", "Yakuza Disciple", "Latin America Kingdom", MS-13 and "Suleno" Gang.

Among them, the "Blood Gang" and "The Cripple Gang" are the two most powerful gangs in the United States, and they are also the most troublesome society for In the archives of F~B~I, these Gangs have different names. Except for the slightly scary names such as "Children of Hell" and "Angels of Hell", "18th Street" does not refer to hemp flowers, and "SHARP" is not RB Electric. Of course, "Asian Boys" and "Brothers" "Texas Syndicate" also has nothing to do with underground bands. These strange names are all names given to them by American gangs.

It’s like burglars don’t like being called a thief, and QJ criminals don’t want to be called QJ criminals. Gangsters don’t like to be called "gangsters". These organizations usually think that they are above the law. Hope their actions will be remembered.

In order to increase their strength, these gangs are no less than the world's top 500 companies for talents. Of course, young people and foreign immigrants are their key "objects of concern."

U.S. gangs use high-tech and social networks to engage in criminal activities have become a “trend”, and even monitor the actions of law enforcement agencies. To attract young people to join the organization, Facebook, INS, Twitter, headache apps, and even gaming platforms are all used by them. tool.

. . .

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