Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2005: The castle is too expensive

In Beihai Manor, the old Carson greeted the owner again, and his emotions were visible to the naked eye.

"Are you okay? Old Carson~" Yang Cheng also gave a enthusiastic hug. She hadn't seen each other for a long time, and missed her old housekeeper, who was staid and cute.

"Very good, this kind of life can't be better, but you are not here often, which makes my work a little boring~"

"Ha~ you should find it easy~"

Under the help of the maid, Yang Cheng took off her coat and took a glass of freshly squeezed juice. He gestured to Old Carson, "Let’s go, accompany me to the garden~"

"No problem, you can take a break first~"

"No, enough rest on the plane~"

The master and servant came back and forth to the Winter Garden, which is located to the right of the center of the whole area, where winter plants are specially planted.

Although it was February, there was a light snowfall some time ago. At this time, the snow has melted, but the vegetation surface is still covered with a layer of frost, but it can’t be felt here. The cold and bleak feeling that winter usually gives people. As long as you choose the right plants, the garden can be beautiful in winter.

The winter garden is full of dogwoods, snowdrops, early-flowering bulbs, hellebore and flowers that bloom in winter. From winter to spring, under the sun and above the frost, the winter can also be colorful.

"I just came back from Portugal, it's sunny there~"

Old Carson responded with a smile, "This is Britain. It snows or rains all year round."

"Ha~ you said the essence of British weather~"

After drinking a sip of juice to moisturize her throat, Yang Cheng was silent for a long time before saying, "How is Recosta now?"

"I only visited him yesterday, and now he is guarded at his home in London. He is not allowed to go out or meet anyone. I just glanced at him from a distance. His face is very haggard. I guess he has lost more than ten years since the accident. jin."

"It deserves it, he deserves it. The road I paved for him is very flat. As long as he walks step by step, there will be no problems. Who would think that he is good at advocating..." He came when he thought of this. gas.

"Forget it, tell me now, is he still saved?"

Old Carson hesitated and said, "If you are willing to spend a lot of money, you will definitely be saved~"

"Big price?"

"Yes, Aunt Mei also has her own ZZ proposition, which needs to be promoted by profit, and he needs some people to set an example~"

This suggestion was similar to what Yang Cheng thought. He asked, "But Aunt Mei’s proposition doesn’t seem to have much to do with the economy~"

"Yes, so far, her claims are mainly about immigration, human rights, women's rights, workers' rights and education.

During her tenure as Minister of the Interior, she repeatedly promised to reduce the number of immigrants to tens of thousands.

However, the UK has a net immigration volume of 330,000. The strategy she most wants to implement is to reduce immigration from outside the EU. However, the resistance is very high, and Downing Street is also frequently controversial.

The Zheng policy stipulates that the non-British spouse or child of a British citizen who wants to immigrate to the UK, regardless of his spouse’s income, the citizen’s income must be higher than £18,600. Now many families are questioning this provision in the High Court. Regulations can cause long-term separation of children from their families.

Aunt Mei likes to call herself ‘a Tory’. She voted for the legalization of same-sex marriage and said, ‘if two people care about and love each other, then they can get married. In the past few years, her concept has been very clear.

In addition, as the Minister of the Interior, she introduced many bills involving domestic violence, including opposing high-pressure control and conducting investigations on the treatment of victims of domestic violence by the police across the country.

Then there is education. . . I haven't seen any strategy that can really stimulate the economy. "

Carson knew everything about Downing Street. Caring about ZZ was a required course for the housekeeper of the big family in the past. Obviously, Carson, who was born in Windsor Castle, would not lose the chain in this regard.

Yang Orange did not speak much, but said, "I will decide this matter after I have discussed it with William, and you still need to implement it~"


"One more thing, the price of the real estate industry should have soared recently, but we don't continue to invest anymore. Holding the current real estate, let's find a time to throw it away, should we make a small profit?"

"At least 50% of the profit, I have calculated it~"

"Very well, the investment income for this two-year investment is already very high. Both the profit and principal will remain in the account of the castle,"

"Okay, it just so happens that some projects in the castle need money?"

"Huh? You mean renovation?"

"Yes, we have undertaken some activities for Thanksgiving and Easter this year, and will gradually open the outer area of ​​the castle.

Therefore, activities and facilities including the church square need to be renovated, and some areas need to be expanded~"

"Only for the residents of the town of Shoreson and the surrounding castle?"


"Well, how much does it cost?"

"About 1 million pounds, just a lot more."

"So much?" Yang Cheng was slightly dumb.

