Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 806: IRS of transfer target

   IRS investigators have returned from the New Age Media without success.

   This is the news that Yang Cheng received after getting up in the morning. Undoubtedly, this is exciting news, because the opponent's abacus has not started.

Yang Cheng decided to go back and add a chicken leg to his accountant team. They did a good job. In fact, Yang Cheng never took the initiative to evade taxes. For people like him, tax evasion is shameful. They are just using reasonable methods. Avoid unnecessary taxes and let your own funds be more active.

   However, this time IRS does not seem to be ready to give up. Instead, it points the finger at another industry leader-Apple CEO Tim Cook.

Some media said that Cook decided to donate all his property to a charity fund after he sponsored his 10-year-old nephew to go to college. The current value of Apple stock held by Cook is calculated. When the family was worth nearly 700 million U.S. dollars, some people expressed admiration for this behavior, but more under the guidance of caring people, they regarded Cook's move as an escape from the high inheritance tax.

   Then, the media found that IRS investigators were haunting Apple and Cook's home. Obviously, Cook was targeted by IRS, and some people immediately clamored, "Look, Cook has a problem~"

In fact, donations from the super-rich in the United States are never new. As early as 2008, when Bill Lid stepped down as the CEO of Microsoft, he announced that he would donate all his $58 billion fortune to a charitable fund under his name. , The old stock **** Buffett and lid jointly launched the "donation oath" activity, calling on billionaires to use at least half of their wealth for charity before or after their deaths, and hundreds of billionaires responded.

   But while these rich people are receiving praise, they are also strongly questioned whether they are genuinely charitable.

   Many people pointed out that the United States adopts a progressive tax system for inheritance taxes. The larger the assets, the more inheritance taxes must be paid when the children inherit the inheritance.

  In addition to the inheritance tax, heirs also have to pay personal income tax. According to the current tax rate, if the wealth of these billionaires is to be passed on to the next generation in a formal way, it is inevitable that about half of their wealth will be collected by the state.

What is even more troublesome for the rich is that the American tax law stipulates that the beneficiaries of the inheritance must pay the inheritance tax before inheriting the inheritance. This means that these rich people must leave the inheritance to their children, but also to their children. Enough money to pay inheritance tax.

If the rich have to pay taxes to realise their stocks, the loss of wealth is too great, and the assets are transferred to a foundation established by themselves. This part of the assets can not only be tax-free, but also can be controlled by themselves, their children can enjoy, and they can also get one. The good name of a philanthropist is the "best" choice for the rich. In other words, a considerable number of people believe that the donation of charity by the rich is only for personal gain and is not worthy of praise.

   Others pointed out that many charitable foundations pay more attention to investment and management, but ignore the charity itself.

For example, the Gates Foundation, which is positioned as a social charity activity, obtained an investment return of up to 3.9 billion U.S. dollars with a capital of 26.8 billion U.S. dollars in 2003, with a profit margin of about 15%, which is higher than the profits of many profit-oriented companies. The rate is even higher.

   And the Gates Foundation can be tax-free as long as 5% of its total assets are used for charitable projects every year, which contradicts its stated goals of promoting health, housing and social welfare issues.

But how can the billionaires use common sense? They have slapped many people in the face with actions. If the inheritance tax forced the US billionaires to conduct charity, then for the abolition of the inheritance tax, it stands to reason that these billionaires should Is the most welcome.

But the actual situation is just the opposite. As early as the beginning of the 21st century, when Xiaofeixie was in office, he proposed tax cuts to stimulate economic vitality in order to boost the American economy. Among them, the gradual abolition of the inheritance tax was related to public welfare. It was opposed by a group of billionaires such as Buffett.

Bill Lid’s father, William Lid, Soros, and Disney’s heiress, and other 120 billionaires jointly filed a petition to the U.S. Congress to oppose the abolition of the estate tax, and advertised in the New York Times: “Please taxus tax)!"

   They believe that this tax exemption policy can only benefit the millions and billionaires of the United States and harm the poor who cannot make ends meet.

Because ZF tax reduction will reduce social welfare, medical security, environmental protection and other government projects that are vital to the entire society. Moreover, this approach will make some wealthy people lose the motivation to donate to public welfare and will reduce private Income from public welfare undertakings.

  The old stock **** also believes that the worse effect of the abolition of the inheritance tax is to destroy the social foundation on which the United States relies on the founding of the country, that is, to get rich by personal contribution rather than by family background.

   In a sense, the US inheritance tax is to reduce the behavior of getting paid for nothing and passing on wealth from generation to generation. It aims to achieve the equalization of generational succession and prevent the next generation of the rich from easily winning on the starting line.

   In addition, the inheritance tax collected can increase federal income, thereby subsidizing disadvantaged groups to enhance the overall benefits of society. This concept is also the consensus of many wealthy people in the United States. The inheritance tax is not related to donations.

