Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1921: difference

At the end of last year, "Ghosts" swept the Internet in the Z country. Even the big names of celebrities and the students at school were all fascinated by Kong Liu.

The drama was broadcast by TVN, a Korean limited TV station that has emerged in recent years. The first broadcast broke the TV premiere record of TVN, and the ratings have been rising since then.

Every episode of its update will be on the hot search of the **** wave. The last TV show that showed such a hotness has to be traced back to the project "Descendants of the Sun" produced by CY Entertainment. This situation is undoubtedly embarrassing. A TV series produced in South Korea and broadcast in South Korea has overshadowed many Chinese TV series broadcast at the same time.

The popularity of "Ghosts" is not without warning. You must know that at the beginning of the production of "Ghosts", it attracted widespread attention from Chinese and Korean media because the screenwriter was Kim Eun-sook.

Who is Kim Eunsook? "Descendants of the Sun", which was popular in Asia at the time, was her work. In addition, she has written "Lovers in Paris", "onair", "Secret Garden", "Gentleman's Character" and other popular works. This is an important reason why her new work has attracted attention.

In fact, there are many first-line screenwriters in China, whose level and status are comparable to that of Kim Eun-sook. However, if they plan to launch any new work, it is basically impossible to make the news because the public is not interested in who the screenwriter is at all. Pay attention to whether their idols are participating.

This touches on the essential difference between Korean screenwriters and screenwriters from Country Z: In the Korean film and television industry, the status of screenwriters is very high, even supreme.

Investors look at the screenwriter’s investment, and the screenwriter has the right to decide on the director and actors; as soon as the screenwriter appears on the set, everyone will respectfully nod and bow, calling him a "writer";

Even the first-line actors are respectful to the screenwriter, and they will give gifts and express greetings during the New Year and New Year holidays;

Neither the director nor the actor can modify the script without authorization. The income of top screenwriters in each episode, or even the income of movie stars, is not an exaggeration. In many Korean dramas, such as "onair" and "fantastic", this is true. Over manifested.

Now whether it is the United States, which has always maintained high-quality output, or the Korean film and television circle that has only emerged in the new century, they all pursue the "screenwriter-centric system" because they understand that only creativity is unique and irreplaceable.

On the other hand, domestic film and television productions, except for a very small number of first-line screenwriters, the vast majority of screenwriters are "codeword migrant workers". They are placed at the end of the film and television production chain, with no status, no salary, and no initiative. Initiative.

Screenwriters are often the producer’s microphone and Xiao Xianrou’s vassal. Their main function is to tell a story centered on Xiao Xianrou. As long as they can show Xiao Xianrou’s handsome side, they don’t need to consider the logic of the script. Rationality and continuity.

As a result, the idol dramas of others are constantly being updated, while the idol dramas of Country Z seem to be still at the kindergarten level.

Among the first-line Korean screenwriters, besides Kim Eun-sook, there is also Park Ji-eun, who wrote "You Going Up the Vine" and "You From the Stars", and Kim Soo-hyun, who wrote "The Men from the Bathhouse" The great **** of "Life Is Beautiful", the reason why these female screenwriters are always on the front line and are recognized by actors, TV stations, investors and audiences is that they continue to release popular and popular works.

This is actually the virtuous circle of the screenwriter-centric system. Excellent screenwriters will receive great respect, but the reason why screenwriters are respected is not because of their identity as screenwriters. All the authority of screenwriters comes from the script. Under such a mechanism, screenwriters must continue to innovate and dare to innovate.

Take Kim Eun-sook’s work as an example. Among so many works written by her, there are almost no similar characters.

In 2004, Kim Eun-sook became a hit with "Lovers in Paris". The highest ratings of the show in South Korea reached an astonishing 56.3%. "Lovers in Paris" is actually the old-fashioned character of Prince Charming and Cinderella. The most important thing is the details and emotion. exquisite.

"Onair", written in 2008, is a professional romance drama focusing on TV stations, telling stories between agents, popular artists, TV drama directors, and well-known screenwriters, setting a precedent for behind-the-scenes stories in Korea.

In 2010, Kim Eun-sook's "Secret Garden" overturned the general personality of Korean TV dramas at the time. The identities of the male and female protagonists were exchanged, which can be said to be a brainstorming experience, bringing a very fresh experience of watching the drama.

Then there is "Descendants of the Sun", which is still a **** love story of handsome men and beautiful women, but Kim Eun-suk sets the identity of the hero and heroine as a special forces soldier and doctor, integrating battlefield, medical care, love, and the main theme.

Next is "Ghosts", which was popular last month. The male character is set as an immortal ghost, and the heroine is a ghost bride. Only she can draw the sword that pierces the body of the ghost, but as soon as the sword is pulled out, The ghost will rest forever.

