Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 835: A social person

Yang Cheng patted Richard Debin's chest on the phone to ensure that the program was properly arranged. It is the best job for TV stations to guide public opinion. How to calmly instill ideas and concepts into the people, and every TV station Have a set of methods.

For example, CW TV station, benefiting from the explosion of the topic of “Zheng” revealing the secrets, has recently become a representative of credibility in the eyes of the public. Many seemingly top-secret conspiracies have been announced by the TV station. The public sighed about the darkness of ZZ, and they also complained to CW TV station. It is increasingly certain that the media that dare to expose the conspiracy and return the truth to the public are good media!

   Therefore, the public was controlled by the TV station and half-forced to accept the brainwashing of the upper class, especially the purposeful brainwashing.

   But ordinary people love to watch, what can be more exciting these days than exposing the privacy of a big man?

   You don’t see a website that specializes in tracking celebrities and gossip has a market value of several hundred million, which shows how scarce people's spiritual food is.

Not long after hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng frowned and looked at the email from Richard Debin on the computer. The content of the email was all the information of a person. This person's name was Bennett. When he saw this name, Yang Cheng Orange subconsciously thought it was William Bennett, the famous educator and writer. He was a loyal follower of Reagan President Tong. He served as the Minister of Education in the Reagan cabinet and served as the national drug control in the old Busch ZF. Director Zheng Strategy.

But continue to read, Yang Cheng found that the two people just had the same name, and Yang Cheng was relieved to know that William Bennett had a fan in the United States, and a "General History of the United States" almost pushed him. Xiang Shentan, the "American Morning" column he presided over has long dominated the American morning ratings champion.

If it is him, the difficulty will be doubled. Fortunately, Bennett is a senior official of the Elephant Party. He is now the deputy director of the Eurasian Affairs Bureau of the National Wuyuan Institute. There are two bosses above him, one is the director. The other is the third state affairs officer. In other words, his right to speak in Eurasian regional affairs ranks third, which is quite a remarkable position.

   According to the data, this person has dealt with the relationship between Israel and Israel for a long time. . .

In addition to the information on the surface, there is also a special record about Bennett at the end of the email, which describes his religious sect, personality, personal likes and dislikes, and some dark history. This is what Yang Cheng needs to understand. of.

Yang Cheng focused on reading the information about Bennet’s religion. He is an evangelical Christian and often expresses his views on the affairs of religious committees. Within the Elephant Party, he is also an extreme radical. Compared with the relatively moderate "organization" in Dang "Pie", Bennett’s proposition has always been fist-and-stick, and he is extremely mean to his subordinates. Although there is no record of racial discrimination, such a character has long been known. He is a typical white supremacist.

   However, it is precisely because of his personality that makes him an expert on Israeli relations.

   As mentioned earlier, Judaism occupies a very important position in the relationship between the United States and Israel. However, compared with Judaism, what is not known to the outside world in the diplomatic policy of the United States towards Israel is the power of American Christians.

   Under the long-term influence of Christian values ​​and moral ethics, the United States has always regarded itself as the "selected people" of God, a "city on the hill", and shouldering the mission of God.

   Under this logic, the United States also assumes the responsibility of protecting and saving the Jews from the agent of God.

   In the United States, liberal Christians and conservative evangelical Christians both support Jews and Israelite, but they are strong and weak, and the general direction is the same.

Liberal Christians believe that historical anti-Semitism and the US’s refusal to accept European Jews during World War II are against humanitarianism. Therefore, they feel guilty and try to repay the past by protecting Jews and supporting Jews’ interests. Sin, and the massacre suffered by six million Jews has had a huge impact on American Jews and Christianity, making Christians feel heavy guilt towards the Jewish nation. This kind of divine logic floods the brains of many Americans.

   And evangelical Christians are typical representatives of religious right yi. Evangelicals’ support for se-listed support is based on theology and their interpretation of the Bible.

   Evangelicals believe that the establishment of a new Israelite, the return of the Jews to Palestine and the establishment of the third temple, will herald the coming of Christ again, the biblical prophecy will be fulfilled, and those who believe will be ascended to heaven.

The evangelical Christians in the United States are enthusiastic for Christian faith and religious purposes and enthusiastically support the unity and unity of the Se-listed, because the coming of Christ presupposes the return of the Jews to Palestine, and among them, the protection of the Se-listed by the United States will affect the United States itself. The ultimate destiny in the process of sacred history.

On the issue of the establishment of the Israelites, Christianity and Judaism achieved a certain reconciliation, "Christian evangelicals are going all out to support Israel, and their theological purpose is to establish a Christian kingdom in the world, and the Old Testament shared by Jews and Christians is also The agreement between the two solidifies the foundation."

