Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1943: Braised beef

The cafes in Vienna are always clean and warm. They strive to maintain an ancient and exquisite life of the past.

Most of the waiters wore black and white uniforms and neat bow ties. They shuttled between the tables. They never called the frequent guests "Mr.", but kindly called them by name or called them. They will take them to their preferred positions and sit down in their preferred positions, and deliver their favorite newspapers, and then deliver the guests’ favorite coffee.

It is precisely because of these attentive services that guests who come to the cafe can't help but be emotional.

And drinking a cup of Viennese coffee in a Viennese coffee shop is the best companion for a lazy weekend or a leisurely afternoon.

But this coffee is too high in calories, especially at night. It is definitely the natural enemy of dieters. Luo Yue gave up after drinking two sips, and she couldn't wear the wedding dress after drinking it.

But for those who like chocolate, Viennese coffee will surely satisfy all your wishes.

Fortunately, they are now drinking European, traditional Viennese coffee. Compared with American Viennese coffee, it is undoubtedly higher in calories, so it is usually paired with lighter snacks.

The method of American Viennese coffee is to first put heavy cream and chocolate into a pan to melt into a chocolate paste, and then mix the chocolate sauce and black coffee.

Put a layer of granulated sugar at the bottom of the warm coffee cup, pour in the mixed liquid of hot coffee and chocolate, then put two spoons of cold cream on the surface of the liquid, and finally decorate the cream with chocolate chips or cinnamon powder to make American Viennese coffee The key is the amount of chocolate, too much chocolate will mask the taste of the coffee itself.

Coffee is something that Viennese people talk about and are quite proud of. Viennese people even compare it with music and waltz, and call it the Viennese Three Treasures, which shows the love between Viennese and coffee.

Some people say that Vienna is a five-step coffee. This may be an exaggeration of the poet, but it is a fact that there are so many coffee shops in Vienna.

From the coffee kiosks where people stand and drink on the corners, the coffee shops where students gather near the university, to the magnificent and luxurious coffee shops next to the theater and the imperial city, there are dozens of them. Some coffee shops open at 6:30 in the morning. It does not close until 2 in the morning. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the air of the music city is not only flowing with the rhythm of music, but also with the fragrance of coffee.

Drinking coffee has become a part of life in Vienna. In a laid-back atmosphere, people can meet friends, play chess, read books, write books, read newspapers, or in an inconspicuous atmosphere as long as they pay for a cup of coffee. Watching TV in the corner.

The most famous cafe in Vienna is the Central Cafe located in the downtown area. Before the First World War, this place has always been a meeting place for famous poets, playwrights, artists, musicians, and diplomats.

Some people say that this is the cradle of many Austrian poems, scripts, and scripts. This may be an exaggeration, but the music masters Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, and the waltz dynasty Strauss and his sons were all frequent visitors here.

The current Vienna cafes are not the kind of ordinary coffee shops that only provide coffee for people to drink. They are more like a kind of public institution in Vienna, like Stephen's Cathedral, Ferris wheel and Libizama, becoming part of Vienna .

The tradition of coffee culture in Vienna can be traced back more than 300 years ago. The Turks were defeated and hurriedly retreated during the siege of Vienna, leaving behind some raw coffee beans that were still completely unknown in Vienna at that time.

A smart businessman bought all these coffee beans and soon opened the first coffee shop in Vienna.

Alois has several cafes in Vienna. They don't usually go to them. They are all taken care of by others. They have good income every month, although they are not worth mentioning compared to his huge family assets.

After listening, Luo Yue was ready to open a cafe in Austria.

Alois suggested, “Instead of reopening, it’s better to buy a few, but it’s not easy to find. Most of the cafes in Vienna are run by their own family, and some have been in business for several generations, even if they are high prices, they are not necessarily sold. "

Deliberately said, "Well, if you are really interested, I will ask the butler to help collect the information."

Luo Yue hesitated and looked at Yang Cheng, she didn't know whether she should agree or not.

Yang Cheng smiled, "Then please collect it, I will send someone over to take charge of the acquisition~"

"Okay, little things, I won't talk much tonight, everyone has a good rest and see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow~"

The Yang family bid farewell to the crown prince one by one, and everyone was relaxed. Although they are not in awe of a little crown prince as everyone, they still need to have the etiquette they should have outside, at least not lose it. The face of your own family.

After the crown prince left, Yang Sen suddenly said, "This person is a bit interesting~"

Yang Cheng wondered, "What's wrong? Why do you say that suddenly?"