"The materials needed for the church square need to be airlifted from Turkey and Greece, and the statues are also specially restored by the master. The price in this respect..."

"Okay, you don't need to say, I know~"

After Yang Cheng paused, he pointed to the seaside from the garden, "By the way, do you think it is necessary to repair the fortresses left by the castle manor?"

You must know that European castles were first used for defense, so most castles have military functions, such as moats or arrow towers.

People have been using fortifications and civil engineering since the Stone Age. Before the 9th century, there had never been a real castle in Europe.

Due to the resistance to the Viking invasion and the formation of scattered feudal ZZ forces, from the 9th century to the 15th century, thousands of castles spread all over Europe. The first castle in Europe was built in France in the 9th century. In the northwest, in 1905, France alone had more than 10,000 castles.

So in the past, the castle was the home of the lord on his own territory, the trade center of nearby villages, and the fortress of the garrison army.

The early castle was very simple, built on a high ground, and built the main building with rough wood, and the outer wooden fence was the city wall.

Later knights used stone and brick to build castles, which were not only strong but also fireproof.

After the 15th century, due to the liberalization of He Yi and the arrival of the great maritime era, the population of the jurisdiction migrated, and people from the impoverished family to the poor began to pursue a more open and comfortable life. Mu Yuan was shrunk in a small castle, and the castle became less so. It's important.

In addition, the appearance of large-caliber artillery made the military status of the castle gradually disappear.

The basic point of castle defense is to put the attackers in the highest danger and expose the most enemy situations as much as possible; relatively, the risks borne by the defenders should be minimized.

A well-designed castle can be used for long-term and effective defense with very few troops. It has a strong defense that allows the defenders to defend themselves with sufficient supplies until the attackers are driven back by the army that comes to relieve the siege. , Or let the attacker be forced to evacuate when the ammunition is exhausted and food is exhausted and the disease is overwhelming.

Therefore, a good and strong military castle usually contains a fortress or city wall in order to occupy a convenient place.

A fortress is a small castle, usually compounded in a large castle. The function of the fortress is mainly for defense, usually by the people of the castle. If the outer city is captured by the enemy, the defenders can withdraw to the fortress for the final defense.

Many famous castles were built from fortresses. Some fortresses were originally fortifications. Over time, this complex building was gradually expanded to the surroundings, including outer walls and arrow towers, as the first line of defense for the fortress. .

Most European city walls are made of stone, which have the function of preventing fire and shooting weapons such as bows and arrows. If the enemy lacks ladders and siege towers, it is difficult to climb the steep walls. If the walls are built on steep places such as cliffs, their defense value will be lower. Greatly improved, the gates and entrances on the city wall are generally very small in order to improve the ability to resist.

The arrow tower is a strong stronghold built on the corner or wall of the city. The interval is relatively fixed. The arrow tower protrudes outside the city wall so that the defenders can shoot outside. The castle was a simple arrow tower at the beginning, but gradually increased.

There are also battlements on the city wall. It is a wooden platform set above the city wall. During an attack, the wooden platform will protrude from the top of the city wall or arrow tower, allowing the defenders to shoot directly at the enemy outside the wall, and the platform needs to be kept moist. Fire prevention.

Outside the city walls, trenches or moats are usually dug and barriers are artificially set up.

The trench was dug at the bottom of the city wall, surrounding the entire castle, and filled with water as much as possible to form a moat. Soldiers in armor fell into the water and it was difficult to survive.

The existence of the moat has also increased the difficulty for the enemy to dig tunnels. Some siege fighters always try to drain and fill the moat before starting a battle, and then use a siege tower or a ladder to attack.

A suspension bridge is set above the moat to cross the moat or trench, allowing the residents of the castle to enter and exit when needed. When the suspension bridge is lifted in a critical moment, the moat will protect the safety of the monarch and residents in the castle to the greatest extent.

The entrance and exit gates are wooden or iron movable fences located on the passage of the city gate.

The gate is a gatehouse with an internal space. It is a strong stronghold to defend the castle. The defenders can reach the gatehouse through a tunnel from the gate passage.

At the middle or both ends of the tunnel, there are one or more layers of gates, which can be hoisted or lowered. Once the siege enters, the gates will fall to hinder the enemy's progress and attack.

The open area between the outer city gate and the inner city gate is called the outer fort. It is surrounded by the city wall and is used to trap intruders who pass through the outer city gate. Once the attacker reaches the outer fort, it is often reduced to bows and arrows and other The target of the projected weapon.

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