Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1955: I can't even run

The small town of Hallstatt at night is a little more quiet at night than when the sky is not fully bright, which makes people deeply fascinated.

Quiet villages, simple folk customs, and blue lakes, vaguely see the spring light, quiet and peaceful place for the soul.

In the evening, they stayed at a guesthouse by the lake, and directly booked a three-story building, eating authentic local home-cooked meals, and the family chatted.

"Oh... It's been the first time for a neat family to travel out for so many years~" Yang Yuanshan sighed with emotion while drinking a fresh beer brewed by a local tavern.

Liu Muqian also echoed, rarely against the old man, "Who said no, I am getting old and become obsessed with the warmth of the family."

"This is a good thing. In the future, your two elders also want to do something. The work in your hands will be given to the people below. You should play and eat. It is the best thing to do at your age~" Lao Luo said. Tao.

"The two of us old men often go out to play with each other and go fishing all over the world, but it's not as good as the mood of a family going out to play."

Yang Cheng said, "By the way, I heard that the lake fish here is also good. Tomorrow we will go to the small town of St. Wolfgang and we can go fishing on the lake."

"Not going back to Liechtenstein?"

"Not going back~"

"The money is not in vain?"

"Hi~ Alois introduced the business this time, and the profit is quite high. There is no need to worry about this little money~"

Yang Yuanshan frowned, "Is it another arms business?"

Yang Cheng knew that his grandfather was a little bit resistant to this business. Although he was persuaded last time, there was still a thorn in his heart~

So he didn't want to talk more about this topic, and said vaguely, "Well~ don't worry, it's all formal procedures~"

Lao Luo timely persuaded, "I think this matter should be listened to by the elderly. Although the profit of arms is high, they are all sold with a knife. Our family is not short of money now and there is no need to take this risk."

Yang Cheng sighed, "I know it in my heart, but there are some things that you don't want to do. I bet that if I pick things up now, in less than a day, the U.S. will have to fry them."

"This is what I said, scheming with tigers, we are foreigners in the United States after all, and never expect to have a heart with those white people." Lao Luo's words were full of mockery.

Yang Cheng said helplessly, "Give me a few more years. It is definitely impossible to quit now, and I won't let me quit~"

"Why?" Yang Yuanshan asked excitedly.

"Now there is a fierce collision within the US military. The only thing I can do at this time is to make money frantically. If I suddenly withdraw, my money bag will be severely impacted. Do you think they can be happy?"

"What is the fierce collision you are talking about?"

"It is the main strategic idea. More and more people in the U.S. military believe that the traditional American strategy of spending money to develop new weapons is no longer sufficient to maintain the next stage of strategic advantage.

The root cause of this controversy is mainly because in the development of military science and technology in the past few years, the United States ZF demanded that the US military industry must achieve a comprehensive technical victory in the world. It is greed for everything.

This is a dead knot that cannot be opened. Everyone has discovered that in the increasingly rigid family ZZ elections in the United States, the daily operation of the US ZF is becoming more and more out of touch with the professional technical advisory team. Compared with the impact on ZZ The rational choice of the competition, professional zhengs are more enthusiastic about the concept but contribute to the ZZ's prestige.

Under unrealistic demands, American arms dealers have gradually fallen into vicious concept packaging and public relations lobbying in the battle for arms R&D projects.

The consequence of this is that many strategic projects that really require a large amount of capital investment have been defeated by those "horrible and empty" pseudo-technologies.

Take the U.S. Navy as an example. When the U.S. Navy occupied the top spot of the world's surface ships with absolute strength and began to plan to study the size of future aircraft carriers, BAE Systems, without knowing it, took the lead in cooperating with the US military. Signed a huge order for the plan to transform the current American-class amphibious assault ship into a light aircraft carrier with 15 aircraft, and threatened that the "light aircraft carrier" is the future development, and even in more extreme voices, there are high-level leaders' requests Replace the status of aircraft carrier capital ship with a'small unmanned ship'.

However, the bureaucrats of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China have always adhered to the weird attitude of thunder and rain for the research and development funds for the ‘hypersonic weapons’ that the US Navy really needs!

Of course, this kind of blatant corruption that dismantles the east and fills the west and fish in troubled waters is not the most deadly. Compared to corruption, this deformed mode of operation is even more deadly. Now it has become one of the major U.S. arms dealers. A default survival rule in between.

It is foreseeable that in this set of development systems that are separated from the top and bottom, the future US military that has gradually distorted the technological tree will inevitably fall into a vicious circle of technological development!

Can't they see such a serious problem internally?

