Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1930: Clover series

Although the acquisition of Paramount was blocked, Da Lao Wang did not seem to lose his confidence. He also knew that his goal was one of the six major ones, no matter who it was.

In Big Pharaoh’s layout blueprint, the Big Six is ​​a step that must be taken, so Paramount is just a stepping stone. If the gap can be opened, even better, it doesn’t matter if it can’t be opened. Legendary Pictures is enough for the time being.

But who would have thought that the situation would change suddenly, Wan Da suffered an unprecedented blow, and the winter is approaching, Da Lao Wang has slowly returned his attention to China, overseas, especially Hollywood, he does not have so much energy to pay attention.

The International Chapter found Yang Cheng at this time and proposed her new project, which reminded Yang Cheng so much.

"Mr. Yang, I don't know if you can talk about the project of "Godzilla 2"?" Zhang Ziyi tentatively asked.

Yang Cheng frowned, "This kind of monster movie shouldn't appeal to actors of the level of Miss Zhang?

Anyone can act as the heroine of the vase~"

The International Chapter smiled bitterly, "I know, but this is the plan of the agency for me. They wanted me to hit Hollywood again, so they chose two projects for me: a commercial production and a small experimental movie."

"Huh? The commercial production is "Godzilla 2." What is that small production pilot movie? The award?"

"No, it is a project produced by Paramount and published by Netflix. I wonder if you have heard of "Clover Series"?"

Yang Cheng said unexpectedly, "Of course I know that it is hailed as the most interesting science fiction film series in the United States in the past decade."

The international chapter nodded, "Yes, the new chapter was originally called "God Particle", and the gold medal geek filmmaker JJ Abrams, who personally created the new Star Wars, Star Trek series, and the American drama "Western World", is the producer. "

The most crazy thing about the "Clover" series is that it has used "original story" and "ARG" (intrusive virtual reality interactive game AlternateRealityGame) to create a mixture of "movie" and "reality" in the past decade. The world of apocalypse, let the geek otaku indulge in it, getting deeper and deeper, thinking more and more crazy.

The protagonist’s active account on real social platforms, distress messages hidden in online shopping products, satellite photos of mysterious objects circulating on the Internet, missing persons notices on forums, and a multinational company with dark secrets.

The ARG game is particular about attaching the "story" to the real daily life, so that the players can't distinguish between reality and film.

In this way, the "Clover fans" have been trying to piece together the clues they have collected to restore the truth of the story.

During the game, everyone step by step fell into the puzzle of JJ weaving and enjoyed the thrill of being lost. By the way, as the producer of JJ Abrams, he wrote and directed the American drama "LOST Lost".

The production cost of the first "Clover Archives" of the "Clover" film series was US$25 million, and the global box office was 170 million; the production cost of the second movie, "No. 10 Clover Road" was much lower than the first. The global box office is 110 million US dollars.

"No. 10 Clover Road" is the pinnacle of this series, with a small cost and high reputation, so the third part of the international chapter is definitely the one that fans are looking forward to.

The "Clover" series is a phenomenon-level experimental film in recent years. Its innovative ideas can be said to bypass those film critics and directly enter the hearts of many fans.

This explains why the first two "Clover" movies scored so high on word-of-mouth websites, just as game fans unconditionally support the "World of Warcraft" movie, "Clover" has surpassed the movie, it has become a kind of "Lifestyle", a "geek identity declaration".

As the first part of the series, "Clover's Archives" was released in 2008. It adopts the style of "pseudo DV documentary" and records the whole process of New York being attacked by a huge alien monster from the protagonist's first perspective. Yes, No doubt, the plot is as simple as that.

But a year before the movie was released, the real-world ARG game had already been launched.

The "Clover" story has always revolved around TARUATO, a giant Japanese multinational company.

This is a deep-sea mining company with 14 mining sites around the world. JJ Abrams made an official website for TAGRUATO, where you can find all the detailed information about the company.

The TAGRUATO official website has the location, creation time and number of people on all deep-sea excavation stations.

The RB company TARUATO was founded in 1945 by a Japanese named Kantaro Tagruato. It was originally a small coal mine company named "力の手".

In the 1980s, Rikinoshou Company went bankrupt and was prosecuted by various prosecutions. In 1989, it was sold to TAGRUTO’s current actual controller, Yoshida Katsushika. The company’s business also changed from coal mining to deep-sea mining and refining. In 1991, the first company was established. Oil refinery station.

16 years later, TAGRUTO built 13 new refineries around the world, becoming a global industry leader.

At this time, the company began to expand its diversified business and built a subsidiary: Yoshida Pharmaceutical Research Institute. The main task was to develop an antidote to fatal diseases. It is possible that YMR has mastered the world's leading medical technology.

There is also BF manufacturing, whose business is to design and build advanced products and equipment for satellites, rockets, ships, tanks, etc.

And SLUSHO! This is a cold drink company. Don't underestimate it. This cold drink company plays an important role in the entire series, because they have an exclusive formula. Drinking their drinks can make people happy instantly.

This secret formula was subsequently revealed. It was-"Sea Bed Honey". What is even more speechless is that you can actually find a Norwegian RB restaurant on a foreign website similar to "Dianping", and they sell " "Sea Bed Honey" is given to users, and there are more than N praises for this food, which shows the degree of participation of the geek otaku.

TAGRUTO official website can find the entrance link of SLUSHO official website, there are TV commercials of cold drinks on it, you can also customize the taste of cold drinks, and place an order directly on the official website.

SLUSHO is very popular in RB, UU reading www.uukānshu. ComTAGRUTO intends to promote this cold drink to the world, so that people from all over the world can experience its magical effects.

TAGRUTO not only has the world's leading technology, but also is constantly creating new subsidiaries. It seems that the business is booming.

However, there seemed to be something wrong with this company. At this time, people discovered that there was a voluntary organization called .. (Tidowave), and they seemed to rally to overthrow TAGRUTO.

.. On the official website, you can find many terrorist incidents about TAGRUTO. One of them is: YMR, a medical research institute under TAGRUTO, an employee with a breakthrough discovery was killed after retirement with his family, his computer and all the information All are missing, no one knows what he found.

.. Believing that T Company was deceiving the public and conspiring something, it gathered volunteers to find evidence.

And as more and more evidences were discovered by the players, the suspicions were verified one by one.

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