Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 837: Hawaiian Lo

In the study, Yang Cheng chatted with Andrew who returned to report, and after repeatedly confirming that he had completely buried the traces of Cruise Moore and Timothy Chuk, he was relieved. One is the pleasure of revenge against the Busch family; the other is a little guilt towards Hansen, but in any case, the person is gone, and the decision is made by him, so naturally he will not regret it.

   Let Andrew go down to rest, the answering machine on the table rang, and then White's voice came, "Mr. Yang is here~"

The Mr. Yang in White’s mouth is naturally not Yang Cheng, but his father Yang Sen. After reaching an agreement with Richard Debin, Yang Cheng told his father about the matter. Anyway, there is no suitable candidate in his hand to push him to the Senate. , Even if there is, it is not his turn to decide.

   Yang Sen didn't say anything after learning about this situation, he just said something to ask him to wait and hung up the phone, until today on the plane did he inform Yang Cheng that he was coming to Los Angeles.

   No, people have already picked it up. Speaking of it, this is the first time the family has come to Jason Manor. Just now White sent someone to clean up and down urgently.

   Yang Cheng went downstairs and came to the door unhurriedly. The blue Rolls-Royce Ghost was beautifully set against the white clouds.

   The car stopped, Yang Cheng personally stepped forward to open the door for Dad, and said smoothly, "Dad, welcome to Jason Manor~"

Regarding this sentence, Yang Sen had nothing but a blank eye, standing by the car, looking around in a circle. The dense vegetation perfectly blocked prying eyes from other directions, and the neat garden and elegant fountain added a lot. Style, Yang Sen nodded with satisfaction, "Not bad, but Beverly is too noisy, I don't like it."

   and Yang Cheng didn’t have to pay attention to the wording, and spit out bluntly. Yang Cheng gave a wry smile, "Let me say, I love the sunshine of California more than the cold of New York~"

   Yang Sen snorted softly, not paying attention, "Okay, let's go in and say~"

   At the same time, he smiled politely to White, "Thank you for a cup of tea, and ask for the best, don't feel bad for this kid~"

  White caught the joke perfectly, "No problem, sir, it must be good tea at the bottom of the box~"

After smashing his son together, Yang Sen seemed very happy. He entered the house with his hands behind his back. Yang Cheng followed behind and gave a brief introduction. Yang Sen nodded while listening, "This is almost an entertainment paradise, basically all the entertainment facilities. Everything is available, suitable for your young people."

  Yang Cheng shrugged. At that time, he spent a lot of money to win the manor, and he also valued this point. "Otherwise, I won't buy it. If you have time, you can go to the ranch for a round, and it will be more beautiful there~"

   Yang Sen waved his hand, "Forget it, the company can't be separated for too long, go to your study, it's time to discuss business."

   Yang Cheng's expression was serious, leading the way.

The two went upstairs and came to the study. After White put on the tea set and exited, Yang Sen said, "You should know that the position of the Senate is very important to us. After discussing it with your grandpa, I decided to push Luo Zhenhua up. "

   Yang Cheng raised his brows. He seemed to have heard the name but it was very strange, and he couldn't match his face at all.

   "When did this person pop up? Why haven't I heard of it?"

   Yang Sen smiled, "Why haven't I heard of it, he is now a member of the Hawaii State Council."

   Yang Cheng was stunned for a moment, her pupils dilated, "Is that Luo family?"

   The Luo family he said was once a representative family of Chinese Americans, but it has been very low-key in recent decades that many people have almost forgotten the existence of this family.

   Yang Sen replied in the affirmative, "Yes, this Luo Zhenhua is Luo Youliang's grandson, and now he is enough to inherit the glory of his grandfather."

Yang Cheng’s surprise has not diminished, and he is sighed. Luo Youliang still knows that he was not only the first Chinese American citizen to be elected to the U.S. Senate, but also the first Asian American to enter the U.S. Senate, starting from him. , It can be regarded as truly writing the chapter of the American Chinese from zheng, which can be said to be "the founder of the mountain."

   But in terms of age, even Luo Youliang's grandson, Luo Zhenhua's age is not too young, right, "Dad, Luo Zhenhua is not too young, right?"

   Yang Sen nodded, "Well, I am older than me, 55 years old this year."

   Speaking of the Luo family, it can be traced back to the end of the 19th century. At that time, Luo Youliang's father came to Hawaii from the GD province of Z country as a laborer. At that time, his father was employed as a sugarcane tenant farmer with a monthly salary of only $12.

   There are 11 brothers and sisters of Luo Youliang. He himself ranked seventh. In his childhood, due to poverty, Luo Youliang understood the meaning and value of labor.

   When he was studying in a public middle school, he earned some money by selling newspapers, shining shoes, and carrying golf clubs to help his family and complete his studies.

