Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1968: Old city transformation big blue ocean

"This urban renewal plan is called'big construction' by the locals. In the past four years, the building permits issued each year are worth up to 1 billion U.S. dollars, bringing a steady stream of economic benefits. Nearly 20 projects have been completed or under construction. several.

The Bank of America Stadium project was the first to start construction. The original intention of the project was not only to host high-level football games, nor to host sports events, but to continue to provide more services to the residents of Minnesota.

The local ZF hopes that this stadium can become an iconic symbol of a city, reflecting its geographic location and weather changes, reflecting the history and quality of urban public spaces, and promoting community development and modernization trends.

After the project was completed, it did attract a lot of attention and became a big pride of the local people.

The stadium design requirements are very strict and must meet various public needs. In order to achieve this goal, a very unique retractable seating system is designed in the stadium. The seats are sturdy and durable. The 34 rows of seats in the north of the stadium can be fully retractable. For event design, it can also be used as an event venue, with enough space.

Since it was put into use in July last year, hundreds of high school and college baseball games have been held. In fact, in the first six months, there were more than 300 games outside of the home team Vikings games. Through the development of events, catering and tourism, the venues have greatly increased their revenue, which has also brought a substantial increase in the fiscal revenue of the Minnesota government.

But this is not enough. Only the locals know that it won’t work. Minneapolis hopes to pass the Super Bowl to bring their determination to the national and even global audiences, so they will definitely have the right to host this time, and Minneapolis also has me. Friends, I can’t betray our friendship.

Jason, we are friends too, and I can’t be sorry for you either, so, sorry, this time. . . "

Yang Cheng was speechless, it seemed that his ideas were about to fall through, "Do you have any information about the stadium?"

Goodall froze, "Of course, what are you going to do?"

"I want to make a comparison~ By the way, this stadium was built by HKS company, right?" He said that he wanted to give up.

Goodall also seemed to understand something, and smiled meaningfully, "Yes, are you old opponents in the distant mountains?"

Yang Cheng shrugged, Goodall reached out from the secretary's ipad, retrieved the relevant information, and said to Yang Cheng, "Return it to me after you read it."

This venue has 66,200 seats and six large entertainment boxes. It is versatile and has room for expansion. In addition to the upcoming Super Bowl on February 4 next year, Bank of America Stadium will also host the 2019 NCAA Final Four. ESPN World Extreme Games 2017 and 2018.

In addition, Taylor Swift will also hold a concert here.

Rally activities are not limited to the inside of the stadium. The external space is also very large. The outdoor green area covers an area of ​​4 acres (about 16,000 square meters). This area is called TheCommons, which is used to hold trade shows and other activities, making full use of the stadium crowd Mobile and downtown location.

Large entertainment boxes are also open to the public on non-competition days and can be used for private events, including company meetings, dance parties and weddings.

The previous dome stadium did not have the conditions for private events-these new event spaces attracted local, domestic and foreign event planners and promoters, contributed new sources of income, and also benefited local businesses and hoteliers .

The economic activities after the completion of the new stadium, coupled with the operation of the Vikings, can bring ZF more than 26 million US dollars in tax revenue each year, and the local Vikings fans directly consume more than 145 million US dollars each year.

Yang Cheng has to admit that HKS has done a good job. It is necessary to build the city effectively, cross the economic field, and achieve trade growth and employment growth. The construction of the stadium project promotes the implementation of this grand blueprint.

In the design process of HKS, in addition to its main users, namely the Vikings and fans, the interests of many other stakeholders—community people, people of the world, investors, and design and construction teams—all of them were considered. It plays an important role and is the main beneficiary after the project is completed.

From the data point of view, more than 300 companies in Minnesota participated in the construction of Bank of America Stadium. Nearly 90% of the contract revenue went to local companies. The total working hours were nearly 4 million hours. Nearly 8,000 workers participated in the construction, of which 85% were native.

In the project construction contract, the local sports facilities administration and the Viking team set a fair employment goal, and the actual number of women, ethnic minority compatriots, and retired veterans actually hired exceeded the planned number.

The construction of the project was completed ahead of schedule, and the number of full-time and part-time personnel added together, the Sports Facilities Administration employs a total of about 4,500 employees-3,200 of whom will also work on the Vikings match day.

In addition, the Bank of America Stadium also communicates the traffic of the entire city, and this design is in a leading position in the United States.

It combines light rail, walking, and cycling, and is directly connected to the Minneapolis "Sky Street" system. These pedestrian bridges have a closed environment, controllable temperature, and a total length of 8.5 miles (about 13.7 kilometers). , The fans can start from anywhere in the city center, through the sky bridge to reach the stadium.

About 30% of people who come to the stadium to watch the game will choose the light rail. The light rail station is just outside the stadium gate. The stadium station is the intersection of two main light rail lines. The routes go from Minneapolis to St. Paul International Airport and St. Paul City. .

The Vikings and the public transportation company jointly built a 30-foot-wide pedestrian bridge, starting from the light rail platform, passing through a street, and entering the main stadium of the stadium. There are more than 12,000 public and private parking spaces, walking from the parking lot to the stadium. Less than 15 minutes.

At the moment when the concept of environmental protection is emphasized, the design of HKS makes maximum use of natural light. UUreading uses LED technology to implement a water-saving strategy. After the completion of the project, the city center of Minneapolis has increased by nearly 37,000 square feet. The total area is equivalent to 20 community playgrounds.

Minneapolis ZF has targeted the Mississippi River to strengthen the connection between residents and tourists on the river and the waters and surrounding landscape, and reshape the prosperity of the area. The tree-lined roads are undergoing transformation and play more roles to connect trails. Throughout the attractions, in addition, the streets are also undergoing renovations, including improving sidewalks and cycling passages.

As an architectural design and development company, the most satisfying thing is to improve people's quality of life and help the local area achieve prosperity and development.

Next year, when the Super Bowl is successfully held, people from all over the world will focus on this. Minnesota people will also have a place to show off instead of endless snow and cold.

The Bank of America Stadium is undoubtedly a win-win situation for ZF, local citizens, or HKS.

In comparison, when Yuanshan was building the Los Angeles Sports Center, it was a bit like eating alone. Of course, Los Angeles was too developed, and such a project was not eye-catching.

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