Jansen said meaningfully, "It's nothing, maybe I want to turn off, go, go upstairs and rest, I don't know which one is comfortable living in Vaduz Castle or your North Sea Manor."

When they went back to their rooms, Luo Yue said to Yang Cheng, who was about to wash up, "Do you think the cafe can do it?"

"Of course, you don't need to take care of it yourself anyway. You can buy it and give it to the current operator. You can do whatever you want. It is enough to maintain a stable monthly income."

"I think so too, at least it is a guarantee, and I have no resistance to this kind of artistic sentiment~" Luo Yue stuck out his tongue cutely.

Yang Cheng touched her little head, "If there is anything, buy it if you like it. It's not that you can't afford it. Compared to what you have never had, what you have is valuable."

"Oh, why do you suddenly add chicken soup?"

"Have it?"

"Why not, but thank you, always willing to support my ideas."

Yang Cheng laughed, "Nonsense, you are my wife, I don't support you, who supports you?"

After talking a lot of nasty love words, in the end, in order to save electricity and water, I took a bath together, and then. . . It's the next day.

. . .

It was almost early in the morning when I slept yesterday, and I will wash it up again, and I will probably fall asleep in the middle of the night.

The two elderly people who are used to getting up early on weekdays rarely sleep in late, let alone Yang Cheng and the others. They work hard all night.

But everyone didn't eat breakfast in groups, it was the chef who prepared it and sent it to each room by the servant, in order to better experience the noble life.

The newspaper of the day was delivered with the breakfast. Last night, the butler asked everyone what they liked. There are newspapers from all over the world.

It may be to take care of their Z national stomach. Breakfast is not traditional sandwiches or scrambled eggs, but Austrian improved "broiled beef". Paired with breakfast bread, the taste is milder and the amount is not large. If you eat it with bread in soup, it is not just alive The Austrian version of "Beef Soup"!

The difference from the domestic braised beef is that the Austrian version puts butter and a large amount of onions. For almost one kilogram of beef, one kilogram of onions is needed. Another difference is that the domestic soup is made from meat and meat is used. To influence the taste of the soup, the Austrian version is the soup prepared in advance to influence the taste of the final dish.

There is also a "soup-style" eating method, especially during Christmas. The "classic reserved dish" in the Christmas market is to hollow out the big bread, put the braised beef into the bread, and tear the bread while eating~ It seems that again It became a "pao-mo beef".

The "popularity" of this dish in Austria and all surrounding countries is equivalent to "mutton kebab" in China.

This is also one of the Viennese cuisine, the most suitable dish for "beer" in the true sense! It is also one of the few western dishes that will not be glared by people if you eat it directly!

Eating beef in the morning is probably not acceptable to most people, but Yang Cheng thinks it is not bad. At least the appetite is awakened before the body can wake up.

Luo Yue clutched her belly pitifully, "Come to Liechtenstein, at least two catties fat."

Yang Cheng pointed to the bathroom, "Empty your stomach, and you'll get back the two catties~"

Luo Yue slapped Yang Cheng on the back and said with a tone of voice, "My friend, you have a good temper recently~"

Yang Cheng cooperated with a melodrama and hurriedly hooked her waist, "Yes, it's been a bit fluttering recently, please also ask your mother to confess~"

"Haha~ Alright, stop making trouble with you, hurry up and wash up and let's go. Where are we going to play today?"

"Go to Austria first? Since I'm here, I have to take a stroll."


. . .

After washing, before leaving, Luo Yue asked, "By the way, are you going to inspect the winery this time?"

"Yes, UU Reading has invited Alois, so I must go shopping, and Austria’s wine is indeed very famous. You also drank it last night. The fruity aroma is very good. The wine people are more friendly, but unfortunately the output has not been able to increase, so it is also good to make fine products.

Of course, this is just my current thoughts, and I have to conduct field inspections to make a conclusion.

I am mainly worried that the Austrians will not sell. Almost all wineries in Austria guarantee income from droughts and floods. If they are not very short of money, I am afraid they are not willing to sell. "

Luo Yue asked, "How about buying from Alois? I think he seems to be interested in wooing you~"

Yang Cheng was stunned, "Where did you see it?"

"Anyone with a discerning eye can see it, I think that's what Dad said last night~"

Yang Cheng twisted his eyebrows and fell into thought, Luo Yue took his arm, "Don't think about it, if it really has another purpose, it will show up sooner or later~"


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