   After graduating from middle school, Luo Youliang served at the Pearl Harbor Naval Base for 3 years. He used his savings for tuition and entered the University of Hawaii for further studies.

   The University of Hawaii has a strict curriculum, but he has worked harder than other students. He has completed four years of courses in two years, and he has excellent grades and received many awards.

After getting a bachelor's degree at the University of Hawaii, Luo Youliang, with great ambitions, wanted to study law at Harvard University, but he had no funding source. He had to work for two years, saved some money, borrowed 300 dollars from his brother, and went to the United States alone. , Entered Harvard Law School.

   Until 1935, Luo Youliang obtained a law degree, and he returned to Hawaii. At that time, he took home only "a dime and a new profession."

The so-called "new profession" is that he and his friends opened a law firm in Hawaii, mainly for the Chinese community, and brought a glimmer of light to the conservative and oppressed Chinese at that time. Therefore, the firm’s business is very good, and therefore it has not accumulated. Less capital.

In 1941, World War II broke out. Luo Youliang responded to the call of the US ZF to perform military service. He was transferred to the European battlefield to fight. At that time, the system of the US military was that each soldier was allocated and used according to their education level, work ability and professional ability. Benefiting from his status as a graduate of Harvard Law School and proficient in law, he was appointed as a military judge in the military. Due to his outstanding performance, he was quickly promoted to major.

At the end of the war in 1945, Kwong Youliang took off his military uniform and returned to Hawaii. He joined the Elephant Party and devoted himself to ZZ activities. In Western countries like the United States, people who do not understand or know much about the law must engage in ZZ. Activities were impossible. If he didn't go to law school for further studies at that time, he might not be the next one.

  Before serving in the military, he made a fortune by doing business. He not only owned real estate, but was also the big boss of insurance, general merchandise, loans, investment and Bansho Garden. His economic status had risen from his father’s original “indentured labor” to the bourgeoisie.

   Therefore, it is very natural for him to "success in business, and then to be an official."

   Just in the year of his demobilization, Luo Youliang was elected as a member of the Parliament of the Hawaiian Islands. In this position, he served as long as 14 years, of which he served as the speaker once every six years.

In 1959, after the U.S. House of Wu announced that the Hawaiian Islands would be changed to a "state", Luo Youliang participated in the election for the U.S. Senate representing Hawaii. In the end, he was elected by a high number of votes, with a total of more than 10,000 votes. He became one of the two U.S. senators from Hawaii.

After being elected, he said in a speech that he is a member of a Chinese American who only accounts for 6% of the population of the Hawaiian Islands. He can defeat his enemies in such an important congressman election. It shows how important the Hawaiian people are because of their ancestors. He is an Asian, and he is familiar with the situation in the East. It is very suitable to be a senator. He will work to make Hawaii a bridge between East and West to understand each other and build good relations.

In short, the Luo family rose because of Luo Youliang and became a big family with a surname in Hawaii. Of course, the Luo family has never been among the big families in the United States because of the distance from the mainland, but it can be in the Chinese. The hardest moment is enough to make people admire by trying to break into the sky.

However, since Luo Youliang, the Luo family is more inclined to do business easily. A few descendants of the family have participated in ZZ, and they have not achieved the same results as Luo Youliang, so that the Luo family has slowly faded out of the mainstream stage of Chinese in Hawaii. His pro-grandson wants to go back to the road of his grandfather, and the Luo family is just around the corner.

   It’s just that Yang Cheng is a little puzzled. Is there no other candidate for the Yang family? This Luo Zhenhua has his own Even if he gets help from the Yang family, he will not devote all his resources to help the Yang family, let alone form a life-and-death alliance. In this way, would it not be a waste of this valuable opportunity?

   hesitated for a while to express his doubts, but saw Yang Sen taking a sip of tea and smiled strangely, "When did you see me suffer?"

  Yang Cheng smiled dumbly. It's not just his father, but the Yang family has always taken advantage of others. Have they ever made a trade at a loss?

   "It seems that you have reached an agreement? What benefits did the Luo family give you?"

Yang Sen waved his hand, his expression was a little unnatural, he took another sip of tea, and was silent for a while, before he seemed to have made some big decision, and said solemnly, "Well, let’s say it first, you are in charge of this matter. We will not force you to make a choice~"

   looked at Yang Sen dumbfounded, what's the situation? First came up and said the ugly thing. Is this still related to him? He has a bad feeling.

Sure enough, Yang Sen said in the next second, "Luo Zhenhua’s daughter is about the same age as you, um~ to be precise, two years younger than you. It’s your school girl, a high-achieving student in the Department of Architecture. I have seen the photo. The girl looks like a handsome, she is a bit more beautiful than Yanran, she is also very slim, how about it? Isn't she agitated?

   I think it’s pretty good. Whether it’s education, family background, or body shape, you are worthy of you. Would you like to think about it? "



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