Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1994: Port wine

If you are fortunate enough to walk into a Portuguese market, it is like walking into a huge marine museum. All kinds of fishes that are not named are lined up, very domineering.

Similarly, fish occupies the most space on the menu of every restaurant. If you are a fish lover, you have come to the right place.

Thanks to the "favor" of the warm Atlantic current, abundant seafood is a gift from God to the Iberian Peninsula. The top cod, salted fish, sardines and all kinds of shellfish after marinating are processed by the Portuguese. Delicacy from the style.

And these seafood dishes are also loved by Portuguese people, are Portuguese smoked products and unique quality wines.

The rich products on the Tejo and Douro plains make Portuguese cuisine more diversified. Compared with the cuisine of other European countries, Portuguese cuisine has a salty taste and a bit heavy.

It may be that the sailors and fishermen who have been sailing on the sea for a long time are more accustomed to using pickled to preserve food. This kind of taste is brought back to the land, which indirectly affects their family and friends, and over time affects the taste of the entire country. Among them, pickled cod is definitely The leader of Portuguese "savoury" dishes.

Smoked meat products are also a favorite taste of the Portuguese. Portuguese-style smoked legs is one of the representatives. Portuguese cuisine also uses natural ingredients such as olive oil, wine, garlic, tomatoes, sea salt, etc., and uses simple and restrained cooking methods. It presents the most natural and authentic taste of the ingredients, which is fully reflected in the "seafood" dishes.

For example, this charcoal grilled cod with potatoes and stir-fried vegetables prepared by Chef Rui Paula himself.

Undoubtedly, the Portuguese are the people who love cod the most in the world. In Portugal, there are 365 cooking methods for salted cod alone. This time the chef adopts fresh and simple cooking techniques to try to present the original taste of salted cod. After 48 hours of soaking in the medium, the excess salt is removed, and then grilled with charcoal fire, with roasted small potatoes and vegetables to adjust the balance of taste. Finally, pour in hot olive oil to bring out the aroma of the meat. The meat is smooth and tastes salty.

It tastes good, but it seems to be a little insufficient as a main course, so the chef specially served a delicate Portuguese roast suckling pig.

Different from the Chinese-style roast suckling pig, the Portuguese roast suckling pig is first pickled with a sauce made of olive oil, wine, black pepper, thyme, garlic and other ingredients. During the roasting process, the skin is coated with olive oil to make the meat tender. Not dry, the skin is fragrant and the meat is tender. When served, it is cut into large pieces boldly and served with crisp potato chips and juicy oranges. The taste is more layered. Layers are layered. The fragrant fresh pepper sauce is added. Taste enjoyment is pushed to its peak.

In addition, the dish of grilled sardines with corn buns is definitely a feature of Portuguese cuisine. The tender sardines are grilled and grilled, and they are delicious and complement each other with crunchy cornbread. Then they are complemented by colored peppers. The water and the fiber texture of vegetables, the hot olive oil poured in makes the fish more moisturized and the finishing touch.

To be honest, Yang Cheng, a person who hasn't eaten sardines once in more than ten years, actually thinks this dish is a bit on the top.

Finally, it was paired with the salad of baby cuttlefish, fresh and refreshing. The tender baby cuttlefish entered the kitchen when it was still smelling of sea water. The delicate white kidney beans, crisp and juicy tomatoes were seasoned with a little red wine vinegar, and several ingredients were different. The taste forms a subtle contrast in taste, and the refreshing and delicious flavors are simply matched together, revealing a natural taste.

The salty and greasy flavors of the previous dishes were quickly solved.

It is convenient for you to taste the authentic Portuguese egg tarts more perfectly. Most of the egg **** enlightenment of the people of Z country comes from the Australian egg tarts of Hong Kong-style tea restaurants. I don't know that this delicious egg **** is actually an authentic Portuguese flavor.

The Portuguese egg **** eaten in Portugal has a richer milk flavor. It is also served with cinnamon powder and icing powder to make the taste richer. The unique spice aroma of cinnamon powder makes the egg **** more fragrant, and the icing gives the egg **** more sweetness. It feels like this is something that the modified Australian-style egg **** can't experience.

In the end, the chef personally delivered slices of smoked ham as thin as cicada wings in order to allow diners to better taste the food provided by the red wine.

The famous Iberian ham is made with free-range black pork, and Portuguese ham is no exception.

First, the smoky processing method is used to give the ham a strong smoky flavor, which makes the Portuguese ham completely different from the pure air-dried ham of Spain and Italy.

Cut a mature ham. The flesh on the inside of the leg is red and firm, the middle is tender and moist, and the outside is plump and fat. However, in the hands of the chef, in order to keep improving, he usually only eats the thinnest part of the ham. The fat meat is used for other purposes. The flaming lean meat is cut into thin slices, and the food is rich in smoky flavor, dry, fragrant and salty.

Another sip of authentic Port wine, beautiful!

But because it is noon, Yang Cheng and the others have not tasted the stew that is more representative of Portuguese cuisine. The chef personally promised that when he comes to the restaurant in the evening, he will be able to taste the best Portuguese food in his mind.

Let’s go back to Port wine. This is one of the most famous sweet fortified wines in the world. It is known as the “national wine” of Portugal. The word Port is derived from the Portuguese port city name “Porto”, and the Mandarin transliteration “Port” , Cantonese transliteration is "砵酒 or pot wine", sometimes called "Porto wine".

According to laws and regulations, only fortified wines made from grapes produced in the limited planting area of ​​the Douro Valley in Portugal can be named "Port" or "Porto", similar wines produced in other regions or countries It can only be called fortified wine or natural wine.

There are also fortified wines that are produced outside of Portugal, such as Australia, South Africa, Canada, and the United States. However, only products from Portugal can be named as Port.

Port wine is made from grapes produced in the limited planting area of ​​the Douro Valley. It is strengthened with neutral grape spirits during the fermentation process. This wine is not brandy, but is a colorless grape distilled wine, to stop the fermentation. So as to keep the residual sugar in the wine and increase the alcohol concentration, usually between 15% and 23%.

After the port wine is fermented, it will be transported to Porto or Vila Nova de Gaia on the other side of the river for maturation. Most wines are matured in caves in large and small oak barrels. The cave in Portuguese is pronounced "KA-" VE", which means "wine cellar", can be called Porter after being matured.

In the second half of the 17th century, Port wine was exported to other European countries from the port city of Porto where the Douro River enters the sea. Port wine began to be famous all over the world.

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