This setting has a strong sense of conflict and tragedy, and is full of suspense. Kim Eun-sook also set the male number two as the messenger of hell, which is different from the previous Korean dramas where a male and a female live together. The man, the man and the two lived together. The two were originally "dead rivals", but they killed each other and fell in love, quarreling and acting coquettishly. They sparked a lot of sparks, which captured the attention of quite a few rotten girls.

An accomplished screenwriter is still constantly subverting himself and constantly developing new story models. This is why Korean dramas continue to contribute high-quality works.

Of course, if you have a good script, you must require actors to have online acting skills. If you don’t have enough, you won’t be able to eat. Please go home and practice hard.

Although "Ghost" is biased towards idol dramas, whether it is Kong Liu, Lee Dong Wook, Kim Go Eun, and Lu Xingcai, the acting skills are all online.

On the other hand, there are currently few small fresh meats in China. Almost none of them are from a professional background. Most of them debuted from a certain idol team or draft, so I don’t specifically name them. Anyway, there are only a few fresh meats. It’s just a coincidence. And red, works are not stopped, the pay is ridiculously high.

And every time they take on a new work, the fans are collectively dispatched to tell each other, the comments under Weibo are all new works of Amway idol, or praise the idol's outstanding acting skills.

At least people can get things, but as long as the works of Xiaoxianrou in China, the masses of IQ Online don't need to read it, they know it is rubbish, and there is no possibility of wrong judgment.

In fact, many new-generation actors in South Korea also "sing and perform when they are good", such as Lim Yoona, Nam Joo Hyuk, Su Ji, etc., but the atmosphere is different from the domestic atmosphere. Every time these new actors take on some works, the Korean Internet often It's a bad review.

For example, the "Defendant" produced by CY Entertainment has not waited for filming to start, but the news that Yuri from Girls' Generation will be starring in partner Jicheng has been sprayed into dogs by South Korean netizens: the acting is so bad, why can you do it? Heroine?

Don't harm Chi Cheng, go back and sing and dance;

Oh my God, CY Entertainment is too much money? Can't you hire professional actors?

. . .

All sorts of evaluations have made "The Defendant" a little bit hotter. In fact, Yuri is with Xu Xian to get the heroine of "The Defendant". As for whom Xu Xian left, everyone knows. !

Not only Yuri, but even Suzy, who is the first love of the nation, is preparing to star in the new screenwriter "When You Are Sleeping" in "I Hear Your Voice". Korean netizens criticized with earnest words: Suzy, this is really what I said as a fan. I should study acting skills and Practice pronunciation before coming out.

Korean audiences have very high requirements for acting skills. If you are an actor, you must have acting skills. If you are an idol-even if you look good and beautiful, and sing well, but your acting skills are not good enough, sorry, you are not one A qualified actor, please stop acting, and you didn't discuss it.

Moreover, once the protagonist is deemed by the audience to be jerky in acting, the work is basically a fate on the street. It is this kind of demanding atmosphere for acting that forces the idol to improve acting, calm mentality, and lower his body.

Looking at the living environment of the domestic small fresh meats, it is simply too easy and nourishing. It does not matter if the acting skills are poor. The producer is willing to invest money and the director is willing to shoot. The key is that the fans are willing to praise and will actively find tens of thousands. There are reasons to justify fresh meat, such as how hard my family *has been, you know? In order to shoot this movie, his skin is tanned. Only us fans know his hard work. It doesn't matter whether the acting is good or not!

In short, our little fresh meat does not rely on acting skills to speak, they can easily make money by relying on over-plastic facial paralysis, and their annual income is comparable to that of a listed company.

The improvement of the quality of Korean dramas is in all aspects. It is not only the level of screenwriters and actors. From the production point of view, Korean dramas used to have a small structure and small But now people talk about Korean dramas, the first reaction It is its beautiful pictures, exquisite scenes, and can even be used as a desktop.

Many people like to watch Korean dramas. An important reason is that Korean dramas have beautiful pictures, dreamy lighting, exquisite lenses, and good acoustic music. Even clothing and makeup have set off fashion trends.

There are many scenes comparable to blockbuster movies in "Ghosts". The pictures are extremely beautiful and romantic. It seems that as long as you take a screenshot, you can use it as a desktop.

With the exception of a few high-quality domestic TV dramas, there are 5 cents special effects everywhere. Domestic costume dramas used to be representative. Now those **** historical dramas that don’t make sense in South Korea are catching up on the screen. exceeded.

To put it bluntly, the level of industrialization of the film and television industry is still very low, and there is not enough attention to lighting, makeup, clothing, scenery, props and other links.

In South Korea, the production team—whether it is a screenwriter, a director, or a sound engineer, photographer, or lighting engineer—has a heavy weight. Every link is valued, and every link is managed by professionals, and every link will strive for excellence. Do it well, because if you don’t do it well, you have no food to eat. This is the root cause.

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