Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 830: Hell in Angel City

If it is not personal experience, I am afraid no one would want to believe that the City of Angels is actually a collection of heaven and hell. Of course, Yang Cheng has long been accustomed to this. The United States is a completely capitalist country. Heaven, no money is hell!

   What everyone knows about the appearance of the United States shown to the world through television networks is that the United States has a developed economic system and a sound welfare system.

   However, the US welfare system has its limitations.

   For example, generous unemployment benefits have a nine-month time limit, and unemployment benefits are also relative to employees who have bought unemployment insurance.

  U.S. subsidies for the poor are low-income groups calculated on a family basis and do not include those who are not working.

Most of the poor in the United States are homeless homeless people. Even in New York, the most economically developed city in the world, there are a large number of homeless people, and many of these homeless people freeze to death on the streets of New York every winter. , Died there, even JC wouldn't even look at you.

   New York aside, everyone knows that New York once was the largest crime capital in the United States. However, the city of Angels is bathed in the warm California sunshine, and few people know its dark side.

  According to the housing price, we can see some clues. Generally speaking, the areas near the mountains and the sea are higher. The backing place mainly refers to the north of Los Angeles, Beverly Hills is just to the north, and the sea is located in the west of Los Angeles. The most famous place is Malibu, a gathering place for Jewish financiers and stylistic stars.

In the southern area, apart from the long beach by the sea, which is pretty good, there is really no place worth mentioning. In fact, it is not far from this famous attraction and has spread to downtown Los Angeles. The population of slums is very complicated. They are all low-level workers, even unemployed people, and even black bangs.

Most of the people living here are blacks and Mexicans, as well as a small number of Asians and yellow races. Whites rarely live in the south, and even white homeless people are reluctant to stop here. Social security is also a hardest hit area in Los Angeles, and they spend their days all day long. There are noisy people all over the street. From the dressing, and even the eyes of the people here, you can feel a big difference from the residents of northern Los Angeles.

The buildings, cars, and streets in the south are in sharp contrast with those in the north of Los Angeles. They are messy, old, and dirty. All bad words that can be thought of can be used here, especially in terms of hygiene. The garbage piles are in the open air and cigarette butts. Needles are all over the floor, and all kinds of graffiti have nothing to do with the so-called street art. Here, if you can find a clean house, you can buy a power ball and try your luck, even better than that. The dress rehearsal with a probability of one in ten million is even lower.

   Anyway, as long as someone can earn a little bit of money, no one does not want to leave the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible and live the life that a real Los Angeles person should have.

Escalade went all the way south, drove off the flat and wide main road, and drove off at a small fork in the road. After walking on the dirt road for about 10 minutes, he finally saw the crowds again, but Yang Cheng saw them all. The drug addict with thin face and sunken eye sockets hobbled on the street.

A few women of invisible age are dressed in ragged clothes, barely covering sensitive parts, leaning against the graffiti wall and smoking cigarettes. In fact, there is only a skinny body left, and even the evil spirits can hardly raise any interest. In this way, they are safe!

I don’t know how long I haven’t seen such a clean car driving into the street. When the Escalade’s daytime running lights came on, everyone looked at the car with greed and fear. They had seen this kind of car. The special vehicles of the key departments of the United States, and dare to appear here so blatantly, it is not good to say that it is the scribble to come here to handle the case, can only suppress the impulse to swarm, and follow the vehicle closely, as if you only need to make sure that this is not a slivered car. They will immediately disassemble the car into a skeleton!

But they are also very puzzled. It stands to reason that in their three-regardless zone, countless people die year-round. ZF is too lazy to manage it and can't manage it. Even they almost forget what the JC uniform looks like. What big case is worthy of the group wearing. The **** in the suit came to **** in person, not afraid of dirtying their black and shiny leather boots?

Through the privacy glass, Andrew stared intently at the road ahead. His speed did not decrease at all, and he didn't even put his foot on the brake pedal. Parking here is definitely killing him. If anyone dares to stand up and try the body hardness of Escalade , Andrew definitely doesn't mind meeting the other party's request. Everyone here will not be held accountable, or someone will seek justice for him. No, absolutely not!

   Anyway, the safety of Yang Cheng is the top priority, and everything else, including the lives of his poor compatriots, is not worth mentioning in Andrew's eyes.

   Yang Cheng sits in the back row, turning a blind eye to all this, softhearted? mercy? sympathy? All of them don't exist. Now he is full of ideas about **** Cruise Moore, but he is a little curious, why did Hansen shut people up here, are you afraid that Cruise Moore will run away? You must know that slums are their favorite with dense buildings and mixed people, as long as you find a way to escape the restrictions and get into the crowd, no one can even try to find people out.

When Andrew heard Yang Cheng’s question, Yu Guang glanced in the rearview mirror and continued to look forward and replied, “We have prepared a dozen safe houses in New York and Los Angeles for emergencies. This is just one of them. Why should Cruise be locked up here? I don’t know what Hansen thinks. If it is me, maybe it is because it is easier to destroy the corpse here."

Yang Cheng nodded. This reason makes sense. If Yang Cheng wants to kill Cruise Moore, Hansen can’t bear to stop him. He must find ways to destroy Yang Cheng’s body. A dead body appears here. Most of the result is to become food for wild dogs. Still want to find out how this person died? Go dreaming.

Tilting his head, looking at a poor black boy on the side of the road through the car window, he sighed. The boy was unkempt and scrawny. He was wearing a washed-out Rocket period McGrady No. 1 jersey, holding a frizzy in his hand. His basketball is patted from time to time, but his attention has long since been on basketball. It seems that Escalade who whizzes by in front of him is more interested in him. The look of envy and desire is hard to conceal.

   Yang Cheng sighed, suppressed the heart of compassion, turned his head and didn't look at it again, so as not to overwhelm the heart of the Virgin and even hate himself, how many poor people in the world? He can't manage it, it's more important to deal with the immediate matter!



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