Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2016: Qatar Zhen??/a>

The English afternoon tea is almost all placed on the three-tiered plate. The bottom two layers are sandwiches, and the top is colorful desserts.

There are 4 flavors of finger sandwiches, each group of 4, arranged in a square, eat from the bottom up, from salty to sweet, you can not take it randomly, that is to say, start with the sandwich.

Whoever sits in front of the dinner plate will be responsible for delivering the meal. Wei Mingsi took the initiative to take on this job. He picked up the dinner plate and asked Yang Cheng what he wanted to eat, and then asked Carson. After both sides had been selected, he would be on his own. Pick one.

In short, if anyone wants to eat a meal, they must first ask the person next to them if they need it, make sure that both sides are taken care of, and then satisfy themselves. Although this eating method is cumbersome, it also constantly releases goodwill and promotes mutual communication.

The sandwich is usually followed by scones, which is English quick bread. Its name is derived from scones or the stone of destiny, which was once the crowning place of the Scottish royal family.

Traditional scones are shaped into triangles, with oats as the main material, and the rice **** are baked in a shallow pan for pancakes. Nowadays, flour has become the main material and is baked in an oven like ordinary bread. , The shape is no longer a rigid triangle, it can be made into various shapes such as a circle, a square or a diamond.

Of course, it can be made into a sweet taste or a salty taste.

The most important thing is that the scones must be eaten hot, so they must be baked fresh. After the sandwiches are eaten, the waiter will bring the scones.

The correct way to eat scones is to break it apart and apply a layer of cream and a layer of jam. As for the cream or jam first, it is the same as the sweet or salty tofu brain. There are also two major schools. Wei Mingsi can't tell which is better, it depends on his own taste.

The warm scones, exuding the scent of butter and wheat, coated with cream and jam, are indeed much better than sandwiches.

Wei Mingsi suddenly said an English joke, "The queen doesn't actually eat scones first." Wei Mingsi puts on the jam and said, "It's just her dog loves to eat them, so every time she also gives scones to the guests." .

Okay, this joke is a bit cold, but it's also very British.

In fact, Wei Mingsi wanted to take the initiative to provoke the topic, but Yang Cheng didn't answer the conversation. Old Carson remained silent. This time was not hot.

Of course, it’s the same sentence. It doesn’t matter whether the afternoon tea is delicious or not. When you come for the afternoon tea, you just want to assume that these are delicious, so the British don’t care about this. The topic set by the hostess of the afternoon tea, guests The most important thing is that the weather is good today. What is important is the decentness from the inside to the outside.

However, despite the general atmosphere of the venue, Wei Mingsi still found a topic to talk about, "Speaking of which, Britain can have afternoon tea, and I also want to thank country Z for the black tea.

In 1610, Dutch merchants brought back a small amount of Wuyi black tea from country Z for the first time, which became a very popular commodity when country Z was exported to Europe.

At that time, country Z was still a mysterious and prosperous eastern country for Europeans, and any item from country Z always gave a noble atmosphere.

Due to the enlightenment of Wuyi black tea, the dissemination of black tea in the UK experienced a process of gradually infiltrating from the royal family and aristocracy to ordinary people, and gradually formed a unique black tea cultural system in Britain.

Queen Catherine of Charles II of England played a key role in the introduction and spread of black tea in the UK. Queen Catherine was originally a Portuguese princess and was said to love black tea. After she married to England, she brought black tea to the British court for the first time. Therefore, it is also called the Queen of Drinking Tea. "

This period of history, if you are not a professional, you don't really know it. Yang Cheng listened very seriously and chatted with Wei Mingsi along with this topic.

Gradually, the topic was introduced to Wei Mingsi himself. He was born in England and went to Xiangjiang with his parents. He has lived in Xiangjiang for more than 20 years. He is currently less than 40 years old in his 30s and is considered a successful career.

However, he felt that the job in front of him had no future, and he always wanted to get out of this circle, and the writer was for him to find another means of making a living for himself.

Over the years as an afternoon tea mentor, he has come into contact with countless celebrities and maintained good relationships with many people. He naturally heard many secrets that ordinary people want to hear but never hear. No, gossip is more appropriate.

There is nothing more suitable for gossip talk than afternoon tea.

So Wei Mingsi came up with this idea. Through job opportunities, the gossip of these celebrities will be artistically processed and presented to the general public. I believe there will be an audience in the market.

Yang Cheng asked unexpectedly, "So, I'm very likely to become a character in your book?"

Wei Mingsi made no secret, "Of course, but you can rest assured, I will use a pseudonym and try to obscure your identity background, even if someone guesses it, I won't admit it~"

Yang Cheng smiled, "Don't be nervous, I don't care about this~"

Wei Mingsi thought suddenly, "By the way, Mr. Yang, have you considered a biography?"

"Put out a biography?" Yang Cheng laughed blankly. "Put out a biography as soon as I am. No one has suggested it."

"It doesn't matter if you publish a biography, you can publish it when you reach your social status~"

"No, no, I don't need it, and I don't need to make money by selling books~"

"Of course, you don't lack this money, but a good biography can increase your influence in the eyes of the world."

"Uh~ still not interested~"

"Well, I just said casually~"

But judging from the regretful look on his face, it didn't seem to be casual.

At this time, there were intensive footsteps outside the door, and soon a private room next door was opened, followed by a noisy communication.

Wei Mingsi frowned in dissatisfaction. This is not the sound of traditional English afternoon tea.

So he stood up, opened the door and walked out but after a while, he shook his head and returned with a wry smile.

"It's Princess Moza and her entourage~"

Yang Cheng and Old Carson looked at each other. It was just such a coincidence that they had just become a competitor and they met in the afternoon tea. Although they have not yet met, the momentum of competition has risen. . .

As one of the managers of Qatar's sovereign wealth fund, Princess Mozha is absolutely legendary in the Middle East, equivalent to Zhen Huan.

What does that sentence say?

History is cruel. The winner is the king and the loser is the invader. Princess Moza is the hostage taken by the winner in movies and television.

However, she was different from other hostages who were dealt with or depressed, she directly counterattacked, turned the serf over and sang!

And now Moza is not high-profile, who can tell that she was a hostage at the beginning?

When this high-profile queen doesn't make any noise when she travels, it's not her.

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