   As for the problem of the appreciation of the investment of charity funds, it is better to explain, that is to make charity more sustainable!

It should be understood that the property of private charitable foundations is mainly non-cash assets such as stocks, and the price of stocks is affected by the economic situation. If too many assets are directly invested in charity instead of investment appreciation, once the economic situation is not good, charity The amount of donations received by the foundation will also decrease. If there are not enough assets to maintain, these private charitable foundations may close their doors.

   Through various investments, it is possible to ensure its continuous financial resources and the long-lasting philanthropy.

For example, when the Rockefeller Foundation was established, its assets were 100 million U.S. dollars, and the Ford Foundation’s assets were only 3.3 billion U.S. dollars at the beginning of its establishment. By 2000, the Rockefeller Foundation’s assets exceeded 3.8 billion U.S. dollars, and the Ford Foundation’s assets also appreciated. To nearly 12 billion U.S. dollars.

   They spend hundreds of millions of dollars in charity each year. These two foundations have continued to grow through investment and have become typical of the most influential private foundations in the world.

   Therefore, no matter how you look at it, Cook’s behavior is not wrong, but under the guidance of a caring person, it became an opportunity for the IRS to investigate.

IRS likes to target the middle class. Yes, but they have never let go of their vigilance against billionaires. Don’t think that billionaires have top private financial planners to help with tax issues, but as long as they are people, they will make mistakes. Once they are caught , To investigate 100 middle-class people on top of the fines.

   Therefore, this group of IRS who swarmed immediately with the smell of blood would never let the big fish Cook.

   Of course, Yang Cheng was also very puzzled when he received the news. The IRS suddenly visited him to investigate him. It was clear that he was instigated by someone, but in the end nothing was found. But why did he immediately target Cook again?

   Yang Cheng and Cook have no relationship at all. What's more, Tim Cook himself has no obvious tendency to ZZ. Generally, he supports whoever looks favorably, or simply follows the trend.

Before the general election was finalized, he did not explicitly support a candidate. Although the entire Silicon Valley and the technology sector, and even the entire western United States, are more supportive of the Donkey Party. Whoever makes the Elephant Party too conservative is full of innovative spirit. It is a taboo for the Internet and technology industries of China.

   Then why did IRS stare at Tim Cook inexplicably?

   Yang Cheng was puzzled, and decided to take a look. Before the result came out, no one could be sure whether this was a conspiracy or just a normal behavior of the IRS.

Although Yang Cheng had similar thoughts about the IRS's investigation of his own behavior before, according to the situation after Kari inquired, the IRS special investigator suddenly received a call from the superior and went to New Times Media to give Yang Orange's tax payment situation is investigated.

This is very obvious. As for whether people from the generosity family are pushing behind the scenes, Yang Cheng has no evidence, but this does not prevent him from directing the suspicious spearhead at the generosity family, because they are unlucky and they benefit the most, according to the general conspiracy. On inference, in a conspiracy, whoever benefits the most is more likely to be the conspiracy planner.

Oh, yes, the young junior of the generosity family who was stared by Hansen before may have noticed something wrong. Under the arrangement of the family, he quickly evacuated from Los Angeles, so that Hansen had not had time to take the person down. He had already returned to his hometown in Texas, which made Hansen very regretful. He asked Yang Cheng for instructions that if he wanted to take people to Texas himself, he had to take the **** alive.

Yang Cheng didn't say anything, but he couldn't blame Hansen. How could the Busch family not have characters that match Hansen's abilities or even outperform him? If nothing else, that **** knows nothing, UU read www.uukānshu. Com, who started poisoning the three women and planted Yang Cheng to blame, is definitely a master.

   Later, Hansen personally sneaked into the scene to investigate. After he came out, even he himself was convinced. It would be difficult for him to be so clean after changing. There were almost no clues left. The murderer was definitely a master.

   Of course, he did not work in vain, he finally found out the clues from the other party's handling of monitoring.

Hansen was sure that the murderer had definitely received the most rigorous and top-level special military training, because the other party solved the trouble of surveillance in a very special way, which is very similar to the usual methods used by a unit that Hansen knows. But the old opponent of the Delta Force he once belonged to was the Polar Bear's special signal flag force.

   Its strength is comparable to the well-known Alpha, but the outside world knows less about it and is extremely mysterious. If Alpha is mainly used to perform special domestic tasks, then the signal flag is responsible for facing abroad.

The establishment time and number of this force are unknown, but it is estimated to be established at the end of the Cold War. Its members are selected from other special forces. The total size is always less than a thousand, usually 20 elites. Choose one of the special forces. Everyone must be proficient in the languages ​​of two or three countries, and then undergo a special closed training for 5 years before they can be released to perform tasks, and all those who can successfully dispatch troops and join the formal sequence are 100 The king of war soldiers.


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