Of course you can see it, but they are powerless, the only thing they can do is to get as much practical benefits as possible. "

Yang Cheng's words brought everyone's thoughts far away. Yang Sen asked, "Then how are you going to respond? Or which argument do you prefer?"

"The most embarrassing problem is that no matter which argument they support, they don't have the absolute right to speak. Only when the weapon is in their hands, can they have the right to speak.

So it doesn't matter which argument they support. "

Yang Sen also sighed, "The strength of the U.S. arms group is too strong. They spend one-third of their profits each year on public relations personnel at all levels, from top to bottom, no matter what other departments, the actual Everyone is working for them~"

Yang Orange nodded, "Yes, what I am doing now is actually equivalent to a large-scale distributor of the arms group. To them, my shipment volume in a year is nothing, but I can guarantee the quality. They are all big killers.

Although at present it is still mainly controlled second-hand goods, but later repairs can also make the arms dealers a lot of money, so no matter how I look at it, I have no possibility to withdraw for the time being. "

After a pause, he said directly, "I now only have two options, or go to the black one by one, so that the arms dealer dare not make irresponsible remarks to me, and then consider the rapid retreat;

Either they simply turn their faces and abandon their current interests. As long as they survive the initial wave of attacks, they will not tear their faces with us. After all, arms dealers still hope to make money on Wall Street.

By the way, don’t forget, the business I’m doing now, as well as the Koch family and the cakes of ExonMobil, I have to at least satisfy these two companies if I want to withdraw. "

Liu Muqian concluded brilliantly, "This is a pit, you can't climb it up by yourself~"

"Who said no~"

"The point is that this piece of cake is too big and tempting. Even the American ZF can't help but taste it in person. What can we laymen have to avoid?" Yang Cheng spread his hands and said helplessly.

"To put it bluntly, it is still profit trouble. Whether it is an arms dealer or ZF, it is done at all costs to make wars. Are you afraid that a small dealer will run away?"

Lao Luo, who was inside ZF, said sharply.

No contradiction creates contradictions, and no war creates wars. This is the mission of American arms dealers.

It is the Middle East that has suffered from this. The originally united * world has now been turned into a mess by the Americans. After the two world wars, with the rise of national independence movements worldwide, the Middle East has gradually become independent. A group of countries.

In the early days, when massive oil resources were not discovered in this area, the Middle East did not have much turmoil and wars compared to today, and many countries did not even have modernized their military in a real sense.

However, since the major powers such as the United States and Britain led the controversial decision on the land issue of Israel’s establishment in 1948, the ethnic, religious, and national conflicts in this region have suddenly become hot.

The first Middle East war was foreseeable, but at this time neither Arab nor Israel actually had a decent army. Before the war, the US ZF exported a large number of weapons and equipment to the warring Arab countries and Israel. A war can be fought.

The first Middle East war ended with the successful founding of the nation with the se line, but the seeds of hatred have been deeply planted, and the entire Middle East has entered a cyclical arms race ever since.

At this time, a large number of oil resources were discovered, and some countries in this region became rich overnight.

Originally, economic development can provide a good way to ease and resolve contradictions. However, with the support of the United States, the military power of se line is dominated, and the military balance in the Middle East has disappeared.

After several consecutive defeats to the Israelis in the Middle East war, many Arab countries began to choose the path of relying on the United States to seek safety in accordance with American rules, and to purchase American weapons at high prices in exchange for US military asylum.

And for those countries that do not play their cards according to the "regular", such as Iraq, Libya, and Syria, UU Reading, the United States will not hesitate to personally subvert them.

The fundamental purpose is still to make money, and creating friction and imbalance is the best "excus" for the United States to sell weapons.

For example, in the 1970s, the United States exported a series of the most advanced weapons, including F14, to Iran, which greatly increased its military strength. This made Saudi Arabia, Iran’s old enemy, immediately unable to sit still, and immediately imported a large number of American weapons. The largest funder of the US military industry.

In the 1980s, the United States acquiesced to the uncle Sa’s launch of the Iran-Iraq war, and later turned to support Yilang to withstand the assault of the uncle Sa. The war lasted for 10 years, and both sides bought massive amounts of US dollars.

In the 1990s, the Gulf War was able to oust Uncle Sa at one time, but he maintained his own self-respect, forcing neighboring countries to hug the thighs of the U.S. military. The various routines are breathtaking.

For example, Yang Cheng recently participated in this incident. The front foot has just joined hands with Saudi Arabia to label Qatar as a country supporting terrorism and exported hundreds of billions of arms to Saudi Arabia. The back foot is sold to Qatar’s highest unit price F15, which is also called "Yes. "A trusted friend" is completely a black judge, who eats the plaintiff and the defendant.

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