Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1964: Fifty-first Super Bowl

On Sunday, February 6, Yang Cheng took Luo Yue to Houston on his Jason private jet. Today is equivalent to the New Year’s Eve in the United States, because this season’s NFL Finals is also the 51st Super Bowl. The game kicked off at the NRG Stadium in Houston, with the New England Patriots vs. Atlanta Falcons.

Yang Cheng was invited by NFL Chairman Roger Goodell to watch the Super Bowl finals. It is even harder to count Americans with the same purpose. Look at the number of private jets at the airport today, which almost surpassed civilian flights.

This is the influence of the Super Bowl. Even if you don't know the NFL superstar Tom Brady, you must have heard of the Super Bowl. This is a grand festival known as the "American Spring Festival Gala".

On this day, the American people will eat on average 1.25 billion chicken wings, 11 million pizzas, 11.2 million pounds of potato chips and 50 million cases of beer!

Of the 10 TV programs with the highest ratings in American history, 9 are Super Bowls. It can be said that the number of viewers watching the Super Bowl is almost equal to the total number of voters in the US general election!

In such a festival, in addition to playing against both teams, being able to appear in the Super Bowl halftime show is the greatest recognition for a singer. Only the top singer is qualified to be the protagonist of this 12-minute performance.

What concept? 15 years after Michael Jackson debuted, Madonna was invited to the midfield show only 30 years after her debut!

How terrible is the ratings of the Super Bowl halftime show? In 2014, the viewership of the Super Bowl halftime show reached 111.5 million. Compared with Hollywood blockbusters, all but the Titanic were blown up, including epic masterpieces like Avatar!

The most exaggerated is that the survey statistics show that nearly 15 million people will take sick leave on the following Monday after the Super Bowl. At the same time, this day has become the day with the largest number of sick leave in the United States for many years. Even 25% of the American working population hopes after the Super Bowl The day should be regarded as a "holiday", and interestingly, up to 72% of HR managers agree with this proposal!

Yang Cheng is here today. In addition to joining in the fun, as the new owner of the NFL Panthers, Yang Cheng also wants to see the preparations for the venue in advance, because he is going to discuss with Roger Goodall about the venue for the Super Bowl next year. Moved to Los Angeles, the new home of the Panthers. As for the original Minneapolis? Who cares about tm!

As the most successful sports event in the history of the United States, it must be held in a metropolis so that a strong alliance can have a stronger influence. I believe Roger Goodall will not fail to consider this.

Many people don’t understand why such a sport that looks a little brutal to outsiders and has no technical content is so popular in the United States~

The person who asked this question must be ignorant of the sport. This is not without any technical content. On the contrary, it is a sport that emphasizes unity and tactics. The offensive, defensive, and special teams on the field each perform their own tasks. The position of each player is very clear. Even if some players are illegally receiving players on the field for their entire lives, they will fight hard for the team, and work hard for the honor of the team and their own value.

It can be said that no player on the team is a redundant role. If the player on the line is a bit lazy, the opposing linebacker is likely to rush over and sack the quarterback directly and lose the number of yards. If the quarterback is Stunned or the wide receiver makes a short run, the first offense may not be completed.

Relatively speaking, the decisive role played by star players in the sport of rugby is slightly weaker than that of superstars in basketball and football, but it is only relatively speaking, because star players are definitely not enough.

There are so many big-name players that are watched to die in each game. It is impossible for one person to replace the other ten to complete the task, and even the humble kicker is likely to influence the ultimate fate of the team.

Those who are not familiar with this sport can think of the game as a siege. Every time the offensive team wants to occupy the opposing team's land, sending the rugby to the opponent's position counts as a victory.

It is precisely because of frequent collisions that the smell of gunpowder on the arena is very strong. However, due to the intensity of punishment, group fights rarely occur. Unlike ice hockey, group fights are completely part of the tactic. In short, it does not seem to be affected by outsiders. The collision of understanding is actually very restricted.

However, because of such frequent collisions, the NFL has almost condensed the most perverted group of people in the world. The Americans have a joke. People who are not in good health go to play basketball. The fact is that they can mix in the NFL. Yes, all are monsters.

Don't think that these people are muscle sticks. Most of the NBA players graduated from high school in the past. It was only in recent years that college students were restricted from drafting, and NFL players generally have much higher qualifications.

Most of the players are found in college, then participate in the draft, step by step.

There are many universities in the United States, and an NFL team has a particularly large number of players. There are 53 on the official list. Maybe there is a senior or younger brother of who player, plus their relatives and friends, so the whole country feels involved. It is normal.

Furthermore, there are restrictions on the venues for the two indoor sports of the NBA and NHL. No matter how huge the indoor arenas, they cannot carry as many fans as the outdoor arenas.

In this regard, the NFL and MLB have a natural advantage outdoors. It is completely imaginable that the fans cheering on the scene during important games.

Like the terrifying home court noise of the Seattle Seahawks, there is no psychological quality, and it is estimated that he was scared to get down before entering the game.

Of course, the most exciting thing is the schedule. UU Reading NFL is always a game of winning and losing, winning and losing are two heavens, and the level of excitement is much better than that of the NBA with 7 games and 4 wins. One kick is heaven and one kick. Hell, nothing is more exciting than this.

This is also the reason why the Super Bowl has a much higher gold content in comparison, and there is absolutely no chance of a comeback!

However, during the game, it is often full of surprises and sudden flashes of inspiration, and the rhythm and frequency are much more obvious and compact than the magic tricks in professional baseball games.

It is precisely because of the superposition of these factors that the unique influence of the Super Bowl is created, and more businesses are aiming at this moment. The sky-high advertising, the latest movie trailer of this year, and the gorgeous midtime concert show all have excellent displays. platform.

Advertising merchants are digging their heads to gain a sense of existence, movie trailers also leave the latest and greatest elements here, and the halftime show is the best performance place for the popular fried chicken in the music industry every year.

The entertainment, business, and sports circles are mutually beneficial. Although it feels that the competition is not so pure, the firewood is high. From this perspective, the Super Bowl has a strong family carnival flavor, and it is called the American Spring Festival Gala. 'It's not surprising.

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