Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2000: 1 question and 1 answer

(Unknowingly, it’s two thousand chapters. Let’s celebrate with Sahua. In addition, this book is almost over. Although the grades are a mess, but at least I stick to it. I am very proud of this. I would like to praise myself. I would like to give everyone a compliment. The next book is definitely going to change the vest. Change the look and start from the beginning. Make a wish, I hope I can "fire" this time!)

Yang Cheng asked, "What do you think of Porto's position in European football?"

After thinking about it cautiously for half a minute, Pinto said, "To be rational, Porto should be in the middle position in European football today.

Our budget is around 150 million euros, Real Madrid's budget should be around 500 million euros, Barcelona, ​​Manchester United, including Liverpool, all the giants are around this figure.

The budgets of all Premier League teams are higher than ours. After that, there are second-tier clubs. Porto is in the middle, and Atletico Madrid has also been at this level.

What I want to say is that in my eyes, Porto, Roma, Inter Milan and the other two Portuguese Super clubs-Benfica and Sporting Lisbon-are also in the middle level. "

Yang Orange nodded. He also agreed with this answer. "Actually, Porto’s business philosophy is worth learning, especially when you need to buy and sell players. It does a very good job. Unlike Real Madrid, it doesn’t save players for a lifetime. Liverpool pay more attention to feelings. There are two sides to this kind of thing. No one can talk about good or bad."

Pinto Costa laughed. "You think I want to do this?

I don’t know how many people have scolded me for being cold-blooded over the years, but I can’t help it. In order to compete at our level, Porto spent more than 150 million euros on player salaries and transfers. I mentioned this figure just now.

We have operating income, including tickets and sponsorship fees, which are approximately 105 million euros.

But it is far from enough to spend, so we have to sell players to make up for the remaining gap. Our operation, and the operation of any other club with the same characteristics, is very dependent on the extra income that should come every year, but sometimes it is not Come.

Therefore, in the past 30 years, Porto's model has been to make talented players, talents from their own echelon and talents who buy and sell well in Porto. "

Yang Cheng immediately answered, "This is also the challenge facing Brazilian clubs, buying well and selling well."

"Yes, in terms of player transfer negotiations, the Brazilian club has reached the level reached by Porto.

However, Porto has been doing this for 30 years. Today, relative to the Brazilian market, we have two difficulties.

First, players have become more expensive. Today, Brazilian players are selling at high prices, so profit margins are reduced. Hard to make a profit

Second, direct connections between Brazilian clubs and first-tier, larger clubs have become more and more common, such as Barcelona and Real Madrid.

But despite this, Portuguese football still has advantages, such as language convenience and similar football styles. Portuguese football is a good intermediate stop for Brazilian players to adapt to Europe.

In the future, Portuguese football will continue to be a very good gateway to European football. This is from a competitive point of view, not from an economic point of view, so I think staying in Porto will still be very important for players' appreciation. "

Yang Cheng said coldly, "But now, Porto is no longer the only choice~"

Speaking of this, Pinto sighed unconsciously, "Yes, it is impossible to succeed in every case.

We recently had a player, Militang, bought from Sao Paulo. His adaptation period is very short, because as soon as he arrives, his level is revealed, and then he will leave soon.

Some other players, Porto stayed on the budget, but from a certain moment, they were able to sell them at a favorable price.

There are some players, this kind of thing will not happen, in the team, not all players will succeed.

There is also that kind of core player. We don't make much money from him, but we know that the way he plays allows other players to kick out. He can help us in this strategy. "

Yang Cheng originally wanted to say, did you sell fewer cores?

But when it came to my lips, I didn't say it, but changed the question, "I still admire Porto for being able to ensure a balanced account in the long-term reliance on the income of buying and selling players.

Pinto Costa said helplessly, "You are also in our circle. If possible, who wants to work hard to maintain financial balance?"

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly, too, UEFA stipulated the fiscal fairness policy: First of all, in each year, the club's debt cannot be too high, cannot exceed 5 million euros.

If it exceeds, capital must be injected to fill the gap.

Despite this, it can only reach 30 million euros. It is not unlimited. After that, every six months, the club has to prove that it has no debt to other football clubs or to the players. These are the two pillars of the fiscal fairness policy.

Pinto said, "For two years, Porto failed to comply with the regulations, and renegotiated with UEFA and proposed a plan.

We are fulfilling it in detail, which was introduced by my assistant in the finance department at the general meeting of shareholders.

However, UU reading www. we can't be too hasty, in that case, the competitive strength of our team will be affected.

Now we have made a profit, and there are no debts on the books. This was achieved only one or two years ago, but if we do it too fast, we may damage our sports revenue, our team, and it will affect Win the championship, and our first priority is to win the championship.

We have to negotiate with UEFA to find a easing solution during this intervention process. I hope that this year or next year at the latest, we can complete this process, but after that, we have to be more careful not to fall back into trouble. Go in, because once the economic aspect is involved, there will be too much movement. In the economic field, we have to keep it clean. "

Yang Cheng froze, "Keep it clean? You mean, no more players will be sold in the end?"

"No, no, of course not. We can't do this. It's a utopia, unless it's completely changed. TV broadcast revenue, operating income, or budget becomes a little lower, because it is really a bit high.

We are in a competitive market. In the Champions League finals, our opponents are giants like you Liverpool. We can't suddenly lower our spending.

In terms of television revenue, we, Benfica and Sporting Lisbon have an annual revenue of 45 million euros.

The club with the lowest ranking in the Premier League has a revenue of 120 million euros.

How can we compete with the top clubs? The only thing we can do is to make us less dependent on buying and selling players. "

Yang Cheng can understand the other's helplessness, "Brazil is like this~"

"Yes, today, a Portuguese club may need to make 50 million euros by selling players, but in the future, maybe this amount can be reduced to a comfort zone, between 15 million and 20 million euros."

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