   After the founding of the country, Orthodox Jews actively developed relations with Christian evangelicals all over the world, seeking evangelical Christians to serve as a bridge between ZF and Israel in their country.

The United States is one of the most important chess pieces. In the 1970s, on the one hand, Christian evangelicals formed an alliance with the Elephant Party; on the other hand, Christian evangelicals maintained friendly relations with the Jewish people in the United States. After all, everyone was crawling in a pit. from.

This Bennett joined the Elephant Party at that time and has risen all the way, and finally climbed to the position of the authoritative expert on relations with Israel. He has a close relationship with the Jewish billionaire. Richard Debin’s eyes are really poisonous. Identify the key and fatal blow of the opponent. If Bennett is successfully removed, at least in the short term there will be short-term problems in the relationship between the Elephant Party and the Israeli side, enough for the Donkey Party to operate.

   Looking at Bennett's black material, which is nearly ten pages of documents, Yang Cheng thinks this is not difficult at all.

   This guy is also black-hearted. It’s nothing more than embezzling by using his power. He also attacked underage girls and returned Christ, yuck~

   Yang Cheng took a sip. I look down on the strong one. Is the money used to wipe my butt?

   There is no psychological burden for such a scum, regardless of whether it has ZZ purpose or not!

Therefore, CW TV station is going to make a big move. The colleagues at the headquarters found that the people in the news column group in the morning are almost too busy to fly. Yang Cheng's movements are fast, and Mark Pedewitz's movements are faster. As soon as he received the call from Yang Orange, he arranged to set up a special group. The arrangement for the Busch family was temporarily put on hold, and the group went all out to prepare Bennett's relevant materials.

Everyone was very excited. Before, Mrs. Qing was dismissed from the state affairs. Yes, the members of the column group are very proud to think that Mrs. Zipton stepped down because they did a good job in the program and couldn't hold the pressure. Everyone is proud of you. , Now there are Gaoguans who want to plant in their hands. Can you keep them from getting excited?

   Everyone put out 120% of their energy, added three consecutive days of work, and was ready for the shooting of the first episode of the program. It was officially released on September 13th.

The previous propaganda notices were well done. Earlier that morning, more than 3 million viewers watched this special program. Because the donkey party has to cooperate with the donkey party, it will cause trouble, so the first program Bennett has not yet The official starring was mainly about a large-scale speculation report on Jifu who was murdered the day before yesterday. At the end of this episode, the host used a circumflex tone to plant a foreshadowing, that is, behind this murder is a terrifying conspiracy. .

After the show was broadcast, there was a heated discussion on the Internet. After all, it has only been three days since the Tucson, Arizona shooting. The remaining heat has not disappeared, and discussions on social networks are endless. At this time, the report of CW TV station naturally became popular. Bring it up again, and even go up a few steps.

There is no way, there is always a market for conspiracy theories. Prejudice and inertia of thinking are the natural weaknesses of human beings. This is inevitable. Irrational over-speculation is the nature of human beings. The thematic columns also take advantage of this point. The explosion of ratings.

Anyway, CW TV station harvested a wave of heat again, especially with the broadcast of the second episode, the heat is comparable to Kilauea Volcano eruption, thousands of degrees Celsius of magma rolled in, sweeping the entire American land, because the second In the column of the issue, the conspiracy was directed at the Elephant Of course, the program did not say clearly, but only used language and so-called evidence to guide the audience’s thinking, aside from those particularly opinionated audiences. Some viewers don't like to use their brains when watching TV, and they are naturally brought to the rhythm.

In this program, Gifford’s past experience in the zheng world is introduced in detail, focusing on several conflicts between him and the elephant party members, and if there is nothing, I will lead the two dang struggles in the direction of the previous period. The wide-open audience immediately thought of the murder of ZZ.

After that, the media controlled by the Donkey Party immediately cooperated with this program to guide the public opinion. Overwhelming conspiracy theories flooded the entire network, and the Elephant Party had no time to fight back. First, their strength in the field of public opinion was weak and fundamentally resisted. However, the offensive jointly by several major media groups; second, because they were prepared for the donkey party's counterattack a long time ago, but they did not expect the counterattack to come so fiercely. Before finding the target of the opponent's counterattack, the elephant party could not start. A powerless resister.

When the second episode of the program ended, Yang Cheng received a call from Richard Debin again. He asked Yang Cheng to bring Bennett out as soon as possible. The current attack is too great. Obviously, the Donkey Party does not want to be with the Elephant Party. In a full-scale war, killing one and killing a group are completely two concepts.

   Yang Cheng has nothing to do. Since the old fox has spent a huge price, he can’t make people feel at a loss. Yang Cheng is a very particular social person!



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