Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1996: Black shop change owner

Yang Cheng and Liu Junyu casually entered a restaurant, ordered a table of seafood, all kinds of fish, shrimps and crabs, and set up a whole table. With such a bold behavior, they even hooked the restaurant owner out to serve the dishes in person.

Originally, Yang Orange wanted to taste the classic Portuguese stew, but I felt that the outside cooking must not be authentic by Chef Paula, so I just skipped it and kept it back to the hotel to taste.

In the evening, the streets were crowded with fans, all of whom were visible to the naked eye, all of them painted on their faces, wearing team uniforms, wearing scarves, and fully armed, and they were bound to become the twelfth man on the team.

This shows what position football occupies in this city.

But tonight can make fans pay so much attention to the opponent's reasons.

Among the top three in Portugal, Sporting Lisbon, Benfica and Porto, the contradiction between them cannot be explained by a single sentence.

And tonight Porto is a stumbling block on the road to the championship, but also an old rival, no wonder the fans are so excited.

Like many unequal teams, the composition of fans is destined to be incompatible with Benfica and Sporting Lisbon. Most of Benfica's fans come from the wealthier class in Lisbon, while Sporting Lisbon fans are mostly from the working class.

The grudge between the two teams can be traced back to 1907, when eight Benfica players moved to Sporting Lisbon in order to find more job opportunities.

Porto is actually a rising star, but came from behind, seriously challenging the position of the top two.

In particular, the confrontation between Benfica and Porto has been fierce year by year. With Uruguayan midfielder C Rodríguez joining Porto in 2008 after the end of the loan contract with Benfica, the rivalry between the fans on both sides reached a new peak.

But relatively speaking, without the shadow of class hatred, the contradiction between the two sides cannot be too deep. At least, whether Porto faces Sporting Lisbon or Benfica, the scene cannot keep up with the direct dialogue between the latter two, due to the class stance and political opinion. The problem is often very hot.

A similar situation also happened in Madrid, and the hatred between Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid is also indescribable.

But for Porto, they don't seem to care about hatred. They value interests more.

This interest includes how many ‘little monsters’ they can cultivate and how much they can sell. If anyone affects their interests, it’s a more serious problem than class conflicts.

Now in Portugal, the location of Porto's largest black shop has been hit.

It is foreseeable that Monaco will become the target of "digging" by the major giants this summer, and the upstarts in Ligue 1 took the opportunity to open their mouths. So far, Mbappé’s offer has not even satisfied them even as high as 130 million euros. Monaco Therefore, it is called the **** shop by the outside world.

However, the black shops in the world have never been the darkest, only darker. There is a team that is even more "black" than Monaco. More importantly, they are still very low-key, which is the so-called "sound and rich", Portugal Giants Benfica earned 200 million euros from selling players in one year. Porto’s madness is itch, and it’s like killing parents. It’s not Benfica that’s against today, otherwise the scene will be even more popular.

No way, just like the mobile phone industry, Apple was originally the only one, but later they singled out large companies such as Samsung and Warwick, and they stole the share. It is strange that Apple can be happy.

The same goes for Porto. In the past, when you mentioned the name of the Portuguese black shop, you usually think of Porto.

That's right, Porto has been really "harmful" over the years, so many banknotes have been scraped away.

But the football world has always been more fierce after waves than before, and Benfica's momentum is obviously stronger than Porto in the past few years.

Sooner or later, the name of Porto’s "black shop owner" will change hands. The cowhide is not a boast. Benfica has indeed done some big business this year.

Last summer, Benfica made a blockbuster as soon as he came up and sold three players to the Premier League in one go. They were Edson, Lindelof, and Mukhtar. The total transfer fee for the three was 65.26 million pounds. Nothing aside. Not to mention the famous Mukhtar, Edson’s transfer fee is 34 million pounds, and Lindelof’s is 30 million pounds. They are all big deals, and the buyers are all from Manchester.

In the past two window periods, Benfica quietly sent away 37 people, some of which were on loan.

Among them, the sale of the 18-year-old Sanchez to Bayern was the most ruthless one. Benfica slammed the Nanda king hard, and Sanchez's transfer fee was as high as 30 million pounds.

In addition, Benfica sold winger Guides to Grand Paris at the beginning of the year for a transfer fee of 25.5 million pounds. Last summer, they sold Manchester United’s long-awaited Gaitan to Atletico Madrid, worth 21.25 million pounds.

Benfica didn't ask if you were a giant when he robbed. They sold the little-known H-Costa to the Wolves for £12.5 million.

In general terms, in the past year or so, Benfica’s total income from selling players was 150 million pounds, or nearly 200 million euros, which is too cruel. The average small ball can make a season of money. With tens of millions of euros, Benfica made 200 million euros in a year at the negotiating table, and it is faster to do business.

However, Rome was not built in a day, the Benfica black shop was not unexpected, and the black history of the people is also very deep. UU reading

The Benfica Club was established in 1904, and it is the rival of the Portuguese Super League giants Sporting Lisbon. In history, Benfica has won the Portuguese Super League championship 36 times.

And this year, they are likely to collect the league title again. In fact, they have been the overlords of the Portuguese Super League for the past four years, and Porto and Lisbon have been stepped on by them.

Excellent stadium results ensure that Benfica players have repeatedly become popular in the transfer market. In each transfer window, many Benfica players will become the "food" for the giants.

Benfica has made a total of 270 million euros by selling players in the last 7 years. Note that this is a net profit and net income!

No wonder Porto is not pleasing to Benfica. How much money should Porto make?

Benfica is fierce, no matter who you are, no matter which team the buyer is, and want to trade, now the original cost of buying a player has tripled and started discussing.

In the summer of 2010, Di Maria joined Real Madrid from Benfica with a transfer fee of 20 million pounds, and his value when he came to Benfica was only 6 million pounds; Ramirez was also worth 6 million pounds when he joined Benfica, and was 1800 when he sold to Chelsea Ten thousand pounds

David Luiz was worth only 500,000 pounds when he came to Benfica, and up to 25 million pounds when he sold to Chelsea; Witsel was worth 7 million pounds when he joined Benfica, and 32 million pounds when he went to Zenit; Rodriguez came to Benfica is 5 million pounds when I leave, and 25 million pounds when I leave. . . There are too many such examples.

The most horrible thing is the transfer of Sanchez. Benfica bought the local teenager with only 35 footballs, but when he sold it to Bayern, he made 30 million pounds. If you count the extra appearances and awards Terms, the total price is expected to reach 70 million pounds!

Well-known new black shops deserve it!

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